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Make your own magickal inks!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:54 pm
by Ravencry
I'm sure we all wish that we could make the magickal inks that you see in Pagan-themed stores. Now you can!
The magikal inks are exceptional to use for spells, incantations, or other charms. They are designed so that when used, after the alcohol in the ink dries, the scent of the oils and other herbal ingredients is noticeable on the paper.

Because these magikal inks are made from only natural ingredients, separation may occur. This is normal. Please make sure to shake well before use.

Dragon's Blood Ink:

Color: Red
1 teaspoon Dragon's Blood resin (finely powdered)
13 teaspoons clear alcohol
3 teaspoons Gum Arabic (ground)
(Makes about 3 ounces.)
Steep the powdered resin in the alcohol until dissolved, then add the Gum Arabic to thicken to an "inky" texture. Store in a glass bottle, shake before use.

Good for protection, energy, and purification. Adds power to any spell, incantation, or other charm. Increases potency of your spells. Has strong banishing powers against negative influences, and will drive away negativity.

Dove's Blood Ink:

Color: Red
1 teaspoon Dragon's Blood resin (finely powdered)
13 teaspoons clear alcohol
3 teaspoons Gum Arabic (ground)
¼ teaspoon Rose oil
¼ teaspoon Cinnamon oil
¼ teaspoon Bay oil
(Makes about 3 ounces.)
Steep the powdered resin in the alcohol until dissolved, then add the oils and the ground Gum Arabic to thicken to an "inky" texture. Store in a glass bottle, shake before use.

Good for love, romance, friendship, and peace. Add power to love spells. Thank your spiritual guides and helpers. Ignite romance and passion.

Bat's Blood Ink:

Color: Red
1 teaspoon Dragon's Blood resin (finely powdered)
13 teaspoons clear alcohol
3 teaspoons Gum Arabic (ground)
¼ teaspoon Myrrh oil
¼ teaspoon Cinnamon oil
(Makes about 3 ounces.)
Steep the powdered resin in the alcohol until dissolved, then add the oils and the ground Gum Arabic to thicken to an "inky" texture. Store in a glass bottle, shake before use.

Good for domination, command, curses, and hexes. Great for summoning spirits. Good for binding spells. Also use for spells of mystery, darkness, and all things hidden.

Butterfly's Blood Ink:

Color: Golden Yellow
½ teaspoon Saffron
13 teaspoons clear alcohol
3 teaspoons Gum Arabic (ground)
¼ teaspoon Dragon's Blood Ink
(Makes about 3 ounces.)
Bring a alcohol just to a boil. Steep Saffron until the alcohol is a yellow or golden color. Strain and cool. Add ¼ teaspoon Dragon's Blood Ink and Gum Arabic to thicken to an "inky" texture. Store in a glass bottle, shake before use.

Good for change, inspiration, and expression. Helpful for calling on the element of air. Magikal aid for artists, brings creativity. Aids in communication, for both the physical and spiritual realms.
Once dry on your parchment, Butterfly's Blood Ink is nearly invisible. Which makes this ink excellent for spell working that relies on the subconscious, or sigils.

Raven's Blood Ink:

Color: Copper Red
1 teaspoon iron oxide, A.K.A rust (finely powdered)
13 teaspoons clear alcohol
3 teaspoons Gum Arabic (ground)
(Makes about 3 ounces.)
Steep the powdered rust in the alcohol until dissolved, then add the Gum Arabic to thicken to an "inky" texture. Store in a glass bottle, shake before use.

For healing, transformation, and mystery. Good for healing spells. Excellent to use in spells bringing about transformation, or spells to ease one's mind when faced with a life transformation. Use this ink when you want to add an air of mystery to your spell workings.

Raven's Feather Ink:

Color: Dark Red
1 teaspoon iron oxide, A.K.A rust (finely powdered)
13 teaspoons clear alcohol
3 teaspoons Gum Arabic (ground)
1 black feather (found)
(Makes about 3 ounces.)
Find a black feather in the woods or other natural area. Burn the black feather, and collect the ashes.
Steep the powdered rust in the alcohol until dissolved, then add the feather ashes, and the Gum Arabic to thicken to an "inky" texture. Store in a glass bottle, shake before use.

For commanding spells and spells to contact the dead. Good for summoning spirits, banishing spirits, and exorcisms. Use this ink to create your own "talking" boards for contacting spirits, or for mediums to write out their questions for the dead.

Lampblack Ink:

Color: Black
1 teaspoon Lampblack (finely powdered)
13 teaspoons clear alcohol
3 teaspoons Gum Arabic (ground)
(Makes about 3 ounces.)
Hold a silver spoon over a candle's flame. When the spoon begins to turn black, scrape off the soot. This is your lampblack. (The spoon will get hot, you may want to wrap a towel or cloth around the handle to avoid from burning your fingers. Also make sure not to burn the cloth!) It takes quite a while to get enough lampblack to make your ink. Steep the powdered lampblack in the alcohol until dissolved, then add the Gum Arabic to thicken to an "inky" texture. Store in a glass bottle, shake before use.

Lampblack ink adds extra power to any spell. Particularly useful for wisdom and knowledge spells, making this an excellent ink for writing in a witch's book of shadows. You can also charge Lampblack ink with specific intent by coordinating the color of the candle used to create the Lampblack soot.

Invisible Ink:

Color: Invisible
Lemon Juice
Write on a piece of paper with lemon juice. When you want to read what has been written, warm the paper by candle light. (Don't burn it!) The words will “magically” appear.