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I just don't understand it.

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:44 pm
by Kayay
I have made much of tonight, a night to work on some spiritual stuff.
Once a week I try to claim myself a night or I get a bit off balance, and such, it helps me focus.
Well, tonight I'm asking for help. Haha, anything would be appreciated really. Spells, kind words, positive energy, anything.

I'm from a very small community. Or, have been recently, and actually, am leaving the community again soon. Well, since here, I have grown some attachment to the people within the community. More than I expected, really. Its a very small, everybody knows everybody sorta thing, and I work at the center, it seems. Everybody is always in and out.
Well, yesterday, there was a murder in the area. This also, doesn't happen often. Its a farming community really - or just now developing it seems, the crime, is very little. While at work, the police officers come in and guzzle the coffee because they are so bored.
Well, the murder, really, was a husband who shot his wife. The children, thank goodness, are okay. Now, I'm not sure if its because its been a long week since I made sure I was "spiritually aligned" or what, I dunno, but I have been riddled with pain since I heard of this. I didn't hear of it until almost 24 hours later, but I cannot think about it without sobbing. I heard about it at work, and in the middle of hearing about it, I was crying.
I don't have any real connection to this family. I have rang out the husband at my register before, but no more than that. I honestly do not understand my response, and had a hard time not being embarrased at work today, when everybody was looking at me like I was insane - I was crying for people I didn't know. They probably thought I was begging for attention. Oh well, can't help what they think, I suppose.

I'm having a hard time not letting this shake me. And I don't normally understand this, I mean, yes, I consider myself a sensitive person, but never to this extent. I just don't understand why this is hitting me so hard. And without understanding it, I'm having a difficult time not letting it upset me.
Yeah, I dunno. Any help/thoughts/words/soultions/anything would help.

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:47 pm
by Kayay
Also, at the same time. I feel like I should add that this has riddled me with guilt - for thinking of how this is bothering me, of all people.

I dunno. I don't understand this, and I feel so exhausted and and horrible. Help? :(

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:12 am
by Iduna
I experienced the same once. There was this guy on a forum that I'm on, we never really talked, he was in my friend list, but that was as far as it went. One day he had a work accident, he fell through a roof and landed on his head on a stone floor. He broke his neck, back, arms and legs but he was still alive. During his time in the hospital I kept thinking about him, I even send him a huge card... Then after a month he went in a coma and died, I couldn't stop crying. I never met him, I didn't know him, but I felt so sad and horrible. I think that sometimes people's energy connect and when one of them dies, the other person will feel it, that's the best I can think of and it suites me. Big hug! I hope you feel better soon.

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:24 am
by Kayay
Thanks for our response <3
I'm glad I'm not alone in this

I spoke it over with a girlfriend, and she feels my connection to the situation may be because it relates in a sense to a traumatic childhood event, so she thinks it may just hit close to home.

I'm trying to get in touch with the family, to offer them my assistance with the children before I leave the area.

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:18 am
by Y0m
I'm not sure how you'll take this but I guess just see it from my point of view :)

It is my deep a truest belief that no one ever dies. I feel this way from years of experience through meditation and supernatural experiences. Anyway, the soul will pass on and be reborn if that is his/her natural path of growth. Sometimes a highly realized soul will not be reborn here but on higher spiritual places. So don't worry or feel sad! Dieing is the easy part ;)

It is also my beleif that attachments to anything in this physical world brings suffering. When you can step back and feel your true essence this sadness goes away quite naturally. You may even feel love coming from this women on "the other side" which is not really the other side of anything haha but the non-physical we could say. She deffinitly feels your caring, and I'm sure she appreciates it as well.

I'm sending you lots of love and strength to deal with your attachments to the physical right now. I would recommend you send this women and family love as you are already doing.

Much luck & hope I didnt offend you,

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:38 am
by Sallydreams
You may be a bit of an empath.

I feel deeply moved by people I've never met before or thinks that disturb me on a personal level.

For the most part I can control it now, it just takes time.

There was a huge kidnapping case that kept being broadcasted every 5mins on TV and it was on the front page of every search engine... I knew in my heart that the kid was dead before it was even confirmed almost a month later.

I felt it when I looked at the mother and heard the sobs of the grandmother. I just.... knewww it. I cried for that little kid, I cried a lot for that little kid.

It's completely possible to link up with an emotion SOOOO strong that is being sent out into the universe by those involved in a traumatic experience.

I believe it's a mix of being an empath and just having a strong intuition.

One day I was driving home from one of my jobs out of town and I was stopped at a stop light behind a vehicle that had life and death dates of the driver's husband (it said something like, "We will always remember. A Loving Husband:" and I sobbed all the way home.

According to the dates it was almost exactly two years since the man's passing (and I did the math, he was very close to my age now) and I could tell that the driver wasn't dealing with it very well. I was very moved and wanted to pull her over and give her a hug. (The creep factor to do that would have been too high though.. so I refrained)

Focus on these feelings when you get them, pay attention to how strong they are and where they are leading you. Pin-point exactly where they are coming from. It will help hone your skills.

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 11:33 am
by Kayay
Y0m wrote:I'm not sure how you'll take this but I guess just see it from my point of view :)

It is my deep a truest belief that no one ever dies. I feel this way from years of experience through meditation and supernatural experiences. Anyway, the soul will pass on and be reborn if that is his/her natural path of growth. Sometimes a highly realized soul will not be reborn here but on higher spiritual places. So don't worry or feel sad! Dieing is the easy part ;)

It is also my beleif that attachments to anything in this physical world brings suffering. When you can step back and feel your true essence this sadness goes away quite naturally. You may even feel love coming from this women on "the other side" which is not really the other side of anything haha but the non-physical we could say. She deffinitly feels your caring, and I'm sure she appreciates it as well.

I'm sending you lots of love and strength to deal with your attachments to the physical right now. I would recommend you send this women and family love as you are already doing.

Much luck & hope I didnt offend you,
No, you didn't offend me at all. No worries.

I can see what you're saying and get how the physical connection could be the problem. Thank you for your input.

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 11:37 am
by Kayay
Sallydreams wrote:You may be a bit of an empath.

I feel deeply moved by people I've never met before or thinks that disturb me on a personal level.

For the most part I can control it now, it just takes time.

There was a huge kidnapping case that kept being broadcasted every 5mins on TV and it was on the front page of every search engine... I knew in my heart that the kid was dead before it was even confirmed almost a month later.

I felt it when I looked at the mother and heard the sobs of the grandmother. I just.... knewww it. I cried for that little kid, I cried a lot for that little kid.

It's completely possible to link up with an emotion SOOOO strong that is being sent out into the universe by those involved in a traumatic experience.

I believe it's a mix of being an empath and just having a strong intuition.

One day I was driving home from one of my jobs out of town and I was stopped at a stop light behind a vehicle that had life and death dates of the driver's husband (it said something like, "We will always remember. A Loving Husband:" and I sobbed all the way home.

According to the dates it was almost exactly two years since the man's passing (and I did the math, he was very close to my age now) and I could tell that the driver wasn't dealing with it very well. I was very moved and wanted to pull her over and give her a hug. (The creep factor to do that would have been too high though.. so I refrained)

Focus on these feelings when you get them, pay attention to how strong they are and where they are leading you. Pin-point exactly where they are coming from. It will help hone your skills.
Geesh, that is horrible. The story of the husband and child that is.
And yeah, I've had people and friends make remarks about me being an empath before, so this could be a strong possibility.

Forgive me for my ignorance, but what am I supposed to be focusing on exactly?

Last night, I spent much much time focusing on all of this. I sent much love to the family last night, and I was finally able to fall asleep.

Thanks for your strength, and love and kind words guys <333

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:41 am
by WitchyLady506
I would say to take a few minutes and calm yourself, even mediate a minute. After you feel calm, remind yourself that while it is a horrible event, there's nothing you can do other then offer your help with the children and any of the other family members.

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:00 pm
by Kayay
Thank you for your advice, but its official, this has been a really discouraging week, and I'm really beginning to see that empath thing as more of a possibility.

Last night, around ten thirty I became overwhelmed with emotion, crying, and could not calm myself down. Not even joking. I had a discouraging facebook status and everything. I gave the credit to an autobiography scholarship essay I had finished hours before, which brought up things I don't talk about often. But, I didn't really feel that made sense, I didn't understand why I was so upset, I felt like I was just looking for something to place blame on (this happens often). I didn't sleep much last night, maybe 4 hours. I couldn't fall asleep, because I was so upset, and I kept waking up.

Went into work this morning, and found out that at ten last night a friend(ex co worker, and a friends/managers brother) died in a car accident. The other three passengers were in critical condition, one will be fortunate to make it through the night and the passenger in the other car died also.

The day was full of tears, and was exhausting. I'm entirely deflated.

I've been dizzy all day ( I have epilepsy, and as a child, did not have seizures but was constantly dizzy, and the doctors could not find proof of it, or reason behind it) and have been aching with pain.
Looking back throughout my life, this is a common occurence, one I've always shrugged off.

I don't want this. If I am one, I do not want to be an empath. This feels like a curse, and I want to know how to control it.

I feel like this is only making me more upset and more angry about the situation.

Sorry, I'm just really upset right now. Its been a long day.

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:15 pm
by Radiance ... hp?t=12577

There's some great information here. Elisa is good person to ask for help with this issue.

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:24 pm
by Kayay
Thank you darling, you're a doll. <333

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:44 pm
by Radiance
You're very welcome, I'm a bit of an empath myself but have never had major trouble keeping my own feelings separate from other peoples.