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assistance plz

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 9:40 am
by Arwena23
When casting rune stones recently, my partner and I deciphered that I am close to the end of my reincarnation cycle and will soon, if not in the next life, ascend to higher being. That being potentially discovered, I now am very interested in knowing more about my past lives, mostly to determine if our prediction is correct.

My question for everyone is, what seems to be the best way to learn about your past lives?

Re: assistance plz

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 3:38 pm
by Kassandra

I would say your best bet is past life regression sessions with a clinically-trained and licensed counselor, who also is trained in past life therapy (like this lady, for example: Ann Barham). You want someone trained as a counselor, not just a CHt ("certified hypnotherapist") because reviewing past life issues is as traumatic at times as reviewing anything from the current life. Pain is pain; the psyche doesn't know the difference. You don't want someone going into your head who doesn't know what they're doing.

Here's a directory (interesting articles to research, too): Also, it would be good to read, "Many Lives, Many Masters" by Dr. Brian Weiss first to get a feel for what the process is all about.

However, just wonderin'...if you believe you are going to ascend in the future, why are you concerned with the past at this point?
