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Blue moon ritual

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 12:16 am
by Kassandra
[Someone mass-emailed this and I received a copy in my mailbox]


A BLUE MOON ceremony -written by unknown
To use in your own ceremonies

Welcome, we are here to celebrate the Full Blue Moon. I conjure this circle of power to be a world apart. I encircle this sacred space and all within. Let nothing enter unwelcome.

Welcome to Elements:

EAST: Spirits of Air, Guardians of the East; come to us. Faerie, Soaring Hawk help us celebrate the magical night of the Blue Moon. Give us breath of new beginnings.

SOUTH: Spirits of Fire, Guardians of the South; come to us. Salamander, Fiery Dragon help us celebrate this magical night of the Blue moon. Bring to us the flames of creativity and inspiration.

WEST: Spirits of Water, Guardians of the West; come to us. Mermaid, Playful Dolphin help us celebrate this magical night of the Blue Moon. Wash over us with the joy of life.

North: Spirits of the Earth, Guardians of the North; come to us. Gnome, Wise Wolf help us celebrate this magical night of the Blue Moon. Show us building blocks of stability.

Welcome to God and Goddess:

Ask the Blessed Goddess to be with us on this night of the Blue Moon. Welcome and Blessed Be.

Ask the Loving God to be with us on this night of the Blue Moon. Welcome and Blessed Be.

The Full Blue Moon is a time for beginnings, initiation, healing and honoring Gaia (Mother Earth)

Seeking because you are in trouble (individual and the whole) You know that you need to learn more about yourself and the world. You need not run around seeking knowledge from outside sources, for if you do not find the answers within you; you will never find them outside.

Begin Creative visualization for Release from Anger & Pain with Healing to follow

This ritual and visualization is for release and healing. During the following you will release any pain and anger that you wish and are able to, and then follow immediately with replacing that with healing energy.

Sit in a comfortable position, focus on your breathing, take a deep cleansing breath – release the breath slowly and feel your body relax.

In your mind, go to a place that you feel safe. Most of us know a place we allow ourselves to go when we want or need to feel safe. Visualize yourself in that safe place. Continue breathing.

Familiarize yourself with this space. You will notice that in front of you there are two clay jars. One you will use now and the second you will use later in the ritual.

Take the first of the two jars in your hands, begin to draw up the pain and anger that is inside you and causing you discomfort. Feel it welling up from within you. Let yourself feel the anger knowing that you will not be holding it much longer.

Begin to see the anger leaving you and going into the clay jar. See the jar filling with as much as you are able to let go of. Do the same with any personal pain you are holding.

Allow that pain to flow feely out of your heart and soul. Feel the anger and pain draining from your body and pouring into the jar. Don’t be concerned that the jar isn’t big enough as it will grow to contain anything you need it to.

When you feel that you are finished filling the jar, take a good look at it. See how much you have been carrying, making your life heavier than necessary.

When you have wrung the last of the pain and anger you are able to muster or feel comfortable letting go of, see the jar sealing with a lid of clay and wax. Know that the jar is sealed and that this pain and anger will not return to you.

Watch the jar as it shrinks, ever smaller and smaller until its small enough to hold in the palm of your hand. Se how unimportant it appears now in its new size and shape.

Now take this shrunken container of formerly immense pain and anger and through it across the room. See it smash to tiny bits and scatter to the four winds powerless to effect anyone ever again.

Take a deep cleansing breath. Let it out slowly. Feel yourself calming down, your heartbeat and breathing returning to normal after such intense emotional upheaval you just purged of yourself.

You now remember there were two jars before you. Now visualize the second jar sitting in front of you. It begins to pulse with a small light from within. Watch as that light grows while healing, loving, peaceful energy pours into it.

Feel the energy wash over you as it flows to the jar. Let that feeling grow, the jar has doubled in size and is bright with healing blue light. It fills and grows and glows. You look again and it nearly fills the room.

Reach out and place your hands on the jar of healing light. Feel the power that fills the jar.

As you have your hands on the clay jar, you feel the loving energy come into you. It flows through your hands, up your arms. You feel the warmth as the energy flows through you – healing your heart and soul, filling the hole from which all the pain and anger was emptied.

As the healing light flows through you, you notice that the jar has gotten much smaller. You can now hold it in the palm of your hand.

Look at the jar, you notice that it is sealed with a a glowing blue light that warms the soul. You notice that it now has a clasp ring that can be put onto a thong. In front of you now is a leather thong that you didn’t see before and it is just the right size to fit you perfectly as a necklace. It is as if the gods made it just for you.

Place the jar of healing energy on the thong. It is now ready for you to put it on and keep near your heart. Know that it will be with you always to draw from in any time of pain or anger. It will never empty, as it is a gift from the Lord and Lady and elements to remind you of their love being always with you.

You now see them, although they have been there all along and you weren’t aware they were with you through the entire journey. They embrace you and tell you that they will always be with you, you only need to ask them to come.

You look to them as a child and feel the warmth of their smiles and loving embrace. Thank them and accept their gift as a toke of their love for you.

Hold this close to your heart. When you look up again they have gone but they are never far.

Come back now to this place when you feel that you are ready. Take a deep breath, release it slowly. Remember that you have been given a gift of spirit and healing to carry with you always. When you feel you are ready and able, you may open your eyes and come back physically to this place also.


We thank the Goddess for being with us this evening of the Blue Moon. Hail and Farewell – Blessed Be

We thank the God consort for being with us this evening of the Blue Moon. Hail and Farewell – Blessed Be

Dismiss the Quarters:

We thank the Spirits of the Air for their presence – Hail and Farewell – Blessed Be

We thank the Spirits of the Fire for their presence – Hail and Farewell – Blessed Be

We thank the Spirits of Water for their presence – Hail and Farewell – Blessed Be

We thank the Spirits of the Earth for their presence – Hail and Farewell – Blessed Be

By the Earth that is her body,
By the air that is her breath,
By the fire that is her spirit,
By the waters of her living womb,
the circle is open, but yet unbroken.
May the peace of the Goddess and the love the God go in our hearts.

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 12:19 am
by Kassandra
[She sent this too. I almost deleted it because I thought it was the same email as above]

Subject: Once in a BLUE MOON is here.. tonight!!!

This info comes from many sources.. enjoy...

From one of my students ...
December 31, 2009 – WOW – Very Exciting!

Did you know that it is a Full Moon on New Years this year? Did you also know that it is a Blue Moon as well? And even more cool – it is the first Full Moon after the Winter Solstice! Very exciting stuff.

What is a Blue Moon you say? Well – a Blue Moon is a Full Moon that is not timed to the regular monthly pattern. Most years have twelve full moons, which occur approximately monthly, but in addition to those twelve full lunar cycles – each calendar year has 11 “extra days” (because our calendar system is not in exact alignment with nature) - that in itself explains a lot I think. Anyway, these extra 11 days add up – and over about 2.7 years – Boom – we have an “extra” Full Moon or Blue Moon.

A Blue Moon was defined as the extra Full Moon in a season – a normal season, fall, winter, summer & spring – have 3 Full Moons – for the 3 months of season. But those extra days add up and sometimes provided a 4th Full Moon within the season – So, the Farmer’s Almanac defined a Blue Moon as the 3rd Full Moon in the season. (which is even more strange – you would think it would be the fourth Full Moon designated as the Blue Moon since it is the odd man out – but I guess you need the last Full Moon of the season to define when the season ends – so you can’t be calling it an extra, can you?

But now days (due to an error in a publication in 1946) – the popular version of a Blue Moon is the second Full Moon in a calendar month – it is easier to understand, so it stuck – such as now – there was a Full Moon on December 2 and now there will be another one on December 31st.

Next Blue Moon (same month – two Full Moons) won’t be until August 31st 2012 – and then July 31st 2015

So December 31st 2009 – will literally – only happen – once in a Blue Moon!!

So what to do to CELEBRATE it!!

The Full Moon (or Esbat)- is seen as a potent and special time to celebrate & intensify intentions. Combine the energy of the Full Moon with the energy of the New Year (a time a reflection, bidding farewell to the past, looking into the future with hope, anticipation and optimism) – this New Years will truly be one to create the next year.

There are simple or complex ways to celebrate and embrace this magical night – you can simply make a wish, think about what you would like the next year to be like, contemplate what a peaceful and harmonious planet would look like – or what the earth would be like if it was in harmony.

Or you can incorporate small rituals (I know, ritual is such a scary word sometimes) but truly symbolic. My favorite is to get a large shallow bowl (preferably Silver – stainless steel works perfect) fill ½ with water and put white flowers all over the top. (any white flowers will do) – write down your wishes for the Full Moon – and the next year in this case – and put the paper underneath the bowl for the night.

Or you could make your own little wishing well – bowl with water – toss into it silver coin(s) for you wish – allow to sit out all night.

And since this is New Years - don’t forget to bid farewell to the past – think or write down any “yuckies” that occurred in 2009 – and throw them into the fire, say: “I let go of the past with ease, and I trust the process of life”– after you have released any feeling attached to them – invite the new intentions for the year!

I will attach a cool ceremony that I like if anyone is interested – there is no right or wrong, you can’t do anything to screw it up. Just do what you would like to celebrate the New Year and to honor nature.

I do have one request – I feel that 2010 will continue to provide us with great change, and we all know that change is difficult – we resist, we fight, we judge – all futilely since change is the only constant and in order to adapt we must change. So, I feel that things in our lives (whether personal or on a community/global scale) that do not serve our highest good, that do not sit right with our souls – will be challenged even more this year. Creating great discomfort and unrest – this can be quailed if we listen to determine what really is causing the dis-ease and knowing that we are safe, ability to change, to flow, to adapt with ease – comes from the knowledge that we are safe. We are safe in the here and now, we are safe under Divine Guidance and we are safe to let go of thinking and beliefs that do not serve our highest good – and to embrace what does. How do we know what serves our highest good? Stop. Be still and listen.

So my request is that in 2010 – when things get harry in your life (and the larger world) remember to say to yourself – “I am safe, I am honored to live in a time of great change and challenge to my spirit. I get to experience this life to its fullest!”

Blessed Be and Divine Do.

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 5:14 am
by MoonDust
I love moon rituals! I practically live by burning to cinders anything that I want removed from my life, and scattering those ashes as far as I can. Rituals such as these are very powerful for ridding yourself of unwanted habits, and people, and self-defeating thoughts in your life. Happy New Year!