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finding someone like you??

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 8:57 pm
by sweetanb11
okay im sorta new to everything, as well as young. my parents dont know anything about my chioces in religion except that i only believe in chirstianity or id more then likly be disowned, so i cant really go out and do anything witchcraft related.

but my main question is how do you find someone whos into witchcraft??. it could be anywhere from boyfriend or just a regualr friend. i dont know of anyone around me who believes in it and i dont really wannna trust meeting someone online.

Re: finding someone like you??

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:20 pm
by Kitty
I've found that if I'm wearing jewellery or something of a pagan nature that people I might not have guessed were into it ask me if I practise - there's a surprising amount of us tbh
dunno if that would work for you if you're family can't find out about your religion though ...
also the more you visit a physical store rather than shopping for supplies online, the more people you'll meet and you're more likely to find out about meets and workshops in your area

Re: finding someone like you??

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 2:09 am
by sweetanb11
thank you!!. im really hoping to find stores in my area that i can go to, its sucks being young >.<. but i'll try to just wear stuff that ONLY pagan(ect.) would know, that way if parents asked ill just say it looked cool. lol.

Re: finding someone like you??

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:11 am
by ScarlettRose
Yes, very good idea Kitty!!

& Maybe a pentacle necklace??
Or maybe even get a stone pendant & make a necklace, and if someone compliments you, which I'm sure someone will. Say something like yes I'm really into stones right now and maybe that will get on the topic??
Just an idea! :lol:
Blessings to you(:

Re: finding someone like you??

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:14 am
by ScarlettRose
if you do find a store in your area, the owners/workers are usually very friendly. Maybe talk to them about your beliefs and tell them your situation (if you would like to share) and make friends and they usually are great to talk to about all this stuff. Maybe invite you to gatherings. Stuff like that. ((:
Another idea I had, just throwing it out there for you! :D

Re: finding someone like you??

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:01 am
by sweetanb11
thank you!!. i'll try that and hope for the best. >.<.

Re: finding someone like you??

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:57 pm
by ScarlettRose
I hope it works! ((: Much love & Blessings to you!

Re: finding someone like you??

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:06 pm
by [WITCH1]
Kitty thats so smart! I'm going to do that! Thanks!!!!

Re: finding someone like you??

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:58 am
by azuran
I used to wear my pentacle necklace everywhere before it broke. They were actually a pair of earrings I converted so I may be able to make another... but that is besides the point. While I did get on the topic of paganism and the beliefs hooked with my symbol, no one else seemed to be into it. However, once on a cruise I noticed another girl in the group they place you in, according to age, writing in well known runes. I asked her where she learned and it turns out back where she lived she had a circle of witch friends, and adults to help support her! I was really excited to meet her and what not. The only other experience I have had with a pagan was my friend when I was younger. She actually got me into it. So, you could try other things just to make it slightly known. Anyone else who uses stuff like that will take notice.

Re: finding someone like you??

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 6:21 am
by Tylluan
The Triskele is a very old witch sign, if wearing a pentagram is too obvious for your parents a triskele will also do the job as well. Moon's on jewellery is another give away. There are some gorgeous goddess pendants on ebay that are discreet to the people you don't want to know, yet clear signals to the people you do.

I totally agree that jewellery is a massive help.

Re: finding someone like you??

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:47 pm
by [WITCH1]
So I was talking to my friend today and I remembered that she said something about being Wiccan for halloween, So I tell her that I'm Wiccan then she gasps and says she is too!! I'm so happy =) We now pratice together.

Re: finding someone like you??

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:21 am
by James
Well...I don't know, maybe this'll work, but it's worth a try.

A friend of mine just a few weeks ago approached me and asked "Hey you know about these things right?" She told me she had found a website and followed it's instructions about casting a protective circle or sumthing. I was shocked, and laughed right then and there when she held up a book she'd been reading for a while now but never allowed us a glimpse...Of all things, a trashy romance novel; she told me it's heroine knew magic or something.

I thought she'd lose interest in these sorts of 'stuff', witchcraft, but each week she always asks about something related to the craft and I think she's serious. She's so lazy to read the websites I send her so she has me paraphrasing, but still it's awesome to have someone to talk out loud to, and someone you know well. I was always lonely about that and asked the Goddess on and off for a friend, and lucky me :D She found out later her mom's line of ancestors were practitioners of our own native craft, mostly herbalists. So I guess it's just the line continuing.

So yeah, back to point, just...give a good friend of yours some romance novels, maybe an aunt or your mom might have some, and finally give her a novel with magic-related in it. If you don't read such, just the summary should give a hint so no need to read through. Of course if you're worried she might get a bit too addicted to the novels, better not. My friend's always top of class even w/o studying so no worries...or maybe she's just cheating that good and not deciding to help us poor friends out... :(

Re: finding someone like you??

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 6:47 pm
by azuran
James, that is a surprisingly good idea. I would have never thought of that, but each time I read a novel in which the characters do magic I feel more motivated to study in my own craft.
Also, that is really cool that your friend has a line of practicing the craft, herbalists and such as I am greatly in to herbology. While I do not think there is a strong line of witches in my blood, I know there is a non-ending line of psychics in my family.. that is beside the point though. It is really cool that you found a friend who is in to it. Maybe you could get her on here? We could talk about herbs. smiley_dance

I got a friend of mine in to it through Harry Potter. He realizes all of that stuff is not real, but now he is getting in to the real stuff. It would be totally amazing if he did not live so far away where we cannot practice together. :cry:

Re: finding someone like you??

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 2:38 am
by Symandinome
i didnt read this thread just the subject and if you are looking for a place to find others like you try its a great website from America but its reach is worldwide and its free. they have sections for teens, adults, pagan business, and pagan gatherings as well as other useful information for your education.

Re: finding someone like you??

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 8:27 am
by James
emodrummer196, yeah, even in my wee years I was always into fantasy cartoons and got really mad whenever they showed a witch as old and stupid. I didn't know much of witchcraft then so never knew the Crone symbolism, but I'd get mad anyways when my cousins see Popeye or something where they make fun of a witch.

My first witch-related series and books were Charmed, but I didn't think witchcraft was like that, must have been more psychic than chanting stuff so I was surprised when I found out I was wrong. My sis was crazy about Charmed and got into it too, but lost interest, we're now more into our own native 'craft'.

I told my friend to sign-up, I don't know if she has because when I asked her she was like "But it's pink! Noway that's a good site!" *wince* And she told me she found a really old hand-written book on the stuff, sort of like a family BOS (that's sooo cool smiley_dance ) and said she'd get set on reading it later, so yeah.

Poor you, if my friend moved away I'd be like "Whyyyyyy?" And haha I knew of a HP fanatic too at school, I was always irritated whenever she'd wave an invisible wand in the air and say something hahaha.