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Lack of books in local library

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 9:25 pm
by carraigin*nairn
Maybe I'm just now realizing this because I'm new to my path. I've been reading online, books that I have bought, etc. Today when I scoured our local library, I found hundreds of books on christianity and ONE book of pagan/wicca. And that one book could not be checked out of the library! My husband suggested writing to publishers of these books and suggest donations be made to small town libraries. I was offended. Then I realized there were no other religions represented either, just christianity.

Truly I felt kind of alone, looking at that single book & even more so when I felt the librarian give me 'the look' when I asked if there were any books I could check out. Then I remembered the little blessing I was shown this week. Two large ravens sat down in the road right in front of my car, doing a little back & forth dance with each other. A coyote played beside the parking lot one afternoon while I took my break. And just days ago, 3 deer ate peacefully 20 feet from my car, while I loaded it up...and just watched me. I guess to most, those incidents would be meaningless. To me they meant the world.

Anyone else seen the lack of books, information in public libraries? Anyone ever have a successful outcome?

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 10:08 pm
by WitchyLady506
I actually was a librarian for over 6 yrs, and our system had tons of books on paganism, because that's what people wanted. Talk to your librarian and ask if you can request books to be purchased as well as see about interlibrary loan, where you can get books from just about any library in the world on any subject.

Also, pm me, I have lots of electronic books on paganism, I might have a few things you're interested in.

Re: Lack of books in local library

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 6:53 am
by Nerys
Online free reading all sorts of subjects at
Sample pages at Amazon books, pen and paper and write things tips recipes spells etc.
Llewellyn publishers free articles to read, free tarot readings, free spell-a-day, browse pages of books etc.

Re: Lack of books in local library

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 7:46 am
by NeverMoonAWerewolf
I had to borrow all the books on Buddhism, Hinduism and Pagainism from friends- at least the good ones not influenced by Christian views.

I'm so glad for the internet,wish we had that when I was a teenager. I could have learned so much more.