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*Happy dance*

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 12:22 am
by JuniperBerry
Going along with the "we need a folk-lore category'' theme and finding no other place to put it...

I feel absolutely vindicated! For days now I've been on the heathen boards asking about the origin of the Vanir, because everywhere else in the Edda the origins of the different races and deities of being are specifically addressed except for them. Which is weird, because the Aesir and Vanir had a huge war, and some of the Aesir are even Vanir deities. It didn't make sense, logically. Yet, elsewhere in the myth we have these two beings- male and female- born from Ymir that are never explained and I've been saying, to deaf ears, that I think they were the Vanir because nothing else makes sense. And tonight I found a source that says the exact same thing.


(...Just thought I'd share. :oops: )

Re: *Happy dance*

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 10:54 am
by SpiritTalker
Excellent! Happy dance away.