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I got into a fight with enemy's but I do not remember wining

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:35 pm
by Purewitch22
I feel like I'm reincarnated OR my Guardian Angel is working overtime! Here's an example why!

I have some enemy's and me and my best friend were walking to her house a few days ago from school! I got a weird vibe to turn around so i did. I saw my enemy's! I rolled my eyes but stopped walking, my friend did the same. The boys tried punching at me after walking up to me! I had no choice but to hit them back because if I didn't I would be injured! But I punched the head enemy and gave him a bloody nose! Then a warm, comfortable feeling washed over me,I looked at my arms and they were a BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT and then I saw an ocean! (They sooth me!) Then I snapped out of it and ALL five guys were on the ground in pain! I was shocked and asked my best friend what happened! She was in shock but explained the other four charged at me and I did some moves that looked ninja and knocked them ALL down! I was in shock because I saw the ocean the full time I beat the guys! I explained that to her and she suggested my Guardian Angel.

Note:My best friend is also Wiccan! So she thought of me being Reincarnated OR having a Guardian Angel working overtime! So now I'm curious! I thanked whatever had helped me! I don't know what it is! Any suggestions?

Blessed Be!

Re: I got into a fight with enemy's but I do not remember wi

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:29 am
by JuniperBerry
And then you woke up. The end.

Purewitch... The beauty of spiritual experiences is that they are so casual and coincidental that they're real. Yeah, the sunlight on the mountainside could just look like a face, but it'll mean more to the person it matters to. An actual face coming out of the mountain is just ridiculous, fantastical, and vulgar.

I know you want to let yourself. Stop hiding disbelief and insecurities within exaggerations and stories. If you keep shouting from the rooftops that you've experienced the wont hear them whispering in your ear.

Re: I got into a fight with enemy's but I do not remember wi

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:46 am
by Purewitch22
It wasn't a dream! It was also NEAR school grounds, my evil teacher whom EVERYONE hates drove by, and now I served the detention! So it is real, but I ONLY said I believe my Guardian Angel is working OVER time! And that is not the only inncident like this! There are many others! I'm not trying to be rude, but that did happen! I'm one of the many girls, that have horrible things happen to them! Meaning I was abused by my father, beat up at school, bullied (still am) and I am clumsy, but that means nothing compared to all the supernatural things that have happened to me! I do believe I have a Guardian Angel who is working OVER time for me! That is all I said!

Re: I got into a fight with enemy's but I do not remember wi

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:53 am
by JuniperBerry
I don't doubt that you feel you have a guardian angel...but I do doubt that you went to an seascape wonderland while your body became Steven Segal.

The thing about UPG experiences is that they generally aren't shared, because they are so coincidental and so vague that no one but you, the person it was meant for, will see the deeper meaning behind it. You'll just know that it meant something and you'll never be able to explain why. The gods and spirits are of this world. That's what people tend to forget when they join paganism. They aren't separate and they don't operate outside of our laws. They are the laws. The wind isn't magical when it blows only over a tree you're near and it's something that would rarely happen..the wind is magical just because it blows and because it always happens. Because this world is where the gods are. The point isn't seeing them outside of it, but opening your eyes and experiencing them within it.

Re: I got into a fight with enemy's but I do not remember wi

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:57 am
by Purewitch22
I DO get that! :) But I was hoping for somebody, anybody, to have an idea of why that happened to me! Juniper that was an amazing way of putting other things though! :D

Re: I got into a fight with enemy's but I do not remember wi

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 3:02 am
by Lost_Demise
Pure it sounds more like you fought back but blocked out the memories, often when the mind cannot take something it will put pretty imagery in its place or a flash of light in your mind. It usually happens in violent situations, it makes it easier for you to say 'it wasn't me' or 'I'm a good person' when you do not remember your reaction.

Re: I got into a fight with enemy's but I do not remember wi

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 3:04 am
by Purewitch22
Hmm! It was more in the moment? You get it? But that DOES make sense!

Re: I got into a fight with enemy's but I do not remember wi

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 3:05 am
by Lost_Demise
That does happen in the moment.. I didn't say block out after.

Re: I got into a fight with enemy's but I do not remember wi

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 3:07 am
by Asch
You probably dissociated from the moment and your imagination filled in the blanks. A lot of people dissociate in situations like that, I've actually taught myself to do so in stressful situations like public speaking etc. It can be useful.