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Anger/Negative Energy or Banishing Spell?

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 8:05 pm
by ToxicPurple
I need a spell to help me get over my anger with this girl, but first let me explain my situation.
I've also considered just doing a banishing spell.... :/

There's this girl at school and whenever I see her I get this angry feeling in the pit of my stomach. I'll be smiling and laughing and when I see her my whole body tenses up. I switch from a happy, laughing, smiling person to someone who's distressed, angry, and for some reason on the verge of tears. She's recently became friends with my best friend and so I want to like her. My boyfriend gets mad that I get so twisted whenever she's around. He tells me I need to calm down because there's no reason to get so messed up about it. He has a point. She hasn't done anything to me. I'm having trouble getting around her appearance. I'm no hot piece, but (my thinking this is also something I want to get around) she has really dirty hair and looks like she never bathes. Another one of my friends agrees with me and says she looks like a prostitute. I feel really bad for being so shallow. Plus, it's not just her. It's a lot of girls who I think look like her and these people are the people she hangs out with. I feel shallow enough with one of them around, but then they all come trooping into my hangout. I honestly don't know if I want to try a banishing spell or a anger/negative energy spell.... ::darkmood:: I really hate how bad of a mood she puts me in just by being near me. She also never looks me in the eyes when I've spoken to her. I feel bad, but I don't like having this dark mood when she's near. I'm all confused on what to do here. I want to be a good person, but who's it hurting if I banish her away from me at least. It's not like my best friend can't go to her when I'm not around..

Re: Anger/Negative Energy or Banishing Spell?

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 8:16 pm
by Moon Stone
ToxicPurple wrote: She also never looks me in the eyes when I've spoken to her.
Perhaps she can sense your hatred for her and it makes her uncomfortable around you, especially considering she'd have no idea what she did wrong or that some one would hate her for simply being her.

Re: Anger/Negative Energy or Banishing Spell?

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 8:18 pm
by Tasariel
Well I guess personally, I would try to examine what's going on, and figure out just what it is that bothers you about her.
It seems to me that she's maybe revealing something about yourself that you don't like, so you're getting kind of upset about it. That's just sort of the vibe I'm getting from the way you keep saying that you hate how she makes you feel shallow.
But I'd say definitely think about what it is that bothers you, and maybe try to handle it another way?
I don't really think that banishing is the appropriate response, particularly if she hasn't actually done anything to you, like you say.
Maybe work on some positivity, something that will make you more accepting of her? You might have to write a spell like that from scratch though, as I can't think of one.
That's all I can think of right now... >.<

*edit* Moon Stone has a very good point, some of her behavior might be explained by the fact that she can probably sense some of your feelings for her.

Re: Anger/Negative Energy or Banishing Spell?

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 8:19 pm
by ToxicPurple
I really hope not :( I try to be nice when I see her. I say it's a stomache ache or something. I get physically ill when she's around. I feel horrible about it, but if the anger spell doesn't work...I'd really feel bad about a banishing spell because I hate to tamper with people without their permission. Idk how I'd ask..."Hey..can I put a banishing spell on you?"

Re: Anger/Negative Energy or Banishing Spell?

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 1:52 am
by )O( Krystal Raven )O(
She's the one causing the negative emotions, even though it doesn't seem intentional. She has stale, bad, putrid aura energy and it makes you sick. The prostitute thing is because she's a "user". Either she uses drugs or people for her purposes. You need to bless her, my dear. Weird, I know.... but you need to cleanse her soul a little for her if you're up to it. She's gross and needs spiritual help. I would call upon Goddess Isis (not just because she's my favorite) to bless this unfortunate being and elevate her energy to a tolerable level. When she is around, intentionally radiate light energy. Picture your head opening up like a lotus flower, casting beams of golden light upon everyone around you, even her. Practicing the power of blessing upon someone unaware and obviously in need of some purification will give you faith in your own powers and help stop the nausea of being near her.