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So I traveled to a lot of Places.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:05 am
by Riyoki24
I traveled to Ohio various places as I have a lot of family and childhood friends there. I've been to California several times as well for summer camp, family reunion, and learning to be health conscious. I've been to Washington D.C. w/ my mom and lil sis exploring the whole city. I've been to Canada by Niagara Falls. I've been to Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Wast Virginia, Virginia, Texas, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, New York the state, Minnesota, Massachusetts Boston and Salem. On 11-11-2011 I went to Sedona, Arizona and spent four days there on a relaxed spiritual trip.

My nest trip is Colorado, Denver.

I live in Florida.

I travel a lot.

Re: So I traveled to a lot of Places.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:35 pm
by whisperingMaiden
Sounds cool!I'd travel like that too if I didn't spend all my money on video games.

Re: So I traveled to a lot of Places.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 7:26 pm
by Riyoki24
My dad took this at Salem, Massachusetts. ... 6974_n.jpg

Does you think it's the real deal?

Re: So I traveled to a lot of Places.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:46 pm
by Dream Wolf
Could be. I've been to Salem twice in my whole life (which is weird because I live like six hours away, so I should go every year at least once...)

Anyway, the first time I was there, the whole time I was followed by a pack of stray dogs. When I asked someone about the dogs they looked at me and said 'What dogs?'. Freaky...

The second time I witnessed spontaneous combustion. It was a re-enactment of the which trials, and the straw witches effigy burst into flames. Everyone figured it was the 'wet hay' effect, where drying straw or hay heats up until it burns. Several people including myself, though, saw a very angry looking young woman in period clothing standing behind the actors who were preparing to 'burn the witch'.

On second thought, maybe I don't go back because of the angry aura I felt those two times...

Re: So I traveled to a lot of Places.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 7:15 pm
by Riyoki24
There a range of aura empathy energy there in Salem. Some it if unchecked causes a sensitive person to feel overwhelmed or caught into energies memories of how it became to be. Another thing is that spirits both animals and human will fallow those who are sensitive. Even to travel w/ them for short periods of time and then return. I had human spirits roam w/ both my parents, my niece as she was 1 or 2 at the time, and I.

I feel like I should return there as well. I have a past life there w/ a native tribe. I want to know more of it. The keys to opening it I left in Salem a life time afterwards.