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Do you know any Earth spells and rituals?

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:10 am
by Earth Ritual
Hello everyone,
I am wondering do you know any Earth spells or rituals for re-balancing our relationship with Earth? I want to know what others think so please do post information, thoughts, prayers, and spells on the subject.

Here is some information from my experiences that are mainly African and Native American:

The Dagara are a tribe located in Bukina Faso West Africa. Their cosmology states that years ending in the numbers 0 and 5 take on the qualities of the elemental intelligence of Earth.

In this cosmology there are rituals that can be done to balance one with this element. The element of Earth represents home, community, the spirit of the human species, stability, being grounded, unconditional love, visibility, abundance, prosperity, wholeness, core identity, and nourishment to name a few. More information about this can be found in books by Elder and Shaman Malidoma Some.

2010 is an Earth year and it is no doubt an Earthquake at the beginning of the year is the Voice of Earth making contact with us. It is wise for all of humanity to listen thoroughly and decode these messages. There is a Spirit of this Earth and it is aligned with the true souls of our species. The Earth respects freedom, creativity, and self-reliance and seeks to do away with all forms of slavery and oppression. It is the energy of a loving mother who loves her children unconditionally. To align with this energy for the most positive benefits for your life and the life of your loved ones certain rituals can be done.

The best rituals are the ones that shock and stretch comfort zones in a way that allows for the Unknown to have say in the matter.

In this case, the Unknown is the Spirit of Earth.

One of these rituals is getting completely covered in mud with a group of people. This will help everyone to get onto a common ground and connects us with our essential humanity. Of course the best way to do this is naked.

And there should be an invocation of the spirit of humanity, the earth, and good ancestors, guides and so forth to make the ritual a success. It should be given proper closure, perhaps with everyone humming a tone together in gratitude. This is of course a great formula for any successful ritual.

Another ritual is called ritual burial. In this ritual you dig a grave that is either horizontal or vertical. Then you get in, preferably naked and without embalming fluid lol. You should be covered completely in dirt except for you head. This can be a time to release toxins, restructure the body in its original composition, healing, and being held by the Earth. You should remain in the dirt for as long as you are guided to. Yes, and falling asleep can lead to OBEs.

Here is another ritual that helps balance our relationship with the Earth. For instance, all of us are relative to people who have done some type of harm to the Earth, especially when we think about ourselves as one species. But we can start small by thinking about the people our families, our Ancestors, and even our own mistakes in the way we walk on Earth. In this ritual, we create a sacred space in nature to give an offering for the wrongs or imbalances of our Ancestors, our familites and ourselves.

The main part is speaking the Earth in an authentic and heartfelt way to express the pain, ignorance, laziness, amnesia, ineptitude, grief or whatever may be present with respect to being out of balance and integrity. Make the offering in that special place to the Spirit. This offering should be created before hand. An idea for an offering could be grains that represent and acknowledge Earth as giver of life. Water to represent the desire for peace and reconciliation. Spirits to represent the willingness to cleanse and to enter into an altered way of being that lives in harmony with Earth. And something beautiful to represent the willingness to transform past wrongs into new opportunities for growth, creativity, and love.

All these rituals should be done with others in a community setting if possible and is possible to make the offering alone and to to the burial with two people.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of rituals for balancing our relationship with Earth. There are other things like attending an Awakening the Dreamer Dreaming the Dream Symposium by Pachamama Alliance offers insight into healing and transforming the relationship of the species with the planet. Or you could read books by Daniel Quinn to get a wider perspective on ways of thinking that work in harmony with Earth rather than against it.


Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 3:08 pm
by Earth Ritual
As I investigate more into the bogus and not so bogus claims concerning 2012 and the Apocalypse I am even more reminded of how important it is of humans to hone our recognition of ourselves and to find a way in reconciling our relationship with the Earth. And no that does not look like being green or some nonsense like that. Relationships are soulful and to be human is to be soulful. If you don't have a soul you are something else period.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:40 pm
by Twisted_Pixie
I havent had a chance to read your first post here sorry, been very busy, but i will get around to it.

As for 2012... i dont believe its the end of the world... its the end of an age, we are moving into the age of Aquarius and so there will be a shift.... an ending of one age and the beginning of another.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:10 pm
by Earth Ritual
Pix if that's the case then for most us 2012 has already happened. My question is how does anyone know what time it is anyway? If the gregorian calendar has been tampered with and there has been collective time warp activity what time is it? I find that thought fascinating that we could actually be living in 1940 or in 2015, kinda like in the movie the matrix. Lol.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 12:44 am
by Twisted_Pixie
Ooooh interesting!! I was under the impression it was a planetary shift, our planet moves into the house of Aquarius =)