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Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 9:03 am
by Kassandra


I know holidays can be really great, but really stressful in some instances. "Special" occasions can get pretty...special, alright. Weddings, funerals and holidays all tend to bring out the best and the worst in people. Being very good to yourself will help you keep your sanity when Uncle Harry has too much to drink and starts acting like an ass, trust me. Let his energy stay with him, while you stay centered in yours. Don't let him make you carry his energetic crud around in your consciousness for him.

Ground, center and shield yourself as much as possible. Meditate daily. Cut cords. Try some of the practices in the Empath Resources thread in the Ask Kassandra forum (even if you don't consider yourself an empath).

A relaxed bath soak with intent (spell work, positive affirmations, whatever) before a "challenging" social engagement and/or a cleansing one afterward (or at least a brisk shower, the goal is to symbolically release any psychic "grime" you may have picked up) can be refreshing and rejuvenating. Check out these decadent bath recipes posted years ago by EUTM member, Chesire: Bath & Body, one of my favorite threads. :wink:

Enjoy Rhythms of Nature

All holidays are pagan when you think about it (esp Christian ones, though they don't know it, as I mentioned in this post). All holidays mark the passage of time, the rhythm of nature and existence. If nothing else, think of the rhythm of your own growth and existence. In thankfulness reflect on how far you've come as a person since this very day last year, all the important things you learned, and how much you've taught others around you. The best of you however, is certainly yet to come.

As of this writing, (in the Northern Hemisphere) nature's shedding the vestiges of the old year, leaves are falling off the trees, etc. Find things in nature that strike your eye, and bring some of it inside the house if you can. That's what my mother used to do. She practiced ikebana (it was compulsory in Japan for girls to learn at one time, probably isn't anymore), so if it was flower blossom season, she'd make a flower arrangement. If it was fruit-bearing season, she'd make a fruit arrangement. If it was winter season, she'd make a pine branches arrangement, like the one above.

We had no tokonoma, an alcove in a Japanese home where you'd normally display such arrangements. So she improvised by placing flower arrangements on the kitchen table, a new arrangement every week or two. What a treat it was for me to see this little changing microcosm of the seasons, magically transforming before my eyes year round. I didn't think much of it growing up, but I sure do appreciate her work as I think about it now. It was one of the many beautiful things about my mom.

Added Dec 6, 2009:

Helpful Tips for Maintaining Recovery through the Holidays


The holiday season can be a time of joy, celebration, and connecting with loved ones. It can also trigger increased stress for many. For those committed to recovery from addiction, the holidays can present special challenges due to holiday parties; hectic schedules; food, drink/drug, relationship and/or emotional triggers. Below are 12 suggestions for maintaining serenity during the holidays:

1. Spend time during the holidays with those who support your recovery.

2. Many groups host 'marathon' meetings during the holidays-find one in your area.

3. Ask for support from family and friends who encourage your recovery.

4. Keep a phone list of people you can call if you feel the urge to drink/use with you.

5. Get regular exercise as an essential component of a balanced recovery program.

6. Stay away from slippery places: nightclubs, parties where there's likely to be drinking/using.

7. Create new traditions to replace old negative patterns.

8. Write a daily gratitude list.

9. Volunteer at a charitable organization - a great way to take your mind off yourself.

10. Write a letter to yourself: "How I Maintained my Recovery Through the Holidays." Include activities that will help you have a healthy and happy holiday.

11. Avoid H.A.L.T. - becoming too hungry, angry, lonely, or tired.

12. Live One Day at a Time and enjoy your recovery this holiday season!!


Re: Holiday sanity

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 3:44 pm
by Kassandra

Bumping this post up. It's that time of year again.

Here's an interesting org I came across today. I'll post this in the Websites forum, as well, and any related ones I find:
