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Questions about Wicca

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:58 pm
by Hiddencast
Hi. OK, well I feel as though being a Wiccan is part of me, as if it runs in my blood, yet I know nothing.

How do I know if this is my path?

What is the history?

and where do I learn more?

P.S., I am 16, and I'm just a horrible speller, and I use a PSP.

Questions about Wicca

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:44 am
by Kassandra
Hiddencast wrote:OK, well I feel as though being a Wiccan is part of me, as if it runs in my blood, yet I know nothing.
Hi Hiddencast. Welcome to the Board. Well, for starters you've come to the right place. There are a lot of resources posted throughout this message board about Wicca and similar paths by people who have been practicing for many years. So read, ask questions, etc. I would also suggest putting the PSP away, heading to the bookstore, and picking up some books to read and learn about Wicca on your own.
how do i know if this is my path?
As with any spiritual path you undertake, only you can answer that question. I think one good sign a person is on the right path is if he finds more in common than different with that particular set of practices and beliefs. For instance, if you find yourself disagreeing with aspects of a spiritual path more of the time than agreeing with them, then maybe that particular path is not the right path for you. That may seem like common sense, but it amazes me how many people go to a church, for example, and mumble under their breath about everything about it. "Don't go! It's not for you. Find a spiritual path that brings you peace instead of grief!"...I feel like saying to them. Easier said than done, I realize. Some people are just stuck: "my family is Catholic, so I have to go...." So judge a path as being "right" for you if you can incorporate its practices and beliefs into your daily activities as a refreshing, inspiring part of your lifestyle ...if it's a pain, don't do it.
what is the history?
Heavy question, beyond the scope of this one post. Lots of resources available on that; you must do your research. In a nutshell, it is part of a larger movement known as "neopaganism" which also included "neo-druidism," etc. There's "Dianic Wicca," "Alexandrian Wicca," etc. The most popular form that comes to mind is probably "Gardnerian Wicca," based on the teachings of a 20th-century English fellow named Gerald Gardner. Some regard him as a charismatic genius, harnessing and modernizing ancient, Earth-based practices into a new unified religion. Others dismiss him as a self-aggrandizing, homo-phobe who should have been institutionalized for mental illness. So as you research Wicca, you will come across a range of opinions about Gerald Gardner and his work. Most of the practices of Wicca go back to ancient history, pre-history actually, so as I said, this topic goes way beyond the scope of this post.

Spirituality is a lifestyle, not an intellectual exercise. Any spiritual path worth your time will never be about instant gratification, so don't expect to "learn it all" in one sitting.
and where do i learn more?
Basically, let your information come from several sources, not just one. Like I said before, read a book, though even books can be rather inaccurate. Use Google to search for info on the internet, but at the same time take what you read on the internet with a grain of salt; anybody can create a website! Maybe find other Wiccans in your area and learn together with them; but if they don't know what they're doing, somebody could get hurt. Bottom line: take what resonates with you, and discard the rest. Ask a lot of questions, but no matter what you read, or what any "authority" you talk to ever tells you, always let common sense be your final authority. This is a subject that has been coming up a lot in recent posts on this message board.
P.S.: I am 16, and I'm just a horrible speller, and I use a psp.
I kind of cleaned up your post, but in the future, really try to make an effort at good grammar and spelling. Is it possible for you to jump on a computer with Microsoft Word on it, type and spellcheck a draft of your post, then cut and paste it here on the message board? If possible, please take the extra time to do so. If not, I understand. But bear in mind this board is seen worldwide, literally, and the owner, , really wants it to reflect well on behalf of all the members. Also it makes it easier for others to read what you wrote (which is a big reason we post on message boards in the first place, right?). I changed the subject line of your post from "a few questions," to "Questions about Wicca," so it reflects what your post is about, which helps people go right to the information they're looking for. So try to think of accurate subject headings for your posts, if you would. Thanks.

Note: Hiddencast let me know that she does not have access to a computer at this time, so she must post with the PSP for now. Better that, I believe, than to not post at all, I say. She asks that we bear with her on that.
