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collecting spells for my BOS

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:05 am
by Isabell Salvator
im a bigginer wicca and im trying to find easy spells to use and to add to my BOS
so any thing you could tell me would be extremely helpful
THNX and Blessed Be

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:08 am
by Ginger Faith!
Well, im not going to start giving you spells off the dot.
I think you should first get some books.
They are always the best, FIRST, stepping stone to step on.
Books inform you on what you are getting yourself into.
That is my advice(:

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:00 am
by Witch13
Also you should write down the spells you have tried yourself, or made yourself. Cause some might not work for you!
its not like you have to fill the book in a week right?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:48 am
by shadowx
Similar avatars are similar.

I would suggest looking at, and learning about, paganism as a whole, and then wicca.

Wicca is a tiny, tiny, tiny part of what paganism is. I am not saying you have made the wrong choice, i just dont think you know there is a choice. Wicca is fine, but too many people get sucked into it without realizing there is so much more.

Anyway, books are always the first thing to read, as well as forums like this, it takes knowledge to work spells and knowledge comes from text.


Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 12:49 pm
by Isabell Salvator
thnx to all who have posted to me

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 11:34 am
by )O( Krystal Raven )O(
Finding yourself within the Craft is a Sacred Spell of its own! You should keep a journal of your thoughts and questions! When you wake up, welcome the elements! Before bed, thank the elements! Find out which animals are most sacred to you! Create a personal altar! Start watching the moon phases! Learn about Goddesses! Study herbs and their healing uses! DON'T WATCH TELEVISION!

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 12:58 pm
by Ginger Faith!
)O( Krystal Raven )O( wrote:Finding yourself within the Craft is a Sacred Spell of its own! You should keep a journal of your thoughts and questions! When you wake up, welcome the elements! Before bed, thank the elements! Find out which animals are most sacred to you! Create a personal altar! Start watching the moon phases! Learn about Goddesses! Study herbs and their healing uses! DON'T WATCH TELEVISION!
I totally agree.

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 1:25 pm
by reikihealer83
Take the time to read and go with your gut when it comes to adding Spells to your BOS. Also, I have to add that it is not just spells you can add to your BOS but other things that chronicle your journey in paganism and or the Craft in general. Best of luck to you!

big help 2 me

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:35 pm
by Isabell Salvator
thnx for the help majorly its greatly appreciated

Re: collecting spells for my BOS

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 4:43 pm
by SpiritTalker
Hmm . By all means browse thru all the spells in the Post a Spell section for ideas.

Easy circle
. Place your gear inside the planned work space
. Broom-sweep a circular area walking πŸ”„ widdershins to clear stagnation, then go deosil↩️, πŸ‘†πŸ½point & cast the circle. Light incense if desired.

All purpose Incantation: β€œEarth, Water, Air, Fire, work Ye now as I desire, X I now acquire, by Earth, Water, Air, Fire”

Charge to set intention: draw power on the breath to the gut, think the goal, push through hands and into a spell πŸ™ŒπŸ½

Simple Spell Methods
You add embellishments if wanted

. Bag/Sachet - fill herbs and stones to support the goal & πŸ™ŒπŸ½; carry in a pocket or place under pillow.
. Bottle/Jar - Protection- add rusty nails, bent pins, salt, tangled thread, tin foil confetti, salt, vinegar πŸ™ŒπŸ½ to deflect harm; bury at door; Wishes - add herbs, stone, petition, charms, ribbon for attracting & place where it’s seen.
. Candle - dress candle with olive oil to hold the psychic charge, πŸ•―πŸ‘€ & πŸ™ŒπŸ½ set intent; let it burn completely out.
. Chanting - repeat incantation while swaying your body as needed for light trance to effect conditions
. Cord/9-knot - tie 1 knot in twine for each line of the rhyme -”By knot 1 the spell’s begun, by knot 2 it comes true, by knot 3 so it shall be, by knot 4 power is stored, by knot 5 the spell’s alive, by knot 6 the spell is fixed, by knot 7 it is given, by knot 8 it is fate, by knot 9 X is mine.” Later undo the knots at a liminal hour to free their power.
. Mandala coloring books - focus on the goal while coloring; shred the finished spell to release the power.
. Petition - write a goal on a 3” square of paperπŸ“. Turn the paper 1/4 turn & overwrite the goal with the recipient’s name or initials & birthdate, turn the paper again 1/4 turn & overwrite all with your signature. What is over dominates what is under. Add petitions to any bag & jar spells or place under candle or stone.
. Potion - simmer herbs with properties related to the goal; reduce liquid by 1/2; cool-strain-bottle; πŸ™ŒπŸ½; use liquid in place of anointing oils, add to tea
. Sigil - write the goal, cross out vowels & duplicate letters; make an artsy hieroglyph of the remaining letters, draw a circle around it and cut it out. Anoint and charge πŸ™ŒπŸ½ with intent.
. Stone β€œgrid” layouts - lay stones in concentric designs to radiate the goal ✳️; πŸ™ŒπŸ½
. Stone Stroking is used to induce light trance for healing. Sit & sway side-to-side while stroking any smooth stone & repeat: ”Stone to stone, bone to bone, flesh to flesh, vein to vein, (name) is whole again.” You could sit on a swing or rocking chair. When you fade out mentally you can stop. Rinse stones in flowing water to reset the stone before another use.
. Write your own incantations for needs. Use positive present tense phrases; say only what you expect final results to be. Rhyme & repetition help concentration.
