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does this mean anything?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 1:39 pm
by thing
... i was walking somewhere with my boyfriend. We both happened to be wearing slayer t-shirts. they were different but both slayer...
he let go of my hand and walked on... and put on a grey/white top over the slayer top. I stopped, went "f*ck you then!" and walked the other way.

that's it but I'm really confused by it

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 8:15 am
by being-singular-plural
Well there may be issues about you trying to have him conform to your desires and vice versa. Slayer is a great band, but couples walking around in similar rock T-Shirts may also indicate a lack of personal integrity and demonstrates personal insecurity. Are you trying to change him? Have you changed yourself to conform to him? It sounds like the boundaries are being blurred between both your desires. Manipulation is never the way to get what you want. It is much easier just to ask up front. . I think the dream is telling to you pay attention to what is "yours" and what is not, and to show that you may be preventing change in yourself and in your relationship. Does any of this ring with you Stef?


Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 10:06 am
by thing
yes... it does actually. thanks