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Got My First Oracle Card Deck

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:58 pm
by BelleSun
After wanting a deck for so long, I finally found one that "called" to me. I always thought that I would get a tarot deck, but this one had such a strong pull for me that I knew I had to have it for my first deck. I've known since I was in high school that I wanted to read cards but I'd never seen a deck that I thought was right. After getting a lot of advice and encouragement from people on here about my abilities and potential gifts I thought perhaps it was time to start really developing myself. I'm so excited! I also got my first book on tarot so that I can read a little and learn.

I feel a very strong connection to my deck. I guess that you practice by doing, but what is a good way to get used to the cards? Any tips people have would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Got My First Oracle Card Deck

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:06 pm
by roseonfire
Congrats on getting your first deck!

You said you got a book on Tarot to read. You do know that Tarot and Oracle cards are a bit of a different concept right?

But as to some tips:
1) meditate on each card. What is depicted if there are are pictures? What do you feel it to mean? Why do you feel it to hold that meaning? Think of someone you could relate that card to.
2) do some exercises with the cards. Borrow the famous "card a day" reading so often used when learning Tarot. Also pick a card then go around and see how many things you can find throughout your day that you could relate that card to.
3) Read what you can on oracle cards, especially your deck as oracle cards vary greatly from deck to deck.
4) practice. You've got access to this site's community to help you with this is you wish. That's what the free readings by members section is for.

Re: Got My First Oracle Card Deck

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:41 pm
by BelleSun
Thank you! Yes, I do know they are different. I really have always wanted to learn tarot but the oracle deck spoke to me more. I'm sure I'll find a tarot deck that speaks to me in the future so I thought that it would be good to have some knowledge.

I have been doing the card a day readings and one card readings. I also have been sleeping with the deck under my pillow (I read that some where.) I'm going to spend time meditating over each card as you suggested. I do spend a lot of time holding them, shuffling them, etc. They are really special to me and have such a strong energy that its hard for me to ignore them for too long. I don't know if everyone feels that way about their cards.

I thought about posting online and seeing if anyone was interested in helping me practice but I'm too nervous. I'm a big chicken. :-(

Re: Got My First Oracle Card Deck

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:56 pm
by roseonfire
You're welcome.

And I know how you feel, I was the same way when I got my first Tarot deck.

And don't worry about it too much. Take time if you need it to get to know the cards. Whatever helps you to bond with them. When I first got my Tarot deck, I spent the rest of the day in intense study and, with the direction of a few professionals at the festival, I was reading for other people the next day to familarize myself with my deck. However you decide to go about it will be up to you.

And yes, it is common practice to sleep with the deck under your pillow to connect with it psychically. This is the first exercise I give to my students.

Re: Got My First Oracle Card Deck

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:07 pm
by BelleSun
I gave three readings last night and all three recipients said they felt I was accurate. That was a huge confidence booster for me. I did two one card readings and one five card spread. I felt strong vibes last night and good energy so I just went for it. I think that sleeping with them under my pillow has helped a lot along with just spending time with them. I've noticed that when I draw the card, I am able to of course understand the face value of what it means, but then by concentrating I start to get knowledge of how exactly that card applies to that individual person. I was surprised by that. I think not knowing how the cards apply to people's individual life situations was what scared me the most and now that I can access that information I feel a lot better.

Re: Got My First Oracle Card Deck

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:16 pm
by roseonfire
That's good. Glad you're starting to get used to your deck!