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Yankee Growing advice needed...

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 5:17 am
by thasme
well Ya'll , all Jokes aside....... I did try my hand last yr at his growing thing ..Flowers.. Largly Cuse my Hubby is into the Flower/Veggie growing stuff. I didn't do too bad ..... So I thought about trying some herbs (not u ) to see if I could get them to take off.. this yr..

I did have a small little thing of mint that i had started . it was cool I'd never seen anything like it.. Grrrr at not Knowing the type of it but it was a ground cover and it was "tinnie wennie tinnie" like a Moss kinda.

so while messing around my dusty book shelves yesterday . I found some New books I didn't even Know I had.. But there older. lets see. this one " Herbs..there cultivation and usage." written by OMG lol, John and Rosemary Hemphill.. <<< thinking figures got these from my ex-mawinlaw.).... Anyway to the Question at hand.. ya Know the Growing chart set up by Zones..for planting ect.. welll according to the book it says I should of started these like back in Jan...
and I just read in my farmers Almanc that the Zones have been changed.. like last year. but I don't Know from what to

so does it truly matter ? Imean as long as the frost is gone all should be ok right? OH and one more Q.. what is a good herb for growing in Hangging pots? thinking something that will droop down the sides /maybe make flowers? ......thankies for the Help .....................Rena

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 1:12 pm
by Nature Dude
There's a lot of good questions in there, Rena!

Okay, for growing zones, yes they changed them and depending on what book you pick up, there might be 4-5 covering the US, or like 3-4 just in Wisconsin. But, yes, basically, you want to avoid the last permanent frost of spring and be careful to cover them if you get hit with lower temperatures. There should be a hardiness indicator somewhere on your seed packet or the label for the plants to let you know how much cold they can tolerate (some will die below 45-50 degrees F)

For the most part, down in Georgia, you should be okay with starting any herbs at this time, and leaving them outside unless you're up in the mountains a ways.

As for hanging plants, well, thyme is good for hanging, but I don't think it gets much for flowers. Ground roses can be cool, as well as strawberries. One of my favs for hanging (though not an herb or any sort) is a fuchsia, and you would get hummingbirds that would flock to your place. Hmm, i'll thin a bit more on that and see what I can dig out of my brain.

Blessed Be!



Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 5:19 pm
by thasme
Omg Yes I had Like 3 of them last year and No JOKE On the Humming Birds.. it was awesome... but I went on Vacation and my dad didn't water them every day for em and they got sick.. and 2 died.

1 of them did this weird ass thing and made Berries.. I was wtf. and called the Nursery I got them at and they told me that it must of been a two yr plant? whatever that means..

The thing is I was told they were a thirsty plant. But I swear they always looked kinda Over watered to me. (leaves would turn yellow)
So what do U think?

Thanks for the other Info.. I will try the thyme or the Strawberries

And if is not all snowie and icie...I'll be outside doing the little germinating of wittle seeds this weekend. ...........................Rena

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 5:29 pm
by anythingbutnormal
you know, up here in ohio, I got some cantaloupes growing over the summer, and they was TASTY. So since Georgia is so warm and sunny, maybe you might be able to grow some down there, all you really have to do is go to lowes(or its southern counterpart)and buy them in little plastic cups that look like yogurt cups...then it is TASTY time for you...just make sure to transplant the seedlings and WATER THEM because lowes dosent ususlly water their plants enough, or give them enough room to grow, considering that they grow cantaloupes in yogurt cups, so TRANSPLANT and WATER, WATER, WATER them...just not tooo much! green_laugh

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 7:59 pm
by Nature Dude
Okay, trying to think about the fuchsias, I believe they can be a bit sensitive to light/heat. like if they get too hot, they would tend to get sunscorched, which usually show up as a yellowing of the leaves. I could be wrong, but that might be it. As for the berries, I suppose if you're far enough south, they would have a natural life cycle!! That's pretty cool!!

Cantaloupe fresh from the garden ROCK!! Well, okay, any veggies fresh from teh garden ROCK!! I've always loved sugar pod sweet peas and fresh uncooked sweet corn...and so have our dogs, actually... One used to steal the corn from the ends of the rows if we didn't keep an eye on her...and learned how to properly pick black berries, too. Proving, yes, animals can be too smart for their own (or your own) good...

Blessed Be!! Let us know how it goes and if I get any more info, I'll let ya know!!


Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 4:20 pm
by anythingbutnormal
there are some crazy squirrells in compost pile grew corn(along with all sorts of other stuff) and the squirrells ate it all! and it was sweet corn! it was amazing that it grew here in the first place, but then these stupid squirrells had to eat it ALL!!

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 4:47 pm
by thasme
Ohhh I also got some watermellon and Cantlop seeds yesterday too... gonna give your advice a try..

WATER WATER WATER and YummYummYummm.....

:P ......................Rena

lol, just thought I gotta stay out this subject/forum... is running up my CC bill. lol