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Tips for younger witches

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 3:14 pm
by Ravencry
Over the years I have realised that if you don't practice spells often when begininng, your ability to control power wanes. I didn't do spells much when I was younger because they always required so many ingredients, many (like candles and incense) I was not allowed to have because 'I could catch the house on fire' and some plants I just couldn't get because my parents wouldn't take me to a metaphysical shop. But now there are so many resources for young witches and many spells that don't require many ingredients (I like the Witches Spell-a-day almanac). But now from lack of usage in actual candles incense herb chant spells, My best are only strictly herbal spells. (I need to exercise bad).

So younger witches, learn from my mistake. Exercise your power. Do spells. Meditate. Create charms and plant and harvest herbs. There are many places (this forum being one of them) that you can find good, real spells that require next to nothing, making it easy to exercise this. Don't be afraid of yourself and doubt yourself if your spells work quickly. When you get into your 20's, this power will slow down, making it harder and longer to cast spells. Now your at the prime of your youth, and the most raw of your power! Take advantage of that and perform spells often! Don't be surprised if you ace your test that you did a study spell on, or that bully in school suddenly leaves you alone. These aren't coincidences, your actually causing it!

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 3:03 pm
by moonwaterwitch
I wish there was a 'Like' button for posts, as there is on on Facebook! But just so you know, if there were, I would 'Like' this post! :D (Although I must say, for a witch in her mid-twenties who only discovered the Craft when already in her twenties, I'm feeling a little like I'm already a weaker version of myself! :wink:)

Moon Water x

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 4:24 pm
by JBRaven
I also like this post. The movement away from hands on work such as spells and charms, in some ways weakens our connection with the spiritual world.

THis is not just for new witches. My husabnd rarely Meditates or works spells because life gets "too busy".. When you are the only witch you know for miles and with no central body government reminding you to prasie the trees, life overwhelms the need to communicate with the engeries at work.

Getting back to the basics of your craft is very fulfilling.

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 8:53 pm
by reikihealer83

You make a great point with this post. I also find that my life gets in the way of practicing my gifts and craft but I have made the resolution to begin working again with the Craft and my Druid roots because I feel like I have begun to weaken in my intuitive gifts as I get too caught up in the world around me. Something else that we should all keep in mind is that as we get back into the swing of things take it piece by piece or slowly because you do not want to overwhlem youself.

Re: Tips for younger witches

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 4:24 pm
by roseonfire
Yes, this is great advice! I, too, can concur with Ravencry. When you don't use your ability to manipulate energy, then it becomes harder to do. And what's more, is it is harder to build it up again then it was the first time.

Re: Tips for younger witches

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 5:32 pm
by GoldDusk
there are many spells that do not need ingredients and you don't have to do spells. to train use your aura to control things, yes it is hard but later you become stronger. Hope this helped. :D