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Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 5:14 pm
by MeallaAoi
So I randomly found myself going on a rant while I was messaging with JBRaven about the cyclical nature of Paganism. And I kinda like what I wrote. So here it is:

:D thank you. It's funny. My high school seems to be a perfect example of 'like attracts like'. The psychic and pagan kids all somehow migrated to each other. You're right; it is a cycle. That's what I love most about our community, how there's a sense of continuity.

•random rant alert•

I was raised Jewish, and the thing that I always was connected to was the physical scroll on which the Jewish Bible, the Torah, was written. The shine of the ink on the parchment, the smell of the parchment, the solidity of the wooden handles, it's weight in my arms... I loved it all, and mostly because the basic form has been unchanged for thousands of years. The parchment had always smelled that way, the ink always shone, whether under fluorescent lights in a modern synagogue, or under the flame of an oil lantern in a temple ages ago.

What means so much to me about Paganism is how intrinsically similar it is to the Torah scroll, and yet how different. The basic ideas have come down to us through thousands of years of tradition, from Druidic priests or Native Shamans, from Norse warriors or Hindu wise men. The core ideas and ideals to which we as Pagans aspire really aren't that different from those of our ancestors: honor of tradition, reverence for the gods, respect and love for our fellow men.

But there's a difference. We as Pagans evolve. We embrace the progression of Time, the Wheel of Change. And in that evolution is our strength. For we can receive those who wish to join us with open arms, open minds, and open hearts. Anyone who comes in a spirit of desire to learn and to grow is welcome among us. We aren't the exact same tradition we were a thousand years ago, or a hundred, or even ten or five or one. We cherish the metamorphosis of our faith. And EUTM is a perfect example of that.

I am honored to be a part of something so permanent, and yet so transient. This is why I pass on what little I know to those who ask. What we are, what we believe; it's a perfect reflection of the human nature. So I learn it, and live it, and love it, and teach it, and honor it.

•rant over•


I think I might post other writings as I find them... I just found my old portfolios, so... YAY for discoveries!

Re: MeallaAoi

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 6:13 pm
by Symandinome
that was very is nice to see others with a pure spirit of fellowship and family.

Re: MeallaAoi

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 2:36 am
by JBRaven
I was stunned the first time I read this and I am still at a loss of word after reading it a second time.

Re: MeallaAoi

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 2:39 pm
by MeallaAoi
Sym: Thank you. It'a a reason I love this site so much; because we are a family, nevermind that most of us have never met in RL.

JB: Thanks... *blush* I tend to rant easily...

Re: MeallaAoi

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 7:56 pm
by MeallaAoi
Tide rolling in

memories - waiting - revolving - evolving

something in the sand
distance - time

Dead and gone

ephemeral concepts
floating on the wind

cycles of Man
-never ending
stone and sea tell the Tale
-never learning
pain and suffering inescapable
-never trying
glimpse of future in each wave, grain
-never reaching


Re: MeallaAoi

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 11:30 am
by MeallaAoi

Ancient history lives in Every
Breathless moment- the Pulse of
Blood within my veins as Old
and Primal as war-drums of Yore.
Listen - on the winds over the Grey
Hills - can you hear it? It echoes
on the Fields of my Homeland.

Time Stands Eternal.

Re: MeallaAoi

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 8:40 pm
by MeallaAoi

How can I hope to sing
when time refuses to pass?
See my plight and learn, and
enjoy each moment: There is
a truth to be found in every
instant of your thread on
the Tapestry. Find it and
rejoice, for this truth will
grant you life. Know your
truth, friend, and only

Re: MeallaAoi

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:45 am
by MeallaAoi
Time overpowers all
Ancient history becomes the present;
only Truth survives forever.
Dream of Weavings on the WorldlLoom,
walk the loops & whorls of Time,
shuttling away.
None can know the whole.
Where threads cross,
there is the future deciced...