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Worldwide meditation

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 6:48 am
by anythingbutnormal
okay, I was wondering if anyone has expierenced this thing where lots of the world sits down and meditates about world peace, stopping hunger, and other assorted things. I myself have not, but I think I might have read that has. Has anyone else expierenced anything like that, and if so, what was the effect? i is really curious about this, so if no one answers i will be really :cry:

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 6:57 am
by thasme
Tell me the funny story and I'll tell you if I have or not. lol.............

I'ma psyco on a mission.............lmao..

No, truly I haven't but I have heard of them .. I think it would be cool and would prob preticapate if I knew what when and where.

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 7:03 am
by anythingbutnormal
I has told. take a look. It's not all that funny though...

Group Energy

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 6:20 pm
by Gypsy
I actually can draw on my past experience for this one. Back in the day... ~hehe~ when I was still Christian I was part of a group prayer for the starving people in the U.S. We prayed that our cause would gain national attention through some bill (sorry I was like 8 so I don't remember which) and our prayers were answered. The bill was passed. Now some might be confused right now, but what is prayer? It is really just the focusing of energy, with the guidance of a diety, to accomplish ones goals. It is funny to me these days to go to church with my family and hear about the evil of magic, but then watch as the priest transforms the bread into body and the wine into blood. If that isn't magic, what is? And prayer is really just a form of meditation. I for one know that some days at church I would fall into trance.. or was that sleep.. ~ducks to avoid possible lightning strikes~ All that aside though, it would be wonderful for people who actually knew about focusing energy and the powers of the universe to put their energy towards one cause. I think we could do some real good in this world.

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 7:12 pm
by Starwitch
I'm trying to convince Ambero to use meditation and focusing her energy on positive things to get rid of the "curse" that is ruining her life. If you think bad things are going to happen all the time, that is exactly what you will draw into your life. I agree with Gypsy that prayer is the same as meditation and focusing your energy on what you want. If you put enough energy into either, it will work out (as long as its not impossible.)

I've participated in a worldwide meditation and energy focus before, something about healing the world. Here is the link to the site if you want to participate or read about it:

We all meditated at the same time (all over the world) for a common purpose and I could really feel the energy of the group as I meditated on it. It was actually pretty interesting. That was years ago, and I haven't done it since. I don't know if there were any direct results, but I do believe that if the whole world were focusing on positive rather than negative, it would certainly be a much better place. And the more people you can get to focus, the better it should be, the theory goes.