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Really Intense Emotions!?

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 2:56 pm
by Primrose
Every emotion I feel is extremely exaggerated. For example earlier I got annoyed that the chocolate milk was at the very back of the pantry behind some bottles and every bit of my body literally shook with anger. All of that over something little and stupid. Or if I feel calm, or relaxed, I literally cannot feel anything else. I'm calm right now, for example. It's hard to explain but I guess I feel as though I'm on the outside looking in...? As though I'm in a permanent "spaced-out" mood. And if I get sad over something I get really really sad. Same fore every other emotion. And I continue to feel that emotion until another overtakes me. Also, if I'm around someone feeling angry and I'm happy, either they will be happy or I will be angry. Usually I'll start to feel their emotion. Does anyone else feel like this? is there a way to stop it? Thanks :)

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 6:16 pm
by Wiccan Z
do you do drugs?
or, have a disorder?

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 6:37 pm
by Primrose
I have never done drugs and the only known disorders I have are hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia (blood sugar problems) so that's not the problem. But I suppose it's possible i have some anger problems :| lol.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 8:03 pm
by Y0m
I know exactly how you feel! Growing up your energy will swell and fall before your physical body knows how to balance the positive and negative forces effectively within yourself.

I'm one of the most gentle guys you'll meet, but during puberty the slightest thing could set me off so bad... I even bashed my head into the wall and was bleeding but still enraged because my mother told me to take out the trash haha.

The thing that worked best for me was meditation. Take some time out of each day to take a peaceful walk through nature or just down the street... sit still and notice your breathing, and be careful what kind of music and TV shows/movies you watch. Keep putting positive, tranquil things into your brain. When you sit in meditation place the thumbs against the forefinger and just breath... this will help with balance of energy.

Don't beat yourself up, there is nothing wrong with you... this actually is a good thing! you have strong power that you can access through time, endurance, and patience in meditation. Love and light!

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 8:04 pm
by Wiccan Z
any recent event partake in your life?

Re: Really Intense Emotions!?

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:49 pm
by ScarlettRose
Oh my gosh, I totally get you. I'm going through the same stuff. I'm not going through puberty or anything.. I'm almost 18 and I guess I'm just going through a rough part in my life?? Idk. But, I get so irritated by the most little things and I flip out haha It's horrible!! and when I love something I like overly love love it. My emotions are very crazy right now too. I really understand those feelings. I've been trying to figure out what to do too. When I get like that sometimes I don't even want to meditate I get so mad.. But, I really try to. I light a candle and incense, just sit calm and try and not think about anything, if that makes sense. I don't know about you but my mind goes crazy fast. It never seems to stop!

Y0m those are really nice things to do as well! Thanks for sharing.

Blessings to you, you can get through it sweetie!! :)

Re: Really Intense Emotions!?

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:24 pm
by Y0m
ScarlettRose wrote:When I get like that sometimes I don't even want to meditate I get so mad.. But, I really try to. I light a candle and incense, just sit calm and try and not think about anything, if that makes sense. I don't know about you but my mind goes crazy fast. It never seems to stop!

Y0m those are really nice things to do as well! Thanks for sharing.
You're welcome, and thank you.

For meditation though, the whole point is not to control the mind into NOT thinking, but rather to learn to be AWARE of this thought. The more you fight your thoughts the more they fight you. Learn to be gentle with your inner self. Meditation can take many years to perfect. If your thoughts overwhelm you, you can simply say "thinking, thinking, thinking, ..." in your mind until you feel at rest. If your emotions, such as anger overwhelms you say "anger, anger, anger.."

Recognizing what your mind is doing is the way to meditation. Staying aware of the subtle qualities within yourself will bring you into deeper realization. You will eventually settle down and stay in perfect peace and joy within your heart. At the point of peace and tranquility THEN you can begin to focus on the breathing, otherwise you'll just get confused.

From here you can focus on your third eye and the heart combined with breath awareness for spiritual growth.

Love and blessings.

Re: Really Intense Emotions!?

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:41 pm
by ScarlettRose
Y0m, you explain everything so beautifully! Thank you for that. Your mind fighting back at you makes very much sense. That's what I've been trying to work on. Thank you for this though. I have to write this down!! This is something I need to read over and over again. It's amazingly said. :) Thank you dearly, Y0m.
Much Love.

Re: Really Intense Emotions!?

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:54 pm
by Y0m
Well this knowledge has come mostly because of patience through my frustrations in meditation.
This is one of the most important things to have in meditation which I left out.
Also reading Ajahn Chah's online book helps me because it's his way is simple and to the point.

Re: Really Intense Emotions!?

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:01 pm
by TheArtOfLife
Sometimes there are things happened in the past over what you than felt angry over deep inside, but never came out, or was so much that you have known or felt that. Sometimes that shows up when doing normal things.

Re: Really Intense Emotions!?

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 9:30 pm
by Artie
Sounds like me when I'm on my period. Since we're all teenagers, have you tried getting your horomone levels checked?

Re: Really Intense Emotions!?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:09 am
by TheArtOfLife
I've been having problems with my emotions as well, although most times it's just because there is a lot going on and I'm all pushing it back so I can give it attention when I have time.. most times I'm sad about things, or frustrated, not really angry, lol. When I move my arm or something else in a wrong way, it triggers my mood or other energy inside, better just move back to normal and breathe in deep and out, just like sighing.. although that goes for frustration, not sure about the other things yet, have to find a solution for that (although going in astral mode and deconnect from body seems somewhat to help, to at least not look like an idiot).

Re: Really Intense Emotions!?

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:54 pm
by dreamcatcher
my emotions dont get too out of wack (well ok maybe i have some teensy anger problems sometimes when ppl dont listen to what i say but that doesnt count)
but instead of my emotions getting all out of control they just completely shut down randomly and i simply don't care about anything at all (not to the point of depression or anything though) for instance a few months ago was my birthday and i had this really big fun party planned but i wasnt excited at all . . . rly i wasnt even interested in any of it

i just couldn't . . . feel

it kinda freaked me out but the freak out was . . . how do i explain it right???
well the closest i can get is that i knew i should be freaking out but i was just so indifferent that it didnt even bother me
i was just like "Oh well." and kept moving on through my day

anyone else ever felt like that or is that just another of my unique oddities?

sometimes though i get these weird feelings - for example my family just got a new car and we were taking it for a test drive and all of the sudden i was just so full of panic and i kept thinking "we're going to fast. we're going to fast. we're going to fast." even though we were only at like 40 mph