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need help healing back injuries

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:25 am
by Teaca
I'm in need of help healing my back. i have been going to a chiropractor for a while now and it still isn't helping at all. the uncomfortable pain in my back still keeps me up at night and makes me unable to sit or stand for more than 30 min. please will someone help me heal

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 9:45 am
by One Walker
Hi Teaca!

I regret hearing about your pain and would like to offer something in the way of help. I'm assuming this is lower back pain, okay? For relief from pain, improved eliminations, and relaxation of the body you can do this at home pretty easy:

1) Dissolve Epsom Salt in hot water in a small basin or pot. Two cups of Epsom Salt to one quart of water. You can buy Epsom Salt at any drug store, Wal-Mart, etc.

2) Soak a large piece of flannel or heavy towel in the Epsom Salt solution.

3) Apply the pack over the affected area. If you're doing this on a bed or in a chair you can put down a piece of plastic to keep any runoff from the pack from damaging anything or making a mess.

4) Place a piece of plastic over the pack and then a heating pad over the plastic. This helps to maintain the heat until the Epsom Salt has completely dried or has become caked in the pack.

5) Leave the pack on until it becomes hardened or dried.

6) Remove the pack and cleanse the applied area with water. Save the pack for future use! It can be reused! You can keep it in a plastic bag.

7) Massage the applied area with pure (cold-pressed if possible) Peanut Oil using all the oil that the body will absorb. Peanut Oil is like a food for the nerve and muscle systems. It can also help prevent Arthritis.

Now on to the root of the problem: For one, if the Chiropractor isn't helping I would suggest seeking the services of an Osteopathic doctor; preferably one who does good manual manipulations. Many doctors seem to like to operate and quite often it isn't really necessary.

The fact that the Chiropractor hasn't apparently been able to help seems to indicate the person is not really addressing the root of the problem. Lumbago, or lower back problems, rarely have the actual cause of the problem located in the same area. The problem is usually caused by pressure being put on that area due to a malfunction elsewhere in the body. Primary among these malfunctions is slowed or incomplete eliminations of the Colon Tract. This is a case where general Lymph circulation is slowed, causing an engorgement of the intestinal tract and through that cause poor eliminations. Also, the colon itself may be experiencing pockets or a dropping of a part of the Colon which will interfere with eliminations and thus bring about a toxic situation in the system.

A second cause of the condition may be due to an infection or adhesion in other parts of the body. The body produces excess mucus as a natural fluid to help soothe internal irritations and to provide a medium for bacteria-scavenging White Blood Cells. The mucus travels the body carrying toxins on the way to elimination but unfortunately any other organ of the body that might be slightly weaker than others is susceptible to these toxins. The systems suffering the original adhesion or infection which are most likely to cause an adverse effect in the Lumbar region are teeth, nose, upper respiratory, or adhesion's in the pelvic region.

There are other causes but these are the most common two and the others usually relate to these as well. Treatment may vary greatly dependent upon the specific original cause and only you are best qualified to say what that might have been. Basically, treatment boils down to two things:

A) Detoxify your system and,
B) Balance your body's structural system with your nervous system.

Detoxifying your system yourself is a good way to go and that means simply absorbing more Alkaline-based foods than Acid-based. I can recommend some specific Detox things you can do for rather quick and full flushes of the system but the best body performance is obtained from a daily consumption of foods in a ratio of 80% Alkaline-based to 20% Acid-based. This isn't as much of a hassle as it might sound because there are a lot more Alkaline-based foods than Acid. But WHEN (or at which meal) you eat WHAT is! I can provide complete lists of Acid and Alkaline foods and a general course of consumption if you'd like.

Balancing your body's structural system is also relatively easy. This is where a good Osteopath can really come in handy because it simply means getting a good manual adjustment from one of them. You can also try a good manual massage from someone who's certified and knows what they're doing! I might even be able to provide you with the name of someone in your area who is likely to be of help in this since you live in the U.S.

Sorry for the long post. I realize some of this may sound whacked or unappealing but it works! It's not a shortcut or a quick-fix though. It WILL fix things for good however and I assume that's what you want. I know you're fed up with the pain and aggravation!

If you like, try the Epsom Salt pack first. Do at least one treatment every day for about 2 weeks and see what that does for you. You may experience significant relief much sooner though. If, at that point, you would like to and are interested in getting into the other aspects please feel free to let me know or PM me. I would very much like to be of any service I can!

Blessings to you!

One Walker. :D

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:44 pm
by Teaca
thank you so much i will try that out today. my cousin said that the chiropractor would work wonders with me but guess not lol. thank you so much for your help i was considering to get acupuncture done but i wasnt sold on the idea lol.

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 10:26 am
by One Walker
You're always welcome! Please keep us informed as to how it's going, okay? We care about what happens to you and want to be of assistance if possible!

Blessings to you and Happy New Year!

One Walker. :D