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Simmered Blessing Oil

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:04 pm
by Ravencry
I made myself a beautiful blessing oil (for when my child is born and I have its Wiccaning) and I thought that I would share it with you guys, cause it really is a multi-purpose oil.

I started out with a half cup of regular household vegetable oil, because I kinda can't afford to buy jojoba or almond, I'm dealing with whats already in the cupboard, lol. In this I simmered a half tablespoon ground cloves, 1 tablespoon mixed orange peel (blood orange peel and clementine orange peel), 1/2 tablespoon french lavender and 1 tablespoon cinquefoil (five-finger grass). I simmered this (simmering is when its not boiling, but making small bubbles around the herbs inside the oil) for about 5 minutes, but this varies from stove to stove. Just use your nose, when you smell the oil (it will smell mainly like cloves and oranges) its done. Remove from heat and let cool before straining and bottling. Afterward, I added ground pumice (it looks pretty in the oil, like small gold flakes) and a jade. Be sure to add a label, dating it and adding the moon phase and ingredients. I also did a little extra to the bottle, but its un-needed, I just added it for looks.