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Sedona, Arizona

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 7:21 pm
by GregoryLionborn
Has anyone been there? I took a trip this last summer, went through Barstow in SoCal to get over eastward. Had a nice long drive, and finally landed in Sedona and Williams. It was BEAUTIFUL there. The rocks, the sky, the clarity of the stars in such a place. It was, in all honesty, my favourite place I've ever been to so far. They are very, very pagan friendly, and have many, maaaanny New Age, pagan, and other such stores and points of interest, including vortices in the desert, and a couple fairly close to the road. This area is also a hotspot of UFO activity. (note: whether it is alien is up to you, but UFO is undeniable - it's flying, and unidentifiable.) I actually, along with my brother, had the pleasure of witnessing a UFO ourselves at 1-3 AM one morning. Whatever it was, it was in the very low atmosphere, hanging out in the lowest clouds, so that we could almost make out the structure, but when the clouds would clear, it would fly with tremendous speed into the higher clouds in the upper atmosphere. I took my little familiar along with me, and he was very comfortable during the whole trip, which is nice, since while he's well behaved, he's not too keen on drives for the sake of driving. While I was there, I purchased a handmade Native American flute, which I've been loving to play since the day I got it. I felt a huge connection to the place, and everyone was very friendly. Absolutely worth stopping in there if you find yourself in the American Southwest. :D

Re: Sedona, Arizona

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 12:47 am
by findapath
OH YES!!!! Sedona is my absolute favorite place on Earth. When I lived in Phoenix, I spent at least 2-3 weekends a month up there.

There's a Juniper tree, standing alone, right off the end of Submarine Rock. I spent an inordinate amount of time sitting under that tree, thinking, meditating, praying, staring at the immensely beautiful high-desert. I, too, felt such a spiritual and magical connection with that place. It's surreal.

In the months preceding my move to Arizona, I had suffered an incredible loss -- I had witnessed the love of my life, my fiancee Amanda, get ruthlessly gunned down during an armed robbery right in front of me, and I couldn't do anything about it. I was completely shattered. Everything I had to live for was taken from me in the time it took to put 3.872 gallons of gas in my truck. I decided that I couldn't go on living in the city where we had grown to be, and packed what I could fit in my truck, and moved to Arizona with about $500 to my name to get me there.

Sedona saved my life. If I hadn't found Sedona, I would be dead right now. While sitting under the Juniper Tree, which I had affectionately called Koko, I learned so much about myself, the universe, the way things really are. I became one with nature, with the Earth, with the Divine. Sedona is where I truly first discovered Wicca for what it is. Although, I'm do not consider myself to be "Wiccan", I came to an incredible epiphany while researching it. I'm more of an Eclectic Seeker, always learning, always questioning, always thinking. I found myself, and my path to the Divine, in Sedona. It truly is a blessed, magical, spiritual, amazing place.

If you are ever in a position to visit, there shouldn't be any question, just go! blue_flee