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Your elements

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 12:17 pm
by Lucy720
ok i know this may alredy be posted by some one but i gust wonted to ask if you element have to be the ones that you were born under ( like canser=water)
sorry if this question seem silly
thank for reading
Lucy :lol:

Re: Your elements

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 12:58 pm
by AutumnMaidens
No not at all, it is the element you have a connection with, same as that your spirit animal might not be the same as your familiar.
Sure the sign we are born under has an element, but depending on the position of the sun (time) you were born under your solar sign might be the compleet opposite of you starsign. A friend of mine is a Virgo starsign (eart) and a Leo solar sign (fire).
And your experience with the element means something too, my element is water, which is great for healing and protection but I have a strong connection with air also, which has nothing to do with my sign.

Hope this helps,

Re: Your elements

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:19 pm
by FiendishPixie
Not for me, at least. I'm a Sagittarius (a fire sign), but I feel most strongly connected to air. And to be honest, I have a big fear of fire. I figure that your sun sign has something to do with what element you might feel a connection to, but not everything.