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Teen Fluffies

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:34 pm
by love beats all (;
It seems like I'm just surrounded by either fluffy-bunnies or self-righteous goddess worshippers. Yes, I'm in high school so this is to be expected but it just grinds my gears. I've befriended these people and the more I even bring up paganism the worse my impressions of these people become! I.e. Brought up Ostara and all I got was 'Huh?' How about Samhain? 'Oh, you mean Sam-HANE.' The self-righteous feminist? 'I know it's the usual Wiccan thing to have the God and Goddess, but really, you're just deluding yourself with the God, ya know?' Ugh, it just irks me so much. The worst is that one of the fluffs actually has a good book! Ray Buckland's Big Blue Book actually. I know that I shouldn't try to judge someone by the books they read but I just can't help but wonder what the he'll they actually got out of that book other than candles and wearing 3-inch pentacles around their necks!
Sorry for what was probably an über pointless rant, but it had to be vented somewhere lol

Re: Teen Fluffies

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:13 am
by AutumnMaidens
Raymond his book is okay, wouldn't say it's the best eclectic book out there since it's mostly directed at covens.. and that was very random.
Okay, yes fluff bunnies, well I think you should decide for yourself if they are the kind of people who want to learn new things or if their the ones who wear the name as a fashion brand, there are lots of bunnies turned serious if they take the time to research it.


Re: Teen Fluffies

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:19 pm
by TaylorS
Oh lord, don't get me started, the fluffies on campus here seem to just ADORE $ilver RavenWolf's and DJ Conway's garbage, I just roll my eyes. Those people are into it because it seems rebellious and lets them hex their ex, not because they really care about anything spiritual.

Re: Teen Fluffies

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:44 pm
by Zili
Not all of DJ's stuff is so horrible.

Re: Teen Fluffies

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:33 pm
by EyeOfIsis
TaylorS wrote:Oh lord, don't get me started, the fluffies on campus here seem to just ADORE $ilver RavenWolf's and DJ Conway's garbage, I just roll my eyes. Those people are into it because it seems rebellious and lets them hex their ex, not because they really care about anything spiritual.
I agree. Ravenwolf makes me gag.

Re: Teen Fluffies

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:34 pm
by TaylorS
Zili wrote:Not all of DJ's stuff is so horrible.
No, but she likes to pull romantic assumptions about the Druids, and Celtic Pagan spirituality more generally, out of her rear end. In reality we know very little about the spirituality of the pre-Roman Celts, especially since the Druid class was destroyed by the Romans.

Re: Teen Fluffies

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 1:18 pm
by Moon Stone
love beats all (;,

I would try not to let the "fluff-bunnies" or "self-righteous goddess worshippers" get to you or put you off. (I know, easier said than done.) I have found that pretty much every crowd has its fair share of "fluff-bunnies" or "self-righteous" minions, rather than one group or another. While you can not change people like this, you can certainly change your ways of interacting with such, and if need be, made a decision to avoid having much to do with those that cause you enough disdain that it drove you to ranting. Just stick with who you are, what you feel, etc. regardless of how much such people may try to attempt to brow beat you into their views or ways of thinking.

Re: Teen Fluffies

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 4:59 am
by xhesive
I agree with Moon Stone but want to add...Don't completely discount all fluffies as some of them are generally sincere about what they're doing-just doing it in a misguided way. Also consider that there is no certain way of doing things and while your friends might not be on the same page that you're on right now, it doesn't mean that they don't have strengths in other areas or aren't learning anything at all. All that being said, if you truly feel like you can't gain anything at all from talking to your friends about religion, then maybe just not talk to them about it and reserve your religious thoughts for forums, other friends, and/or your spiritual journal if you have one.

Re: Teen Fluffies

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:45 am
by Ula
I used to sit in church and hear members comment on who was really saved or a good Christian. I refuse to do that to other witches by calling them fluffy bunnies. I realize not everyone is on the same path or have the same beliefs as me but what they do doesn't effect me or my work. Just saying.

Re: Teen Fluffies

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 6:39 am
by Tempest Flair
It not a useless rant, lol! Its very true that many young Pagans are kinda feeding into that sterotypical Wiccan junk and it thefore affects the whole. My problem is that I cant find someone more "into" The Craft as I am, you know, like someone who just doesnt dabble but instead lives it. What they dont undertsand is that they make us real Teen Witches look bad!