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Spiritual Portals?

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 8:01 pm
by True Blood
All my life ive had things I call 'episodes' Sometimes when Im trying to sleep at night I cant move, cant breath, or anything like that. Then I either get a long ringing in my ear and then I can regain myself, These have happened on and off all my life. But more recently ive been hearing things, last time it happened I heard metal banging in my ear (not like a worker type construction bang, like um......That instrument with the metal keys I cant remember the name of?) And the last time after that I had the 'episode' muiltiple times (something that never happens) and then I heard children laughing and then It felt and I also heard it like I was being sucked into something. It took a while longer for me to regain control of myself. And aslo after that, which freaked me out, I ran out of my room and went into my entertainment room and watched tv, or at least tried to, I got the overwhelming feeling someone/something was watching me and it didnt go away. Is there a connection between these spiritual portals and spirits? And any ideas on why the spirit would be watching me after that?

My friend kasey that I talk to said it was a spiritual portal, I have NO idea what they are or if they are bad or good, Id like to know more about them
and what people think about the seemingly spirit connection to it as well?

I see a white light, every time this happens. And its bright. What does this mean?


Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 2:44 am
by Xal
The inability to move sounds like sleep paralysis. Since you seem to be expanding your conscious spiritual, it would make sense that you would experience these inbetween states of consciousness as your brain waves while your sleeping are similar to meditation.

The sound could be a few things. Possibly a a left over from being partly in a dream state. Possibly how your perceiving some form of energy intake or vibration. Possibly a spirit trying to get your attention. Maybe something completely different.

When I used to go camping when I was younger I experienced a similar phenomena as hearing what I can only describe as children playing in the distance. It would be very strange, I would put my head down, hear it, lift y head up and not hear it.

As for the sucking feeling I would theorize that it is one of two things.
1. You are beginning to feel your energetic body, which is experienced many different ways by different people. Some feel temperature, electricity, a feeling of being on waves.
2.You are feeling the your astral body trying to project out of your body.

As for spiritual portals, I have never heard the term and don't know what it is referring too.

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 1:21 am
by True Blood
Exactly what I was thinking : P Thanks for reasurring (sp?) me about it