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Connecting with your Patron/matron deity

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:15 pm
by Ravencry
Patron Deity Visualization
•Find a comfortable spot where you will not be disturbed for a few minutes.
•Light a candle and incense and put on some music to get in a relaxed mood.
•On a table in front of you, place either a statue or other representation of your patron.
•Start to concentrate on your breathing. Counting beats is helpful for this. The four-count breath is a popular and effective technique. Inhale to a count of four, hold your breath to a count of four, exhale and hold both to a count of four. Do this for several breaths, then stop counting and breathe naturally.
•You can either focus your eyes on the symbol of your patron or close your eyes and see it in your mind's eye. Symbols may also be scents, so be sure to be aware if any noticeable scents pop up.
•Think about why you feel attracted to this deity. Ask the deity why it has chosen you. If you are meditating to find out who your patron is, try to focus on what characteristics in people you are drawn to. What are those personality traits you greatly admire? Accept the answers you receive and record them in a journal, preferably one devoted to your Pagan practice.

Re: Connecting with your Patron/matron deity

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:13 pm
by AMwitch05
Is there a deity spell to find your deity/patron? And a spell to awaken your higher self?

Re: Connecting with your Patron/matron deity

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 11:20 am
by SpiritTalker
AMwitch05 wrote: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:13 pm Is there a deity spell to find your deity/patron? And a spell to awaken your higher self?
When working with issues or matters of consciousness a ritual to make the conditions favorable would probably be more effective. Even simpler is a visualization meditation to open ourselves. The heart temple meditation opens our mind to the higher planes. It takes repetition without preconceived expectations.

Heart Temple is a way-opener. It makes conditions favorable within ourselves. You don’t visualize anything else but the flame but, sometimes the subconscious puts its oar in so pay attention and evaluate after returning to normal.
. Your higher self is already awake. Your awareness isNot. Change your focus and you’ll become aware of contacts extended to you. It tunes up your receiver.

Heart Temple

. Use comfortably counted breathing to relax.
. Imagine a temple any way you like and if your mind sticks on a design go along with it. The temple symbolizes you.
. Climb 7 steps to enter the temple. Climbing symbolizes ascending planes. 7 corresponds to the chakras.
. The only furnishing within the temple is a flame. The flame is your heart/will. Your task is to raise and lower the flame on command with your heart/mind. Make 7 attempts to raise and lower the flame. A good day is getting all 7. Return the flame to maintenance level.
. Descend the 7 steps to return to normal.