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What do birds symbolize?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:47 am
by Bougainvillea
Something strange happened today. I hopped out of the shower and went back to my room. As I was hanging up my clothes, I heard a thud against the window beside me. I looked over and saw its tail, and for some reason thought it was a big sacada (sorry if that's spelled wrong. I can't believe I can't spell it!). But I looked up, and realized it was a bird. Sitting there, holding on to my closed window. And it wasn't grabbing on to the bottom of my window, it was grabbing on in the middle (where the bar to hold on is not very big).

I was so surprised. But even stranger? It was moving its head to, and don't think I'm trying to exaggerate, look in the window. And for less than a minute, though it felt longer, it just stared at me through the window. Maybe it didn't and I'm just crazy, but it sure felt like it was. Then it just flew away, leaving me kind of confused.

I was wondering what this could possibly mean? Any symbolism would be very much appreciated. The bird was small, and it was black and red, I'm pretty sure. I think it was a robin, though I don't know much and birds (okay, I know nothing about birds). I've never had an experience like this before and I just couldn't help but wonder if it meant something.

Thanks for anything you can help me with! BB.

Re: What do birds symbolize?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:40 am
by Zili
Can you describe the bird or tell me what bird it was, types of birds have different meanings

Re: What do birds symbolize?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:04 pm
by Bougainvillea
I did slightly describe it at the bottom of the story :)

The bird was small, black, and red. I think it was robin, but I can't be certain because I really don't know anything about birds.

Re: What do birds symbolize?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:46 pm
by Zili

Re: What do birds symbolize?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:16 pm
by Bougainvillea
It's fine :)

Umm. Hmm. More like the first. But it definitely wasn't as puffed up. Haha.

Re: What do birds symbolize?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:47 pm
by Zili
the that would be a robin
here's some info on robin as a totem:

Re: What do birds symbolize?

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:09 am
by seawitch Artist
Robins are different in America than Britain/Europe. But maybe they mean the same sort of things, it depends who you ask! We call them Robin Redbreast in Britain, really it's orange ,but it's name goes back to a time before the fruit of the same name gave that strain of red it's own classification came to our shores. It is Britain's National Bird....

If one comes into your house here, make a wish! In other schools of thought it's a warning someone you know will die.
On the European continent it's shy animal keeping out of peoples way, but in Britain it's a window sill feeder.
It is still often called a Thrush, but now known to be an Old world Fly catcher.

Re: What do birds symbolize?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:18 pm
by Bougainvillea
Thank you, to both of you. Now I know it was a North American robin. I really appreciate it :)