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Today's Topic: Hippo

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:25 pm
by -----CaliTwin-----
There's this girl, i call her Hippo because she physically looks like a hippo. No offense to anyone, any way she should die. And do not tell me i shouldn't wish that on anyone, but she is my exception. She is a real b**ch, she thinks she's so much better than everyone. She's short and i'm sorry, but very fat. She wears her pants almost off her a$$ and then untucks her shirt and pulls it up so EVERYONE can see her G-String.

I like this guy, Lake and she "Liked" him also, so she started rumors that they had "sex" and spread it around school. And when people asked she said of course they didn't, but she showed off her "hickies" while saying so. Basically, she's two-faced, lieing and a complete B***H!

So me and my friends -Nai, Nicole, and Marie- Were in P.E and i brought my cell phone with Hippo's number in it. Nicole thought it would be awsome if we texed Hippo calling her names and making fun of her, so i said fine. Me, Marie, and Nicole all was texing her things such as and please no judgeing....

"Fat B**ch, and Whor*, and maned dog" and other nasty things, and saying how she could afford to lost 400 pounds, and Now i realize how childish it was.

Anyway, she was texing back knowing it was me, and kept saying how i throw up, which I DO NOT! I'm 80 pounds, i have a very high matbalizm and work out. So i'm really small. And kept saying how Lake never wanted me and he thought i was ugly and such things of nature.

Anyway there's today's topic, and sorry for anyone taking personal offenese by this.


Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:35 pm
by shadowx
You have issues.

Jealousy, and self worth issues, and you are taking them out on everyone else.

You ask me not to judge, but why not? I will judge, and i will do so freely as you judged the girl of your topic, i will judge you.

You dont like it when she says you "throw up" and yet you continue to insult her. Double standards? Yes. It irritates you, you dislike the false statements that you throw up, imagine how she feels. and who is to blame? You.

you want another person dead because she likes a guy you like. There's a stable mind.

To work magick you will need to stabilise yourself, your emotions, you need to touch the ground and stay there.

imagine how your magick would go if one of these spiteful thoughts took over. That healing energy would be tainted and your target would feel none of its benefit. Your spell to increase happiness may instead bring about hate.

More importantly why are you telling us that you are a horrible person to others?


Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:46 pm
by -----CaliTwin-----
If you wish to judge be my guest, i am judging because she judges me. I am not treating her as badly as she treats any other child on this Earth. I am trying very hard to be a nice person with you. And for your information, i do magik even so my emotions are not stable. No body is ever stable, but they still use magik. I do not use my magik to target people, i never target anyone but myself. And why do i judge her, because it is easy.

I know i do have issues, but so does everyone else.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:52 pm
by shadowx
Ah i see why you have posted this, it is part of your "blog" to feel better.

A story.

I was once full of hate, indeed i still am. There was a worm, some may describe it as a man, but men do not act like it. He abused, physically, mentally, and sexually. My best friend (who was then the object of my affection) To this day i would gladly torture him to death slowly, so long as i couldnt get found out. Except i wouldnt. I may want to, but what would it solve? I may not feel guilty, or remorse. But i would be like the worm. Pathetic. Causing another person pain, simply because you hurt, doesnt solve anything does it? Does it remove your pain? Of course not. Does it change the past? Certainly not. Does it solve the original problem? No. Not unless you kill them, but even then, is the problem as dead as they are?

So your vindictive and spiteful texts solved nothing except to prove you are the same as her. Spreading lies, rumours and hatred.

I still carry that hatred. But i do not express it. It has hardened me, no doubt, and i am less forgiving, but i equate myself with fire too, which in itself is unforgiving. Treat me well and i am a warm comfort. I give to charity, will gladly offer my seat on the bus for someone who needs it and no kind person need ever fear me. On the other hand, i am not one to accept stupidity or foolishness. Fools soon find themselves pushed away.

The moral of the story? Hatred may define part of who you are, but never use it against those who do not deserve it. The girl you mention does not deserve this treatment merely because she spread rumours about a boy you like. Rise above it. This is well below you.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:56 pm
by -----CaliTwin-----
You sound very much like "Lake".

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:57 pm
by shadowx
I believe there are people who are stable. I hope he wont mind but Y0m seems fairly stable to me. I do not follow his path but he is stable and grounded.

no doubt he, as anyone else, will encounter times in his life where he will be tried, forced to face off against a situation where he will become unstable, perhaps he will lash out, perhaps he will attack himself inside. But in truth, i think he will settle down.

She may not be the best of people. But does that mean you need to be nasty to her? You answer.

There are many people on this earth who are deliberately nasty to others. Here in the UK we have a racist political party called the BNP. Its leader is a racist, a homophobe, hater of women etc... but instead of firebombing his house, i simply do not vote for him. As long as the problem is contained then i have no need to be horrible to him. I dislike him, definitely. He is a horrible person. *shrugs* the world is full of people like him. So long as they stay the hell away from me and are ridiculed and controlled then i dont need to join them.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:00 pm
by -----CaliTwin-----
.....I refuse to apolgize, even if i do try she will not listen. I guess your right though, i shouldn't stoop to her level. I never meant to sound as B***hy as she, i only meant to vent.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:04 pm
by shadowx
There is no need to apologise. You dont need to like her or be nice to her, just dont be horrible, not unless you are doing so to defend yourself, eg she starts shouting abuse when there is a crowd around then by all means abuse her back, theres a reputation at stake!!

But dont go out of you way to make her upset. It's just a waste of time and energy!

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 1:55 pm
by -----CaliTwin-----
Lol, that's what i'm waiting for. She's been talking big time, and threating my best friends. But i have promised Masun i wouldn't jump to a conclusion and i just realized how unstable i truely am.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 1:55 pm
by -----CaliTwin-----
Lol, that's what i'm waiting for. She's been talking big time, and threating my best friends. But i have promised Masun i wouldn't jump to a conclusion and i just realized how unstable i truely am.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:47 pm
by shadowx
There is nothing wrong with defence, only a true fool sits back and tries to weather the storm. Even the most peaceful of people must attack back in order to survive and win the battle. Failure in a battle is not an option! It means becoming weaker and possibly worse. Of course it will happen, but you have to strive not to let it happen, this applies magickally and in the mundane world. If there is a threat to your life then you have to simply kill all of the attackers, or hurt them so badly they have to run away. But the attack needs to match the threat.

And in the case of this girl it is just so much easier to rise above it, until such a time comes as she physically threatens you, or threatens your reputation, in which case you need to bring her down to such a level she leaves you alone.

But until that happens sit back, relax and laugh. Defend yourself and your friends, but only defend. There is no need to attack in such a way. Not yet.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 3:00 pm
by Fallen Angel
I agree, and i've got the same problems...And shadow you just said it's not right to stoop to there level, so now you've confused me blue_blank