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Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:29 pm
by Ravencry
I saw that you wanted a post on how to make a wand, WhiteOne, so here it is:

The wand is a rather easy tool to make. It seems quite difficult, but it isn't when you take your time. Here are my suggestion on gathering and creating a great wand that resonates with you:

1. Find a wood that speaks to you. It could be of any wood that you wish. Here are some correspondences to different types of wood:
Almond Prosperity, wisdom
Apple Love, healing
Ash Protection, healing, prosperity
Aspen Protection from thieves
Avocado Love, lust, beauty
Banyan Luck, knowledge
Beech Creativity, tolerance
Birch Rebirth, purification, protection, Moon matters
Bodhi Meditation, wisdom, fertility, protection
Buckthorn Exorcism, protection, legal matters
Cedar Male Fire Sun Healing, purification, protection, prosperity
Cherry Love, divination, healing
Cypress Immortality/longevity, protection, strength, death
Dogwood Protection, wishes
Elder Protection, health, spirituality, banishment
Elm Protection, love
Eucalyptus Healing
Fig Fertility, balance, safe journey
Hawthorn Protection, purification, fertility
Hazel Wisdom, Thor, protection, luck, divination
Hickory Legal matters
Holly Protection, luck, dream magick, consecration, prosperity
Licorice Love, fidelity
Lilac Protection, exorcism, love
Linden Protection, luck, immortality, love
Magnolia Fidelity
Maple Love, prosperity, longevity, unification, divining rods
Mesquite Healing, magickal fires
Mimosa Protection, dreams, love, purification
Mulberry Protection, strength
Myrtle Fertility, youth, love, peace, prosperity
Oak Protection, health, luck, power, strength
Peach Longevity, protection, fertility, divination, happiness
Pear Lust, love
Pecan Employment
Pepper Tree Purification, healing, protection
Pine Protection, longevity, healing, fidelity, purification
Plum Protection, the wild
Pomegranate Wealth, money-attraction
Poplar The Crone, astral projection, divination, rebirth
Rose Love
Rowan Protection, healing, divination
Sage healing purification protection money
Sandalwood Protection, healing, exorcism, spirituality
Sassafras Health, prosperity
Walnut Healing, mental powers, protection
Willow Moon magick, protection, healing, divination, love
Witch Hazel Protection, divination
Yew Hecate, death, immortality, protection

2. You can choose to use a live branch, or fallen wood. Whatever you choose. I find that live branches, when given freely from the tree, have more energy. Use what you wish. If you choose to use a live branch, always ask prior, cut using humane methods, and gift the tree afterward. And obviously, you have to let the wood dry if you get it fresh. I let mine dry for a week before using.

3. Have a crystal at hand to affix to the top of the branch. This helps direct energy. I find that quartz points usually work the best. But you can use whatever type of crystal you wish, or no crystal at all.

4. Carve the wood, if you wish. You can leave the wood natural, with the bark, or you can peel or carve the bark off. I personally leave bark for handle grip. You can carve designs into the wood now, and carve a hole in the top of the wood (and the bottom, if you are placing a round crystal in the bottom)

5. You may paint on the wood now, runes or whatever symbol you like. I always paint the rune thurisaz on mine, for protection.

6. Oil the wood. Oiling the wood leaves a nice sheen, and fills it with intent depending on your choice oil. I use olive oil.

7. Affix the crystal. You can use natural glue or synthetic glue.

8. If you are using lacquer, you may lacquer the wood now. Let dry for an hour.

9. Now you may decorate the wand with leather, feathers, wire (I like copper, personally), whatever you wish to add.

10. Now you have your wand! Fill it with intent and dedicate it, if you wish.

I don't have a camera to take pictures, but my iPod has a video camera, so I'll record what my wands look like. Feel free to add pictures of yours! I would love to see them and it will help others with ideas for theirs!! Good luck and happy wand-making!

Re: Wand-making

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:46 pm
by WhiteOne
Thank you, Ravencry!
I chose a piece of live wood this morning. It was a shoot coming off of the base of an old Bay Laurel tree. I asked the tree first, then I cut a lock of hair and gave it to the tree along with some water. I did not find too much information on Laurel wood. I know the Classical mythology about Daphne and Apollo, which is kind of sad, but also depicts a strong woman. It smells very spicy, so I think it is associated with water (because it grows near rivers) and fire. It is one of my favorite trees and I use the leaves of the wild ones in soup.
I was wondering about the bark. Can you carve designs in the bark, or will this cause the bark to flake off? I carved into the bark, making it spiral up the wand, against the inner wood. I guess I will find out if it flakes soon enough. I noticed that because this wood is young and greenish at the tip, that the tip can actually be hollowed out fairly easily right now. I am excited about this because I plan to find a small crystal to secure in the tip with some heated tree sap. I will wait until it dries to sand it and oil it. Thanks for all the information. I like your method of putting a rune on your wand. It seems like a very good idea. I have also read that one can make a bag for the wand's storage, to protect it. I look forward to seeing the wands posted here also.

Re: Wand-making

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:59 pm
by Ravencry
The bark won't flake off. I have carved in the bark down to the wood, and haven't had any problems with flaking :D
I am very excited to see it!
Here is some information I found out about bay laurel wood:
Bay-Fire -Sun, Jupiter-Wisdom, protection, clairvoyance, purification

Re: Wand-making

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:38 am
by canobiecrazy
Be mindful that in some traditions, Elder is the tree of the Goddess. Make sure you know your standing on this before you use it.

Re: Wand-making

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 8:35 pm
by Kitty
Thankyou for this - I've never really felt the need to have one before but I'm thinking I might make one in 2011

Re: Wand-making

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:34 pm
by Witch13
Apricot-love and healing, also water element i think, not sure

Re: Wand-making

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:28 pm
by Ravencry
Wand that I made for a Yule gift: (white sage wood, quartz, copper)
(Removed Dead Link)

And my personal wand (Eucalyptus wood, anointed with dragons blood oil)
(Removed Dead Link)

C'mon guys! I wanna see your wands, too!

Re: Wand-making

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:42 am
by Witch13
I like the second wand the best, i see Thurisaz carved there, does it have more runes?
Eycalyptus is such a pretty tree:)
you could wrap one of those vines it has around the handle.:)

Re: Wand-making

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:51 am
by Witch13
This is my apricot wand, and my pentacle (the one without bark is mine)..

Re: Wand-making

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 4:26 pm
by Ravencry
Actually, the runes are painted on :D
I have Thurisaz (my favorite rune), Uruz, Hagalaz, and Laguz.
Thurisaz for protection, Uruz for strength and energy, Hagalaz for inner harmony, and Laguz for water :D

I very much like the wand, is that the one that you were making? I love the sheen of the wood, it looks gorgeous. I think I may make one of apricot wood sometime :D

Re: Wand-making

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 5:49 pm
by Witch13
Havent you seen my wand before Raven? And yeah its the one i was making and actually my only one :)
Apricot is amazing, there was this fresh scent to the wood when i was peeilling the bark off ..mmmmmhm

Re: Wand-making

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 6:54 pm
by Ravencry
I never got to see it until now D:
Eucalyptus has a strong cough-drop smell to it when peel of the bark :/
I'm going to find myself some apricot wood and make a wand that I can only hope is as gorgeous as that! I love the colour of the wood so much *jealous!!*

Re: Wand-making

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 6:57 pm
by Witch13
Yeah it has this reddish golden color like hot muffin out of the oven.
me hungry

Re: Wand-making

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 1:02 pm
by WhiteOne
Wow, Witch13, the apricot wand is beautiful! It nicely matches your pentacles.
And those are some powerful woods, Ravencry. Eucalyptus seems unusual, but fitting for a wand, because it is so hard and because it has such a strong immune system (thwarting pests and weeds). And although I hadn't thought of using sage for a wand, it seems great, especially combined with quartz. I will post my wand when it is done. But it won't be done for a while because it has to dry out.

Re: Wand-making

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 3:34 pm
by Witch13
Thank you, the pentacle are made of the same tree so naturally they match:)
Bytheway i was wondering if mistletoe could be used, if not for a wand i believe it would make a great woven pentacle.