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A Love Spell Cast for Me?

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 11:58 pm
by Pas1
I'm skeptical, but I would try anything now. I need a love spell casted for me as well, as a success, beauty, money, and protection spell.

But can we start with the love spell. It's a situation where they said they loved me, but something went terribly wrong.


Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 12:14 am
by Ginger Faith!
Protection you can do on your own. you can(this is osme of what i do, when i REALLY need it), i put up a circle of black thick candles, witht one red one, one yellow one, one blue one, and one green one(for the five pointss of the pentagram). I get some chailk and draw the pentacle on the floor(you can use sea salt), and then i sit in the centre and chant. i call forth the goddess(only, i dont like men helping me, no matter how powerful they are), and i ask her to protect me.
I also have a black crystal(i use hemitate, when i am able to have it), and i consecrate it. Iput my positive energy into it, and ask the goddess to protect me from whatever or whoever needs protection.
Hope that helped some. as for the others, ill post it up later(:

Blessed Be,
Hope this helped some. and if you cant do something as elaborate as this, please, change it up!

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 7:32 am
by Earth Ritual
I'd do a spiritual bath for wholeness. To create this bath find herbs that you know to associate to each of the things you desire. Then place them in the hot water in a prayerful way. I usually chant or sing while I am doing this. Pray over the water invoking whoever you know is there to aid you (Water elemental, Goddess, Fairy, Ancestors etc.) Use candles and incense to create a powerful space.

This COULD look like:

Rosewater as an offering to open the gates for the Spirit(s) to assist with Love
Rose Quartz for the Consistent and Unconditinal Love of the Goddess
Fresh Roses and Carnations for Self Love
Fresh Rosemary for Love to surround you where you go (which is also protection)

Burn a combination of Nag Champa and Sandalwood to cast the air Divine.

A red, pink, yellow, white, and blue candle to create the space in which Love heals all and brings Balance to every area of your life.

Allow yourself to think spiritually affirmative thoughts as you bathe. Release the hurt and negative thinking of the past and commit to thinking and being a new way starting with gratitude. Express gratitude for the support of the Spirit World and commit to being Love, Beauty, and Success affirming that all will always work in your favor.

Remember this is just a suggestion. This bath will need to be repeated 5 times in severe cases and you may need purification before you take the first step so choose ingredients that work for you. I am a firm believer that everything you need to make the magic work you already have so a little research and a quick glance through your Kitchen will work wonders.

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 4:20 pm
by Pas1
We are limited on the number of occult shops we have around here. If I needed ingredients for certain spells. Is there another way to acquire them?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:58 pm
by Earth Ritual
The Grocery Store, Someone's Garden, The Forest, The Backyard, Department Stores. Dollar Tree for candles.

See in my background we didn't always have access to anything other than what was in the woods around us so we learned how to work rocks, bones, sticks, chickens, trees, local plants, etc.

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:35 pm
by Ginger Faith!
And shells, if there are any rivers around. I know that some rivers have many shells.

Blessed Be,