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2010 Prophecies

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:16 am
by Y0m
If I'm right, there is a prophecy saying there will be a great light show in the sky this year because higher dimensional beings are going to protect us from meteors.... Also, there is suppose to be a lot of other things going on leading to 2012... anybody know anything about any of this??


Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:58 pm
by shadowx ... os_in_2010

Not spiritual beings, but a solar storm predicted for sometime around 2010 which will naturally cause the aurora further towards the equator than usual, so northern europe, australia, and the southern/northern states may see the aurora i expect.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:58 pm
by Y0m
Funny how today is technically the beginning of the new year

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:02 am
by Xal
Interesting. The Arcturians (a race of E.T's who say they are 5-6th dimensional beings) believe that the sun will take part in morphing us to be able to become higher beings. I wonder if this increase in sun activity is coincidental.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 3:30 am
by shadowx
I think it is, the sun is on an 11 year solar cycle and then a bigger, longer cycle, so this sort of thing has happened before over and over again. The only problem now is that a big solar storm could possibly knock out power transformers and power lines and satellites which would generally be a bad thing...

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:30 pm
by Y0m
I have begun to meditate on the sun and it's light. Fully absorbing it's loving power through my third eye.

Also, devotion done an hour and a half before or after the sun rises or sets is believed to be more powerful, being because it harbors the balance between sun and moon.


Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:33 am
by Xal
Y0m wrote:I have begun to meditate on the sun and it's light. Fully absorbing it's loving power through my third eye.

Also, devotion done an hour and a half before or after the sun rises or sets is believed to be more powerful, being because it harbors the balance between sun and moon.

Yes I have found much power in this as well.

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 11:27 pm
by Y0m
This may be getting off-topic a bit, but I smoked some ganja and meditated the other day.

Suddenly I was experiencing what it would be like to live on the sun.
Seriously! I have full faith that there are beings living on the sun now, some of them were humans in a past life that just loved the sunlight so much they decided to incarnate as a sun-person lolz :)

May sound crazy, but hey, I'm Y0m

Yeah... Chela Narayananda ;)

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:25 am
by Xal
Y0m wrote:This may be getting off-topic a bit, but I smoked some ganja and meditated the other day.

Suddenly I was experiencing what it would be like to live on the sun.
Seriously! I have full faith that there are beings living on the sun now, some of them were humans in a past life that just loved the sunlight so much they decided to incarnate as a sun-person lolz :)

May sound crazy, but hey, I'm Y0m

Yeah... Chela Narayananda ;)
You should look up the Arcturians. You'd probably get a kick out of em.

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:54 pm
by Y0m
Thanks xal, I found a great website full of all kinds of info I can't wait to poor myself into.

Anyway, I feel compelled to share this message from the "blue star":
*People of all nations, please listen to what I have to say: this year of 2010 is a year that will never be forgotten. Those who are progressing on their own path of Spiritual evolution at their own pace, will be facing many trials and tribulations FOR A WHILE this year. You are each here on the Earth Star planet for more than 1 reason; all you really need to know about that is that this is the year you all trained for. 2010 is a year to live courageously! All that you know and all that you think you know is being put to the test. How you each handle these tests will be your own measure of greatness, your own meter of your strengths and weaknesses. We will all continue watching over you as will those of the Spirit world. We will aid all those we can. Those who refuse to change, well, their future is now written in stone. The answer to “11-11” is IN “2011.”