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Lala's BoS !

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:11 pm
by Lorena
These are just a few of the various spells I've done that seem to be pretty effective.

Feel free to copy, modify, test, try, and experiment as you please :)

A jar spell to dispel any negative gossip going around about you
(keep in mind that the spell does work, but it's better to just stop doing whatever people are talking about and/or address the matter directly yourself)
you will need:
a small jar
vodka or vinegar
black pepper
black pen
white candle
Light the candle. write what people are speculating over on the peice of paper. Place it in the bottom of the jar and pour the vodka or vinegar over it. Add the spices. Seal tightly and freeze or bury.

Add any chants or sayings you deem necessary. Do the spell on your altar if at all possible.

A love Gris-Gris bag
Gris-Gris bags are extremely powerful if done correctly. Do this on your altar if possible.
You will need:
Pink candle
Red candle
Red cloth
Pink thread
White thread
A needle
3 strands of your own hair
3 drops of your own blood
Whatever herbs, spices, incenses, charms, crystals, amulets, etc you feel are helpful and are love-related. I'm going to use cinnamon, ginger, clove, vanilla, peppermint, and my own perfume. For liquids, soak small pieces of cloth in whatever it is before inserting in the bag.
Dry rice
Salt water
Asperge your candles with the salt water. Light them. Sew together three sides of the cloth with pink thread. Asperge the bag with the salt water.
Add your spices/herbs first.
Braid the three strands of hair, saying, 'one for me, one for my desired, the third for love that never tires'. Secure the braid in a circle, and place in the bag.
Add soaked cloths.
Prick your finger with the needle and squeeze out three drops of blood, to lend your whole essence to your magick.
Add dry rice as a buffer and to absorb any negative energy or karma.
Sew shut with white thread.
Pass over flames of candles.
Snuff candles, and pass through the smoke.
Pin into your underwear..left side for girls, right side for boys.
The spell is very adaptable. Supplement it with your personal rhymes etc.

Happy spellwork and blessed be til my next post!