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Rayven Nightmoon's Dream Journal

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 11:16 am
by Rayven Nightmoon
I will post my dreams here...


Re: Rayven Nightmoon's Dream Journal

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 11:19 am
by Rayven Nightmoon
As a former psychology student I have learned that it is psychologically proven that when someone appears in your dreams that means they are missing you....that being said does this mean people who are passed on are missing you when they appear in your dreams? I dream about my dad all the time and I miss him a lot...So does this mean I am dreaming of him because I miss him or because he misses me or maybe both?

Re: Rayven Nightmoon's Dream Journal

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 6:59 pm
by JesebelRoseWhite
Hi! I hope I can shed light on the situation. I'm a Dreamer and I have read extensivly on dreams. I often dream of my late father. Whenever I do though, I have noticed something good happens in my life. Anything from an A on a teast I thought I would fail to finding hundred dollar bill on the sidewalks. ( That was a good day.) Do good things happen in your life? I believe everyones dreams have different meanings. Hope this helps! Blessed be! )O(

Re: Rayven Nightmoon's Dream Journal

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:30 am
by Rayven Nightmoon
JesebelRoseWhite wrote:Hi! I hope I can shed light on the situation. I'm a Dreamer and I have read extensivly on dreams. I often dream of my late father. Whenever I do though, I have noticed something good happens in my life. Anything from an A on a teast I thought I would fail to finding hundred dollar bill on the sidewalks. ( That was a good day.) Do good things happen in your life? I believe everyones dreams have different meanings. Hope this helps! Blessed be! )O(
Hi and thank you for answering me.:) I haven't really noticed that good things happen when I dream about him. The weird thing is when I dream about him it is always about the bad things that happened when I was a kid. When I was a kid (teen) we did not get along at all; it was not until I had my first child that we started to get along, the last ten years of his life. So I am not sure what that is about but I have also been told and read that you dream about what you are familiar with. So I really don't know.

Re: Rayven Nightmoon's Dream Journal

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:31 am
by Rayven Nightmoon
Lately I have been having really weird dreams and I can't really remember the whole dreams when I wake up. I would love to know what they mean but I can never remember them to post them. *sigh*

Past Life Dream?

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 6:37 pm
by Rayven Nightmoon
I had a dream one time where I felt everything happening to me. I also, always, dream in color. Anyway, this dream it wasn't too long but this is what happened. I dreamed that I was either married to or dating this guy and we were fighting. This took place in one of those old camp trailers that looks like a metal twinkie. Inside there was a counter in the center, like and island. The man was yelling at me. I had a pair of sandles in my hand. I knew things were getting really bad and I was getting ready to run. I dropped my shoes to the floor and slipped into them. As I leaned down to fix them on my feet he put a gun to my head and fired. I died instantly but in real life I could feel the cold rush of death come over me.

I am assuming this was a past life dream? But I would love to hear input from someone who knows about dreams.


Re: Rayven Nightmoon's Dream Journal

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:26 pm
by North Star
Hi Rayven :)

Many dreams are a way of working through things we can't seem to get to the bottom of or are having difficulty with in our waking conscience, or just problems in our life coming to boiling points in our dreams. The dreams sometimes have no relation to the problem at all until you really look at what it could relate to. And it could just mean stress. Sometimes they are thought to be past life because it seems to be something terrible that ends your life, when it could just be representing something that is happening now.

This sounds like a fear dream, some anxiety or something going on along those lines. I have had a similar dream. A few times, different situations and persons in those dreams but they end with a gun to my head, and I wake myself up right before it goes off. I wake up feeling like I just escaped death and its pretty scary. I am a lucid dreamer... so I tend to stay in those frightening dreams until I absolutley feel it's time to go, and I tell myself I am dreaming and need to wake up. These dreams happen with me when I am stressed or depressed, dealing with some kind of emotion that is heavy on my mind. I call them stress dreams. And they can be just as terrifying when it is loved ones, as I have had many of those too!

We all dream so differently and use them in different ways, the best advice I can give you is to use them as guidance, see how you can relate to what may be going on. Usually there is a meaning somewhere, and you might not figure it out right away. I work with my dreams a lot but I don't have much knowledge on past life, I can't really help on that side of it. I dont interpret my dreams in that way but I know it is very common, I just have no experience myself relating to past life dreams.

I noticed a few posts back you were having trouble remembering, do you keep a notepad by your bed? It is crucial if you want to work with your dreams or remember them at all. Before your eyes are even fully open just write anything you remember down. Might be messy but we lose our dreams so fast upon wakening its better to have half awake scribble than nothing at all. I remember the more intense ones easily like the shooting dreams because I wake myself up and scares the crap out of me, but the little ones need as much attention and are tricky to recall sometimes!

Lots of luck to you! Blessed Be :)

Re: Rayven Nightmoon's Dream Journal

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 7:48 pm
by Rayven Nightmoon
North Star wrote:Hi Rayven :)

Many dreams are a way of working through things we can't seem to get to the bottom of or are having difficulty with in our waking conscience, or just problems in our life coming to boiling points in our dreams. The dreams sometimes have no relation to the problem at all until you really look at what it could relate to. And it could just mean stress. Sometimes they are thought to be past life because it seems to be something terrible that ends your life, when it could just be representing something that is happening now.

This sounds like a fear dream, some anxiety or something going on along those lines. I have had a similar dream. A few times, different situations and persons in those dreams but they end with a gun to my head, and I wake myself up right before it goes off. I wake up feeling like I just escaped death and its pretty scary. I am a lucid dreamer... so I tend to stay in those frightening dreams until I absolutley feel it's time to go, and I tell myself I am dreaming and need to wake up. These dreams happen with me when I am stressed or depressed, dealing with some kind of emotion that is heavy on my mind. I call them stress dreams. And they can be just as terrifying when it is loved ones, as I have had many of those too!

We all dream so differently and use them in different ways, the best advice I can give you is to use them as guidance, see how you can relate to what may be going on. Usually there is a meaning somewhere, and you might not figure it out right away. I work with my dreams a lot but I don't have much knowledge on past life, I can't really help on that side of it. I dont interpret my dreams in that way but I know it is very common, I just have no experience myself relating to past life dreams.

I noticed a few posts back you were having trouble remembering, do you keep a notepad by your bed? It is crucial if you want to work with your dreams or remember them at all. Before your eyes are even fully open just write anything you remember down. Might be messy but we lose our dreams so fast upon wakening its better to have half awake scribble than nothing at all. I remember the more intense ones easily like the shooting dreams because I wake myself up and scares the crap out of me, but the little ones need as much attention and are tricky to recall sometimes!

Lots of luck to you! Blessed Be :)
Thank you, North Star