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Spell Formats

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:43 pm
by Seaspirit
Hi all

I'm wondering what some favored styles of spell casting are.

In the past, I have called the four corners, written the spell on paper, and then burnt the spell over a candle. Then thanking the four corners and closing the spell.

What are some ways in which you cast your spells? I was doing my spells with a friend who used the above method I described. What do you all think?

Any input is appreciated ::coolglasses::

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:17 pm
by Witch13
Well thats one way, i suppose there are numerous ways depends on the imagination and person!
i have used the "burn paper-candle" spell.
There are spells that involve sleeping with something under your pillow.
. Draw string bags! name it!

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:47 pm
by Seaspirit
What are some other ways of opening a spell, if any? (Besides calling the 4 corners).

Then once the spell is opened, you cast the main spell, then close it...correct?

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:03 pm
by Witch13
Well i will give you an example, just now i wrote down a spell in my book.
it starts with ligting a candle (which brings the element of fire in).
then you sit down write in a piece of paper and burn it while chanting the spell
then you let the paper burn out! and blow the candle!

in this case lighting the candle was a simple gesture that says "hey the spell beginns"
then you go on with the main part, the words spoken out loud showing the purpose of this magic, and our energy is guided!
and finally the spell ends as the paper burns and fades and we blow the candle (lights out folks)
i hope this helps!

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:09 pm
by Seaspirit
Ah..that helps a lot !!

In your response to me (elements section), you mentioned the circle. I have not used a circle in spells before (protection?). How do you decide if you will cast a circle as opposed to not casting a circle? I read the sticky on casting the circle, but I don't think it addressed this query.

In the spell you just responded with, you used a candle and burning, as I have usually done. What was different about this spell, that you did not cast a circle, or did you?


Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:23 pm
by Witch13
When i first casted that spell i didnt use a circle, and ever since i didnt have the need to do it again! But i wouldnt cast a circle for this one, its small and pretty simple!
Most witches cast a circle in every spell, the circle protects you, and also brings about a sacred space where you work your magic!
If a spell involves calling to deities and spirits i would definetely put a circle. Other more simple spells like the one above are pretty safe, well as much as a spell can be.
A circle can me imaginary, drawn on the floor with chalk or salt, drawn on the ground with a stick or created with a rope layed in a circle!
The safest thing to do is always cast a circle from that point on its up to you to decide!

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:45 pm
by Seaspirit
This makes a lot of sense.

What about using the 4 stones..air, water, earth and fire to create a circle? Is this possible? I do like all the methods you mentioned also.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:49 pm
by Witch13
you mean stones with symbols of the elements?
that could work as well!
I read somewhere about it and i made a rope 4 meters long, 1 meter for each element with a different colorfull thread! All 4 tied on a brown thing woolen cord(BASE) ! thats my circle sometimes! I just lay it down and sit in it, connect the two ends to close the circle!

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:56 pm
by Seaspirit
Yes, thank you... that is what I meant. I have the 4 stones representing each element. I will try the 4 stones with simple spells (as we discussed), and then for other spells needing more protection (as you mentioned), will use one of the methods you suggested (including the stones attached to rope).

Very helpful !

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:00 am
by Seaspirit
Actually, Witch13, after re-reading your other post (elements section), I don't think I will use the 4 stones as a circle.

You mentioned I don't need them, as they are all around, and I intend on calling the elements always.

I think I will re-think what I want to use as my circle. Right now, I am working on simple, safe spells, but as I graduate to higher spells needing protection, I'll use one of the methods you mentioned.

Yes...that's it ::coolglasses::

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:16 am
by Witch13
Read a lot ;)

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:25 am
by Seaspirit
Yes....! Will check out the recommended books and reading section too ::coolglasses::