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i want enlightenment

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 11:48 pm
by sandmage
i want to learn to meditate and to do astral projection, especially the latter, but everything i find keeps giving me all these materialistic spells with candles and stuff...i believe in the pure power of the mind...can anyone help me learn to do these rituals?

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 12:27 am
by Adeil
i haven't tryed meditation yet...but i have been reading about astral projection, there is a web site that has lessons on it,, you can sign up for the weekly course, when it starts agin. there is also a forum that is mostly for astral projection i think,

i have also heard people recommend Astral Dynamics, by Robert Bruce i just bought it a little while ago, and am starting to read it lol.


Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:13 am
by hedge*
Hi there
There is a brilliant website, hang on while I find the addy....................
found it

Just remember the techniques used to astral project CAN take a while to practice and perfect. Don't be in a rush to get to this level, let your own mind take as long as it wants/needs.


Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:57 pm
by Starwitch
Try looking at "New Age" sites instead of witchcraft and pagan sites. New Age sites are more into mind power without the help of aids like candles, incense, etc. They sometimes use that stuff, but it's not necessary. I agree with you that those kinds of things aren't needed. They are mostly just props.

baby steps

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 3:32 am
by being-singular-plural
Astral Projection is very cool. . Once you begin, you find that you are forever changed as you live virtually "between worlds." I suggest that you take small steps to practice. Light a candle, put on soothing music and centre yourself. . (there are many ways to centre yourself: a lasting technique is to simply focus on your breathing, control it. . .and slow it down. If you are into Chakra work, this is where you would begin to open up your main chakras starting with the root slowly working up to the crown. Once you have achieved the "alpha" state (where your everyday consciousness slows down to something closer to a dream state) begin visualizing your etheric hands rising out of your solid hands. With these hands hold them out around your navel area (while your real hands are on your knees, palms up) and fill them with a ball of light. Start with a small light, like the size of a marble and with your breathing, envision the light getting bigger until it is a beach ball. . .Play with your astral hands in the light, raise them up, spread them in front of you while holding the imagined ball of light. If you are doing it correctly you will feel a tremendous sensation when you bring your etheric hands back into your solid hands. That's how you know you've been somewhere!! Keep practicing this and soon your whole etheric body will rise out of you and you are free to go "anywhere." Start small and go big!!! Hope this helps a bit. . .Maybe I'll see you on "the flip side!!"

In Light,

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 5:20 pm
by 5moons
I would teach you how to astral project but I am here and you are there and I do better being there to show you than.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 6:17 pm
by Starwitch
Hey Chris,

I didn't know you could astral project. How cool. You aren't visiting me and Ron at night, are you? I've actually had weirdos online tell me that they astral project and spy on me (not saying you are). Creepy. And that kind of stuff has actually happened to me in real life with my husband and ex-husband. The ex was psychic and would have visions or premonitions about me cheating on him, and my new husband was able to astral project to where I was and see that I was with my ex-husband (at the time when I was seeing them both, between marriages). One night, I was asleep in bed with Dewayne (the ex) and I woke up and felt a man lying next to me with his head on my chest and his arm draped over me. Of course, there was no one there. I FREAKED OUT. I knew it wasn't Dewayne because he was facing the other way. I could feel that it was Ron's energy, but I wasn't completely sure. He (his spirit) left when I woke up startled and freaked out about it. I asked him about it the next day and he admitted that he had had a very realistic dream about the same situation, which of course was him projecting while he slept. I told him how scared I was, and told him NOT to ever do it again. We had not had sex with each other at that point, but later when we did, I really recognized the energy as being the same as the spirit from that night. He also has a tendency to lay on me that same way even now, which freaks me out a bit because it reminds me of that night. It's not a common way for men to lie on women, so I know it was him.

There were other times he would astrally project and find me doing things I wasn't supposed to do. Once Dewayne said he could see or feel Ron watching us (astrally). I wasn't supposed to be over there because I was dating Ron at the time. And Ron would also feel Dewayne watching us sometimes when we were at his house.

I really know how to attract the guys, don't I? (Weirdos!) lol

Oh I just remembered a freaky story. I have probably told it here before but it's been a long time. A few years ago, Dewayne (my ex-husband) and I went on vacation in Florida. We had to get a crappy hotel room because we didn't think to call in advance and make reservations and everyone was booked. Soon after getting in the room, Dewayne said it was haunted. There was the spirit of a man in the bathtub who had killed himself and was covered in blood and it was pretty bad. Since I couldn't see him, it didn't bother me too much. Dewayne often saw stuff like that, so it wasn't a huge deal. The second night though, we were asleep in bed when I felt a man trying to push his penis in me. It was a little dick (no wonder he killed himself) and I instantly realized that it wasn't my husband trying to f*ck me and I jumped up, very startled. Upon waking, I couldn't feel it anymore and he was gone I guess. Dewayne was faced the other way as usual (we always slept facing opposite ways.) That seriously freaked me out. A ghost actually tried to rape me. Can you even believe it?! Yeah, it's weird. The next night I was about to drift off when I saw a face in my mind's eye (my eyes were closed). It was just a face and it kind of started smaller and floated towards me, getting larger. I wasn't afraid. I knew it was him. I asked Dewayne the next day if the dead man looked kind of retarded, not "retarded, retarded, but you know..." and he was like "Yeah, that's exactly it. You definitely saw him." He had a sort of retarded, ugly face, not to mention a small dick, and I started understanding then why he probably killed himself. Anyway, that's my "A ghost tried to f*ck me" story. Hope eveyone enjoyed it. (We obviously went to a different hotel after this.)

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 10:55 pm
by being-singular-plural
Dearest ,

I have never projected into America. When I say I have done Shamanic healing with a friend across the country I am talking about the rugged north of Canada. There are very different energies in America that I have touched the limit of, but never crossed at this point in my astral travels. I am a being in service of the light and would never intrude on someone in astral form if they were not expecting me. I use astral travel to heal others and to visit friends. Ego bound astral travellers who try to get their kicks at someone else's expense, my guides tell me, will not be among the travellers for long. It is a sacred space and those who cannot understand the distinction between self and ego do not belong there. Karma will take of them in the end anyways. . . I feel that there are subtle energerial borders even on the Astral Plane that loosely correspond with physical borders, and I have had no reason to contact anyone in the states. Of course, that is for distance contact with another being on earth which presupposes a specific destination to a specific being, but the astral plane is not always so connected to the earth. One has to have focused grounding energy to stay connected to the physical geomorphic energies. Do any other astral travellers find different energies in different regions???


Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:51 am
by being-singular-plural
As I was drifting off to sleep last night I had a fairly clear vision of a group of us sitting together in a desert compiling information. I had the sense that I was with some people from this web forum. We were writing down things frantically and there was an urgent sense that we needed to get our job done. There was much joy and laughter amidst the information frenzy. We were channeling. When the data streams were complete we had in the middle of our circle a fairly big book. When I looked closely at it the title began to emerge: "THE ETHICS OF ASTRAL TRAVEL." I just wanted to share this with you. . . :)



Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 1:19 pm
by Starwitch
Sounds like a best-seller Chris! That's very interesting that you had such a vision. There's really no telling - it could come true. I'm not too sure about a book on the "ethics" of astral travel, but maybe some sort of book could happen someday as a result of this forum. I know I love to write (as evidenced by my continuous ramblings on this board.) I just think that most people who are into astral travel are either trying to learn it or trying to go further than what they can already do. Most people don't concern themselves with the ethics of it, although they should, and I don't think anyone would buy a book like that. BUT, it doesn't necessarily have to be a "for sale" book anyway. If someone wrote an e-book about the subject, we could give away free on my website and many more people would read it that way.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 8:12 pm
by being-singular-plural
Ha! Thanks ,

I agree, I doubt that too many publishing houses would be interested in a manuscript of this nature. I am not going to write the book on this topic. The book that was generated in the vision was "already written." The information is there for those who seek it. Those who turn away from the light and "fall" into ego-desires lose their astral power very quickly and when they return from that state they will find that they are exhausted and will continually have trouble "getting back" until their light is opened again. Hence, ego-magicians "will not be there for long." I don't know about those strong egos that have "passed on" who enjoy haunting the living. They are in a different "space." But, I would certainly be open to investigate other collaborative writing opportunities. What would you want to write a book about ? (or anyone else for that matter?)

With light,


Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 1:22 am
by Starwitch
I can't think of anything right now that I want to write about, but I'll let you know if I think of something interesting.

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 9:17 am
by BlackenedRose*
The strange thing is, I am relatively new to all this, and I find this so easy....

I did it the first time (in an exam room, of all places!) and I just stood up from my table and went straight to my dad's house. I spent the rest of the exam just wandering around my room and some of the house, and feeling things and suchlike because I couldn't believe that I had done it, just like that!

Maybe I just find it easy, or maybe I was just imagining it.


Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 9:45 am
by quicksilver
here is obe class link just click on OOBE Class :wink: