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can i read auras?

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 2:54 pm
by Li Li
well according to my mum and some of my friends i have the power to "heal". like my mum always claim that when i hold her hand or when i massage her head her headache or any other aches go away for a while. plus i tend to pick up vibes with people and most of the time i'm right. and apparently i make people feel calmer. that sounds very odd to me.... like people don't hesitiate telling everything (trust me people have told me things i seriously don't need to hear or know). whether it means anything or not, i seriously can't see colours with people. vibes but never colours. does any one have tips?

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:14 am
by Jo.A
well that's something usual you know, all the people can be able to feel vibes, but i've seen that you have an acute sense, so you can feel it easier, and you can use that to help people, you know the pain is also energy, you can pull out energy of the bodies to make them feel better, I believe what you say cuz it had happened to me. Its easy once you're concentrated on what you wanna do.

And bout the auras, can you see colours? because it's said that every people has an aura of only one colour though, I've noticed that the mood of the people reflects another kind of energy and can be confused with the auras because we relate feelings with colours.

White : Peace and Calm
Black : Fear, Pain or Sadness etc.

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 3:23 am
by shadowx
in my opinion, which is by no means fact i would attribute colour not to the eyes but to the brain. Im scientific in my approach but you can only see things if they are giving off or reflecting visible light, in which case everyone would see auras all the time. however, you can pick up the vibrations and energies from the auras and if your brain is more accustomed to visual stimuli then it will give you almost a hallucination of the colours. you receive the energy "signals" as it were, and you know they are feeling happy for example but have an injury to one side of their body. Your brain then turns this information into a visual signal which it tricks you into thinking is being received by your eyes.

does that make sense?

My point is that IMHO you dont need to *see* an aura only feel it, and as long as you can pick up on things like emotions, damage etc... then that's what matters, not whether or not you can see it.

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:47 am
by Sallydreams
Shadow, You're describing being an empath.... not reading auras.

I've read one aura in my entire life... and I think it was the Goddess warning me to stay away from that person. I was stupid with love *sigh*

But after I saw his aura and researched what it meant (because it's been the only one I've ever seen before) I got frightened and made myself stop talking to him. He was very distructive and liked to bring everyone down with him anyway... so I guess it all worked out for the best.