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Did I start to do it?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:50 am
by Sangheili777
I was trying to do the astral projection thing; I'd tried it many times when I was younger, but have only recently started trying it again. I read the "how to" on this site and it seemed simple enough. Anyway, last night I laid in bed, cleared my mind, focused on projecting. When I was calm and relaxed I started visualizing my whole body being taken over by a type of paralysis/light type of thing. I kept concentrating on finally getting out of my body. After awhile it felt like my fingers and legs were twitching, but I wasn't doing it. I definitely wasn't falling asleep. But cell phone rang (I didn't expect a was 11 at night). I jumped so hard it was like a convulsion. Like I was snapping back into place. It was the weirdest feeling I'd ever felt! And I wasn't dosing by any means. Do you guys think I had started to do it and that was why the phone jerked me so much?

Re: Did I start to do it?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 2:12 pm
by AmethystQuartz
I think it is likely that you did but if you want to actually get out of your body you need to carry on doing it and turn your cellphone off!