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genral teen talk

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 11:08 pm
by willow_witch
hey guys and gals.... just wanted a post for genral teen talk... not just about magic but like about life and love and disappointments and stuff like that.... coz being a teen is hard... as im finding out! and i sooo want out of it.... but thats another story... post if ya wanna, blessed be to all Willow

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 7:52 am
by Solus
YAY! Teen Talk!

Ok, me and my girlfriend had our third month anaversary tonight... We went to see a movie... She bought me an engraved Zippo. Lol, No I don't smoke! Between me, my Girlfriend my Clone and afew other of my friends Zippo's are like Dog Tags or Friendship Necklaces. You get your name engraved on it and you're part of the club. Mine Reads 'Tommi'. YAY! Anyway we went to see a movie... we changed which movie we were going to see about three times before we even got to the ticket office and then choise another one instead. *Sigh* The Movie was good. I'm abit tired now, and my mind is now dwelling more on School where I'm about to be kicked down a year, go me! Yeah... I've been hiding from the friends I can in shame I guess...

I'm really sorry Will... I guess I was abit of a burden to you during the holidays and now I'm abit of a dissappointment as a friend. But I'll make it up to you some how.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 2:39 pm
by Pessamistic Angel
Yay , im getting held down a year as well!!!!
I thought i wanted to be into nursing but in the end i didnt , so im changing into history and getting stuck with people younger than me , buy hey , no one is perfect.
teen concerns ... general ones , im getting tattoo soon , i want to but scared of the repurcussions (sp?) keep getting used by guys and getting hurt , yay for me!
Not much else to say ... yet , thanks for letting me babble

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 9:47 pm
by willow_witch
im in exam atm... wayyyy hard i must say and im way stressed and stuff....... way kewl on the tat... i want one but have a fear of needles and i dunt think that would work.....but i got my belly pirced instead so im happy:)... guy can be sooo annoying! (although i have the cutest and nicest one atm....)

solus that so isnt that point and you kno it.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 7:36 am
by Solus
Ok well yeah...

anyway, As for Tattoos... If you want one, get it because you want it not because you like some guy at the moment and want his name on your arm, back or elsewhere. I wouldn't mind having a pentacle/gram on my hand but that's all I'd ever get. I think palm tattoos are a cool idea, a friend of mine suggested that I put Chaos wheels on the palms of one character I wrote for a story and it spread from there... Yeah My friend likes Chaos Magic... :roll:

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 9:36 pm
by celticwave

yeah i want a tattoo later, a pentacle on my left shoulder, nothing too big (cause i'ma woose and can't stand the pain :P). And lu, how on earth did u manage to be on the ocmputer whil doing an exam?? what exam was it??? lol

I just finished all my exams, woohoo!!!!!!!


Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 1:50 am
by Solus
My Exams were finished Last week! well ok this Tuesday! WOOT! entire ONE DAY during the exam period that I didn't have exams... AND IT WAS GAT DAY! Yeah... I was annoyed...

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 11:09 am
by Alhandra
I wana tatoo too. Im getting a chinesse dragon on my lower back. I think tatoos are a good idea cus see it like this. Your body is a journal/diary and the tatoos are records and memories. Thats how i like to look at it.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 5:10 am
by willow_witch
thats a realli kewl/uquine way of thinking about iy.. i liek it

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 11:44 am
by Pessamistic Angel
i need help guys , im an S.I. and i was just told it was my fault a guy took my virginity at 15 eventhough i wasnt sure and was really naïve and dint want to , do you think its a girls fault ?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 11:57 am
by sheherazade
ok...from what i gather..
first of all knock it off w/ the S.I.
second..i lost my cherry at 14 with a guy who pushed me into it during a one night thingy while everyone in the next room was placing bets on my virginity,including my brother.
i went to school on monday & this skank named miranda says....guess YOU can't wear white anymore.
for a long time i convinced myself i was dateraped.
now i'm not so sure.
it just happened & it happened to suck.
w/out knowing details i coouldn't tell you.'s not the girl's fault,but is THIS whats causing you to SI?
cause if it is you MUST talk to someone about it.
i just realized i'm in the teen section & have no biz here :oops:
but i like you angel & i don't want to see you hurt.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 12:12 pm
by Pessamistic Angel
no its not what caused me to S.I.
and i wasnt date raped and i know i wasnt i just feel like i led him on eventhough i dont think i did , i hadnt even got into heavy petting or properly kissed someone but a mutual friend said it was all premeditated by me when i hadnt even thought of sleeping with him , i was just too naïve and now im not sure if it was all my fault
thank you , i like you to , dont section is for everyone even if its just to offer advice i could use it about now...
He's now left spain (the guy i mean)
after that summer , ive let guys use me and now i cant get out of the rut
any help?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 12:21 pm
by sheherazade
you sound like me(more years ago than i could count)AND if you read a response i posted above somewhere you'll see that i've done the same all too recently(& not just once...& not with nice people either)SO....
i'm telling you that you must value yourself more than you do...& that's all good in theory but practically impossible in practice & you need need need to talk to your parents about getting some counseling.
life doesn't come with instructions.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 12:24 pm
by Pessamistic Angel
no it comes with dynamite to f*** up :roll:

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 5:22 am
by willow_witch
so not your fault... sh!t happens and its f**ked but hey wat ya gonna do about it.... SI while it mite help at the time isnt all that great... it'll get to the point where the pain inside is soooo great that no amount of other pain can squash it and then it just blows up coz there is nothing to stopit..... try to stop if ya can if not teh limit your self and slowly decrease that limit
blessed be, if ya need a friend im here,