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Level's Blog

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 11:08 pm
by level
Finally decided to start my own blog.
Here I will reflect on the many questions that I have solved to a degree and will try to give them hopefully a new direction and spin. Lest see where this take me.

Time -Part 1

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 11:11 pm
by level
The first concept that springs to mind is time. Here comes my point of view of what time is and how i captured its essence.

Time Part 1

Time, the final frontier, a concept that we all want to control and manipulate to a degree that will allow us to exist into eternity and beyond. To some, it is just a measuring unit that dictates our lives every second from the time that we are brought into this world and to some is a door into infinity and back. Me, personally I have time at the top of my list of concepts that should be developed and explored. Like everyone else Time for me was just a set of numbers by witch our life was tracked and scheduled upon. Latter on as I progressed through my education, time became a more complex system that was part of endless formulas and equations. For the longest time I was stuck in that spiral of numbers that never ended. Until I started paying attention to terms like infinity, eternity and forever, those were elements of time that made the numbers that surround us useless and unimportant. Those elements threw my control matrixes and manipulation procedures of Time apart. The numbers just turned to dust and scattered into the endless space of the universe where time exist on a different level. When that happens, you begin to realize that ultimately time provides us with a vision where we can exist side by side with eternity. Why not, time does.

When time goes beyond the numbers, the universe as we know it transforms into an endless playground where we see no boundaries and limitations. A universe, where every thought transforms into a matrix that has the potentiality nested within to grow and to be explored millions of times over and over again. It is the place where concepts are unfolded and their core becomes the birthplace of new, more exiting visions. Visions that can be turned into reality. That universe becomes the point of creation, where time stops. And the only thing that moves it forward is the actions and steps that we chose to bring to life. Those actions become the numbers that move the clock forward or backwards. It is the point where we become one with the universe itself. And here is where the concept of time travel and control becomes our lateral anchor to a universe free of time. Where we can experience life on every level.
Up until now the concept of time control was always associated with individuals that want to travel back and forth in time so that they can better their lives or to experience a life style that was typical for a certain period of time. That desire is born out of luck of information which creates blank spots in our information data base and our circle of interactional experiences. There are other reasons for people to desire to turn back or forth the hands of time but the most obvious are death and our point of creation. But let’s concentrate on time travel.

Like all systems time travel has a starting point, but more importantly its destination points have to have infinity attached to them. In other words infinite of destination points in any given timeline. These are the prerequisites that form the matrix of time travel they allow for interactions between two systems to exist on a different level, to collide and create an alternative new level where those two realities co-exist in the same timeline. We can agree that the basic connection between the past and the future where they are brought to a controllable point and subject to interaction is the starting point that is initialized in the present. The now is the point of initialization of the travel.

We have been fed the information trough sci-fi books, movies and articles that this travel is only accomplished with a special machine designed just for that. The reality is very close to that assumption and yet a little out of context. We as species have unlocked the first step to unlocking the secret of time travel and that is owed to our progress in technology. The initial step is the creation of a system that can harness and handle great amounts of data and to consequently to be able to store it. This system in question is the computer. Computers extend the boundaries of our limits almost to infinity where manipulation and flow of information is a key factor that gives birth to unlimited interaction scenarios just by introducing key elements into systems designed to reproduce those realities. With computers we have come to a point where we no longer have to stare into the unknown unable to experience it to some believable degree. We can now recreate realities by creating engines (software) based on actual facts recorded, analyzed and examined by our brightest scientist to the fullest. It is a semi- reality and yet it is enough to give us a glimpse and feel of those realities that we re-create but a chance to be in full control of them.

As we all know we are part of a system that is infinite and very old compared to our own standards of life and the way we accept time that matters to us. This system is our solar system and within it the planet that we live in. It is a system that has rules and laws that contribute to the establishment of a unique curriculum that makes the system predictable and linear. This linearity creates loops within the system that constantly repeat a line of action. A repetition that is based on the laws and cannons of space itself. This repetition is universal trough every solar system, galaxies, universes and dying and just coming to life stars. We also follow this looping matrixes that last for untold amounts of time.
This repetition of events is our nemesis as well as our best friend when it comes down to time control. It is our nemesis because in order to achieve time control we have to step out of this repetition and create a carrier that will allow us to go back to the beginning and the end of the cycles that we wish to explore. On the other hand it is our best friend because we can predict very accurately the repetitions within the system that we are exploring. That in itself gives us countless of chances to establish starting points within systems that have ended and be able to alter those repetitions and create new cycles where we are the initial designers, creators and manipulators or events.

Ultimately basic systems like solar systems are very predictable due to the amount of revolutions/repetitions they undergo in time. We can create models and matrixes that map the starting and presumably the end point of all the cycles within the systems just by observing few of the cycles. Solar systems evolve very slowly and are very hard to be controlled by smaller systems like ourselves due to their size. On the other hand there are billions of solar systems out there. This abundance gives a chance to explore and map them to the max. Another interesting fact about those solar systems is that each one of them has a different time line and point of birth and death. Here lays the secret to time travel when it comes down to how time affects systems like our own. The past and the future collide based on one factor. That factor is repetition. But we want to experience those different timelines and events that mark the beginning and end of celestial events. Events that mark the starting point to some elements that we always have questioned and wondered about. Elements like how does life begins and ends? How do planets form? When and how was the universe born? Where does it end? And so on. But we cannot do that because we are smack in the middle of the spectrum of one of them. Well in order to be able to answer those questions we have to move back and forward in that spectrum. There are no boundaries that prohibit us to do just that since we have already created the system that will allow us eventually to move faster and out of the cycle that we are within. In other words when we truly harness a system that can allow us to move faster in space we will have a chance to answer all those questions and more.

Now, when it comes down to more complex timelines that have shorter duration is becomes harder to capture and potentially to be able to travel trough them. We are a perfect example of those types of timelines. Timelines that are too short to experience singularly bigger and longer timelines. And yet we are able to experience them trough the development of a storage system known as history. The better we record our present the greater and more accurate it the system in the future. We are a repetition engine that has the potential to expand and move beyond its original limitation due to the ability to record our own cycles and the possible outcomes of the movement that we execute throughout our life span as a unity. Either cognitive and latter on as action related. By tracking our own movement we eliminate the need to travel back in time the long way. The long way is finding another planet that is just undergoing the earliest stages of evolution. Now we have the ability like I mentioned before to recreate these events and experience them. So far we have eliminated artificially the need to travel back in time when it comes down to our own evolution and our solar system. Who would want to go to kindergarten again? On the other hand if we want to view the future we can just create visions and more complex concepts. But if you want to experience them first hand there are millions of ways to accomplish that by thinking creatively and putting those concepts to the test instead of just thinking about them.

Another way of experiencing and capturing the future is finding another system like our own/society and learning from it by observing it or making contact with it. Upon contact we will discover the stage and level of not only our own evolution but theirs as well. And where we stand in time. This is true time control accomplished due to the ability to explore repetition cycles outside our current one. There is another factor that I left out of the spectrum but I will cover that in another thought pattern.

My first Near Death Experience.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 10:23 pm
by level
My First Point of Separation as I defined it occurred to me when I was about ten years old. It was one of those kid accidents that might happen to everyone. I was lucky and I made it back in one piece and with a glimpse from the other side. I am going to describe the accident the best I can, simply because it is my base of logic and experience.

It was a bright sunny summer morning. Me and my two friends one of them was named Michail the name of my second friend eludes eludes me due to the long period of time that has passed. We were heading for the near by Cement Refinery that was un-operational at the time. It was a football sized government owned property filled with sand dunes and a single structure for mixing cement. The structure it self was a one story rectangular building with a triangular shaped rooftop that was at about 130 degrees.

After playing for a while in the sand dunes we decided to climb on the roof so we can jump from there into the sand dunes. So we climbed on the roof and started jumping. On our third or forth jump I lost balance and grabbed the high voltage wire that was supplying the refinery with electricity. And so I was shocked by a wave of high voltage electricity. I was fully aware of my surroundings during the electroshock it self. I was panicking and the only reasonable solution to my current situation was to release my grip on the electrical wire. So with all my might I forced my hand to open. To all you curios minds I felt no pain during the electrocution itself the only thing that I felt was strong vibration throughout my body.

Thinking back at the incident the action of me releasing that wire is what shot me out of my physical body or as we know it the hardcore body. The location of that hardcore body of mine after releasing the wire were on one of the sand dunes instead on the rooftop where I experienced the spiritual world on two levels. Visual and tactile.

It was the same rooftop, the same surrounding the same visual angle. It was awareness on a different level. After the initial shock had passed I started to look around as a mentioned before I was still on the roof top. What was different were the events that was unfolding.

My friends were jumping from the roof top and then were heading for a body that was lying down on one of the sand dunes. As I was watching them go down and towards the body on the sand dunes, I noticed a movement to my right into the trees. I could not distinguish anything specific but the movement had brought forth a figure that was like a white transparent siluete. In other words a figure that resembled a humanoid.

By that time my friends had reached the body, I started to think that I should be down there with them. That’s when I was jerked violently and the next thing that I knew I was struggling to regain my breath. It took an eternity, it felt so foreign to me to try and regain my breathing, it felt like I was lifting weights. Before my breathing ordeal I felt that I was placed in my body feet first in a motion similar to when you lay down a blanket on a bed. I believe that was a sign from whoever helped me down from that roof top and into my physical body. After stabilizing my breathing I was able to perceive the world that surrounded me again. My friends where standing on my left and I was facing the cement refinery building, still lying down. That’s when I felt a movement on my right hand. It was like someone’s hand was inside my own arm. The movement that this hand did was the one that mothers do when they say they are going to spank you. I still remember that very well because it was out of context like everything about my experience.

After that my attention was shifted by my friends that were asking "if I was Ok". I reassured them that I was ok and got up and we headed home in the nearby buildings where we lived. I walked away from electrocution without a single scratch or burn. And with a glimpse of the other side. I recommend that no one should attempt to grab a high voltage wire, because I have seen the results in doing so. If you do by mistake, you should do what I did. I told no one about the accident until recently. Yet it was the beginning of a journey to a life that was defined by that point of separation. A path that wanted to explore and be part of that world.

To all of you that are curious, after I released my hand it took few moments for my vision to return. After that everything that I was seeing was if I was looking trough classes that had a filter on them. That filter makes everything to have a white embedded within. I could still see colors but it was very reach on white. Another interesting fact is that I did not feel any weight on me. It felt like I was floating on that roof top. There is allot that can be derived from the experience and I still examine it very carefully. I have come to very interesting conclusion that unfold the spiritual plane even further for me.

I forgot to mention that I was about 10 years old when the accident took place. I had a head start ahead of everyone and a base that would keep me on track when I got lost in the infinity that surrounds spirituality. I hope that this first experience gives you some ground to form a base on our own.


Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 10:38 pm
by level
I keep talking about my Near Death experiences in many of my post without giving any details. So in the above post I shared with you the beginning of my path into the spiritual plane and events that are as important as those near death experiences that have a very strong connection. A connection that without a doubt links everything together.

My second Near Death experience is as important as the first and yet it is an experience that took me again in that reality by different circumstances. Twice I have been in the door step of the spiritual realm by accidents. I wanted to accomplish that in a way that did not include me ending up in situations that have the potentiality to end my path here on this plane. I love this world and have so many things yet to accomplish and experience. That desire is what got me trough my second NDE.
I will post it when I put it down on paper. I did not intent to share my second NDE due to a small shame that I feel regarding the events prior to the NDE. But since I started it I believe that i should do it anyways, also there is a connection to what followed after that NDE and is a definition of me and the events that followed. So as soon as I have it on paper I will post it.

My Second Near Death Experience.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 3:06 pm
by level
My Second Near Death Experience

Fifteen years after my first near death experience I was again at the door step of spirituality and its complexity. The events that lead to that experience were less chaotic and part of a path that I would never have guessed that can lead to a near death experience. Even though deep inside I know that what I saw, felt and experienced that night is as real and valid as my first near death experience I still have doubts about the validity since there were elements prior to the experience that might have corrupted it. Yet those elements put the experience in its own category when it comes to events that lead to death. You will see why I experience a little skepticism when it comes down to this near death experience.

The year was 2002, I was 25 years old and I was having as much fun as anyone that age. It was Saturday. The day as we can all guess take us out in the world of parties, clubs and birthdays celebrations. It was towards the end of the summer so me and most of my friends were off college or university and were enjoying our days of freedom by putting it to good use. It was one of those days where boys decide to leave all responsibilities behind (girlfriends, work, family and studying) and go and have fun. A man’s getaway where we measure our intellectuality in how many good jokes we say or by retelling old stories that have spawned in previous meetings. Most of us were intelligent individuals that were concentrating on finishing school (college/ university) and were part of the society that constantly walks hand to hand the law. This night was different.

After endless phone calls and slowly gathering information what our prospects for the night were, we decided that the night should start by going to a sports bar where we could play fuse ball (table soccer) and have few beers, from there we would just go with the flow. So, that’s what we did. The atmosphere in the bar was amazing, slowly the place was filling with friends that wanted to test their skills against whoever ruled the table. We usually had tournaments going on. And this night turned into one. Since I was one of the good players I rarely left the table with my partner who was my best friend. But for those that were losing, the night was getting boring. So we were again at the never ending argument what we should do next. Here I have to say that we as friends were divided into groups of 3 or 4 friends that spent time constantly together when we were not with our girlfriends or family. Anyways someone outside our group proposed that we should go and smoke some weed to add spice to our life. In my circle of friends we only smoked weed rarely and only when we were going on fishing trips into the wilds for two or more days. So the idea was not very appealing to us. Yet we talked it among us and decided to go and tag along since we knew how much fun was to watch someone get shitfaced and talk bullshit under the influence.

We left the bar and transferred our partying to a more secluded area where no one would bother us. It was a big park where during the day you could encounter all kinds of sport enthusiasts and people that were walking their dogs. But at night the place was deserted and really you could encounter someone. As we were driving in the huge parking lot we were making fun of the dark cars that were parked but had their windows fogged due to the activities that were taking place within. We spotted our friends, it was not hard at all since there was allot of commotion coming from that corner of the parking lot. Doors were open head lights blared and music was blasting from the stereo systems. They had already started the party and were passing a joint around and telling jokes. After chilling in their company for a while I don’t know who started it from our group but everyone was smoking weed, so not wanting to be the only one that didn’t do it I joined the circle. Due to the added amount of people smoking we ended up just having a little of the stash , but it was just right for our group since we did not do it often. Not to mention the beers that we had previously.

The following hour was a waterfall of laughter sparked from jokes coming from every direction. It was just perfect. You just don’t know how low our perception falls down and you end up laughing at the stupidest joke ever. After we came down to our senses again and hurting in the stomach from laughing we realized that it was too early to end the night. So again the cell phones were pulled out and the information grid was examined again for probable entertainment pockets. For our group a walk-in in a discotheque would have ended the night perfectly but the night again took us in territory that was unfamiliar to us and out of our own standards. The destination was a household tea party. Apparently, according to the sources a tea party was a madhouse of never ending laughter. So we were again on the move heading for the other side of town and the party that took me on the edge.

The party was already raging. There were many familiar faces that were enjoying the night. Since we were already in the zone we fitted perfectly into the scenario. We got stuck in the kitchen were we got introduced to two brothers that were constantly throwing jokes around like an avalanche. They were the masters of laughter that constantly provided us with entertainment. Since we were in the kitchen we could not fail to notice that something was being cooked. So I asked what was on the stove. The answer was that it was an elixir that takes you on a level where fun never ends. It was the famous tea, which had spawned this party in the first place. After few more jokes and laughter the cook declared that the elixir was ready. I was tea made from mushrooms. Since being in the right spot I and everyone in the kitchen was offered a small cup with the supposedly elixir of laughter. At this point I was skeptical if I should undertake that journey into the land of laughter. I came to the conclusion after staring at it for few minutes that a sip would do no harm. Just for tasting purposes I tried it out. One sip that started my downfall of the night and maybe my life on this plane of existence.

After that sip I slowly started feeling bad. The world was spinning and the talk around me was turning into a distant mumbling. Knowing that something was not right I told my friend that I was not feeling good and needed some clean air. I don’t know if they had the chance to taste the tea and never asked him or any of them. Anyways they supported me on my way outside into the night august air. We were having a small discussion if I was feeling good. After trying to regain my strength and come to a state of normality thinking that the night air will help I all of a sudden I collapsed. I just fainted on the front yard. Just blacked out and fell. Don’t know how long I was out but when I woke up again the two friends that were with me were trying to get me of the ground and on the bench that was there. After they told me that I just fell I started being paranoid and decided that it was time to end the night. So I got off the bench and started for my car. That’s when my best friend took my keys gave them to my other friend and said that I was in no condition to drive and said that he would take me home. I submitted to his decision knowing that he has a point.

On the trip home I was constantly afraid that I might fall of the car and that the door might open by itself. Everything that was happening to me was so unfamiliar to me and my way of life. But I was glad that I had escaped a possible disaster with just a faint. Or so I thought.

When we arrived at my house I thanked my friend and said that this was the last time I would let myself be bullied by my own curiosity. He laughed and drove off. I headed straight for my bed where my journey into the spiritual realm unfolded.

As I was lying in my bed I was trying to fall to sleep thinking that in the morning everything is just going to come back to its original place where I was in control one hundred present. I was cold and afraid. I just could not shake the cold even though I was lying down with my cloths and covered with a blanked. I was tossing and turning in my bed trying to get rid of that feeling. All of a sudden I felt like I was floating and I could see a barren land with few trees here and there and on the horizon a bright light just like when the sun comes in the morning. I tried opening my eyes but I discovered that they already are. That’s when something grabbed me and scared the shit out of me. I could not see a thing. That’s when I really tried to move still thinking that I am in my bed. Trying to escape the grip of whatever had a hold on me. Just before the second where I could control my body again and jumped from by bed I felt a scratch on my back done by a hand. What was characteristic about the scratch was that it felt like only 3 fingers sliced on my back. After controlling my breathing again I felt exhausted and went to sleep without further incident. I did no longer felt cold.

In the morning I sat drinking my coffee thinking what I had felt during the night and I arrived at the conclusion that I had died and come back on my own accord. My own desire to live had corrected a possible death that could fall into the category of suicide. I fought and came back. The scratch still puzzles me and yet could it possible that they knew about my previous near death experience and when I leave this pane it will be my third time that I will cross into the spiritual world.

I was never a fan of drugs so I have no idea what feeling you get. I only know the effects of weed. It is laugher for me. I can count on my fingers how many times I have smoked weed. I still treat this experience due to the drugs involved as half true yet I cannot ignore what I felt and saw. Not to mention the sign that was given to me. From that day I have not touched any weed not to mention that I severed all my connections with individuals that might be involved in drug use, even weed.

I know that those near death experiences had sparked and made me visible to the spiritual realm. And are my initialization point of interactions and further involvement with the spiritual plane. But that is another story.

I hope this story gives you an inside view of how easily you can fall victim where drugs are in the picture. Something to avoid. Yet, this experience marks a second approach and perspective to my view and understandings of the mechanics when it comes down to death. My first near death separation was instantaneous this one was gradual and there is more details to the process of us dying. Another factor that leads me to believe that this was a near death experience and not some kind of hallucination on steroids is my constant struggle to gain control of myself. I just did not have time to create a reality on my own. One sip that almost destroyed my perfect path. A sip that made me a fighter.
What bothers me is my fainting. Because it represents a path of nothing. Where we feel and see nothing. It is a function of our bodies that feels like true death. It is an entrapment for our soul.

I also mentioned that I feel a small shame when it comes down to this experience. That’s shame is my indirect involvement with drugs. I felt like I had failed. But, I realized that my fight to live puts everything to normal. I had strayed but I am on track of perfection again.


Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:35 pm
by level
Runes Introduction

For all those that are interested in Runes here is a sample of my Runes that are part of my Sorcerer’s Circle. The first Sorcerers Circle encompasses all five element and all my achievements in the corresponding element. Each rune was designed by me to represent an achievement, law, skill and possible connections with the rest of the elements. Along with the Sorcerers Circles I have created a book where I have included each rune and its meaning and description as well as classification. The second rune Circle is an more detailed circle that targets skills.

I will dwell more on runes latter on when I have completed my circles and have made a display version of them. As well as what do runes mean to me. For now this is just a sample of my up to date work. All the designs were made by me and are a reflection of what I was studying and accomplished in each area. For you it will be just Runes without meaning. The way it should be until I decide to reveal its meaning to someone that is interested.



Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:44 pm
by NightRose
Personally, I think that 1. They're gorgeous, and 2. I would love to hear the explanations behind them. I'm doing some work on my own with runes, but there is so much I would like to learn about them, and I'd like to hear how you use them and how you decide on your designs for them.

Re NightRose

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:05 am
by level
Hi NightRose

I would love to give you and everyone else that is interested my starting points that drove me to begin creating runes as well as provide you with the process and the details about them. But you have to give me some time to transfer the info on computer format. Give me few days and I will post it. I had to do it anyways, eventually I will have to print that book, its much cleaner that way.

Rune Foundations

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 7:52 pm
by level
Runes and Sorcerers/es Circles

What is a Rune and what could be its possible uses? Runes have always been in my mind, an element that is closely related, associated and bonded with the use of Magic and a stepping stone to the supernatural. I have read countless of books where Runes spice the world of Magic and give it a mystical flavor. But they were always in the shadow of more complex elements. Elements like spells, extra ordinary abilities like fire balls, lightning bolts, telekinesis and so on. Wizards, Sorceress, Witches and Necromancers would use Runes in every possible way and occasion but there was never a clear explanation and more in depth coverage of the meaning and foundations for creating them in the first place. They were just there staring at me while being taken for granted.

My journey of understanding Runes and its uses was born out of necessity to create a system that would help me to better understand and explore the boundaries of Energy Manipulation and control. It all started after staring at the pentagram, the very foundation of Magical symbols and probably the first Rune ever created. I disliked the pentagram at first because I did not like Necromancers and their art. Now I admire and see Necromancers in a more educated light because I understand the complexity that their art hints at. Just like the pentagram we just see the initial purpose behind the art and we automatically judge it based on our up to day experience and information data base. So I took the pentagram and gave it life by placing the five source elements: Spirit, Air, Water, Earth and Fire. That’s when a definition of what I really had done surfaced into life. I was walking my first steps as a Sorcerer looking to master the elements within the circle. A circle, that I call “The Foundation Circle” of Magic. It was a beginning of an act evolving into an Art that is defined by foundations and laws to be used as tools to help the ultimate journey not only for the one walking it but for everyone else that desired to follow.

I had opened the First rune and had given it life and infinity where I was the Master and creator that dictated not only my own progress and growth but a path into eternity filled with puzzles, solutions and alternative realities that exist beyond the one that we know. Realities, which can only be reached through action. By looking at my first Sorcerers Circle I realized two things. First that the words representing each element were empty and ugly. They just did not fit my path and the beauty and complexity that each element possessed. And second that they did not met the standards of the Title “Sorcerer” and all my achievements. So I sat down and drew my first five Runes, trying to capture their essence and beauty as well as their place in relation with the universe as a whole and the relation they have with the rest of the elements. I classified those five runes as “Foundation Runes” since they were part of my foundation circle. They could also be categorized as “Elemental Runes” since they represent elements.

After completing the creation of my “Foundation Sorcerer Circle” and the five “Elemental Runes” I dove into developing, exploring and categorizing everything that I had accomplished and learned in the field of each element. That resulted in the creation of more Runes that were a direct reflection of those accomplishments and understandings. Soon I found myself with 50 Runes and more circles that originated from each element within the “Foundation circle”. So I sat down, characterized and categorized them by examining their nature. Here is a list of those classifications.

Elemental Runes: Represent Elements and all their strains and state of existence.

Static Runes: Represent a beginning and an end of in any kind of system within any Sorcerer’s Circe. For example an Elemental Rune is also a Static Rune because it is defined, has infinite capacity to create systems and at the same time to end them. Static runes most of the time form a base for a system to be initialized and defined.

Evolving Runes: Represent matrixes and systems that have no end and are bound to have a progression or mutation when placed or associated with another element or more complex matrix.

Transitional Runes: Are Runes that have had an end within their original system but evolve and grow due to compatibility from another system or element.

Progressive Runes: Represent systems and matrixes that have the element of progression and growth embedded within. They usually underline experience accumulated and gained on a matrix evolution or any given system. They could also represent a level of progression and grading of skills associated within the element and the system that has a lateral curve.

Law runes: Are Runes that represent laws and rules and most of the time are static.

Interaction Runes
: Interaction Runes record a specific system and its behavior when being executed. In other words Interaction runes represent experiences that have foundations and laws as well as a set lateral progression that most of the time evolve into a skill.

Foundation Runes
: Are Runes that represent concepts, ideas, theories that have the potential to evolve and expand.

Power Runes: When a system is being marked as Power Rune it means that there is energy used and harnessed. Usually Skill Runes have Power Runes to define them and grade them.

Skill Runes: Represent skills mastered within a system or a matrix. In other words abilities.

Infinite Runes: Represent systems that have no end. They are rare and very important because they give birth and are the engines of complex matrixes. Example: “Time”

Lore Runes/Circles: Represent the amount of data and progress/level accomplished within a system. Usually Lore Runes/ Circles consist of a cluster of skills/ abilities as well as concepts. Almost everything can form a Lore rune is it has foundation and lateral character attached to it.

Float Runes: Border and are the connecting nodes between two elements or systems.

Each of those classifications can be depicted so that can be placed with the rune. The purpose of this labeling is to simplify the process of recognition when the runes are placed within Sorcerers Circles. Here we come to my initial purpose of starting to use Runes. I needed to record everything that I knew and had experienced in a system that would help me not only remember but also to help me progress faster in my studies of the elements and the systems within them. The Runes are my short cuts to my lore accumulated up until now, they are also my starting points to new systems and matrixes. Here I have to mention that after a month I started to forget what a Rune represented. So I made a book and put all my Runes in there with a detailed description of what the Rune represents as well as its classification. On another post I will further explain the uses and potential interactions and foundations that emerge from Runes. I will dwell on Necromancers uses of Runes, I will dwell on the creation of complex energy webs( shields, triggers and initialization points) and the place of Runes in the Practical Universe of Magic. Hope this gives you the foundations that you have been looking for.

Runes put to Work

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:21 pm
by level
Runes put to Work (Part 1)

In my previous post I familiarized you why I started to create Runes and the basic and first level of their use. The purpose was to create a system that would help me catalog my up to date lore of experience in energy manipulation and understanding of the five elements. I also gave you my model in placing those Runes in the Foundation Sorcerers Circle. The placement of the five elements in the circle was also not random. There are specific reasons for placing each element the way I did. For example I placed Spirit in the middle because I am the one that gives life and purpose to the rest of the elements. Also the position of the elements was determined by compatibility and how they interact with each other in nature and on energy level when looked from an entity like ourselves who has the capacity to manipulate energy on more than one level. Here I have to note that energy manipulation is first born in the element of Spirit and then as time progresses we can reach out and start to interact with the rest of the elements.

The second reason for creating Runes was to protect my discoveries and accomplishments. In other words I begun to create a complex language that could hold information embedded in the Runes, from a simple word like “Love” to complex webs, seals, abilities or processes. This is important when dealing with rival Sorcerers or Entities from the Spiritual Realm as well as newcomers to the art of Magic. Runes are made to be displayed but not the knowledge embedded within them. Information is very important when dealing with energy manipulation but more importantly mastering it and controlling it. Sorcerers circles and the Runes that those circles hold in allot of ways are the Sorcerers resume and pride. Personally I have taken the first steps to displaying my accomplishments, first on paper and latter on when I have completed my Circles I will engrave them in one of my floors where I can constantly look at my up to date work (the floor thing is more of a dream, but I will do it at the first chance that I get, either in this plane or in the spiritual realm after I cross over). Another reason for me to want to display my Sorcerers circles and Runes is so that others can see that there is complexity beyond just the states that the five elements are in at first glance. I would love to see how another individual that is walking the path of Sorcery places and fills those Circles. But more importantly the Runes that he includes in those circles. Runes and Sorcerers Circles are the building blocks of Magic as well as a tool of concentration. Runes help me to see the complexity of the energy that surrounds me by countering it with their own complexity. Just like an artist fills his workspace with his own art and references so that he knows what he has not done yet or where he needs improvement, I fill my world with Runes to help me excel at what I do.

The third reason for creating Runes has more of aesthetic and psychology touch to it. People have their own ideas, understandings and set of experiences as well as tastes. They also most of the times do not have the time to go into depths when it comes to someone else’s work, opinions, views and accomplishments. What Runes accomplish is a map to ones life’s work in a model (Sorcerers Circles) that takes only a glance to digest. They also create mysticism and a promise of complexity that exists beyond the images. Curiosity is the main drive in our existence. And Runes are like beacons in the universe of the Unknown.

The design of the Runes is very important as well as very fun. I recommend that everyone should design their own Runes because in the process of creating the Rune you give a meaning to the concept that you are trying to label your own view and understanding and ultimately what its essence means to you. There are few things that one should consider when creating Runes. First, the Rune has to have embedded within the core meaning of the concept, ability or experience that you are trying to capture. Most of the time that is enough to give you a starting point of what the Rune should look like. For example let’s examine the ability of “Telepathy” and what could be our starting point to depicting its essence. First we have to take into consideration its place in the Foundation Circle. Telepathy originates from the element of Spirit. Also Telepathy has the potential to have a Circle on its own. The classification of the Rune of Telepathy is very complex and touches more than one element even though it originates from Spirit. The Rune of Telepathy is a Skill, Power, Progressive, Interactional, Evolving and a Lore Rune. The name of the Rune also contributes to its design as well as the definition and possible interaction within the limits of the system itself. Since Telepathy as a whole is not a secret its Rune should be precise and to the point. But since it has an engine, laws and evolution characteristics attached to it the Runes that will describe the process of Telepathy should be designed in a way that will encrypt its meaning while still leaving a hint or two about the nature of those key parts of the engine that propel the ability of Telepathy to function. Since I chose to give telepathy as an example I will post in a follow up post my design of the ability and its Engine Sorcerers Circle so that you can see the result of everything said above. You will also be surprised of how few geometric shapes and lines can give birth to a Rune. I recommend that first you make a draft rune and then you can start adding calligraphy and spicing element to the rune. You should not forget to place the classification elements in the rune. I place the classification symbols at the bottom of the Rune and if it’s a Skill rune I have created a progress system that tells me how much I know about the ability on a scale of 5, I place it on the bottom right side of the Rune. The more you explore a concept the more it will grow, so will your book of Runes.

There is another reason for my newfound love of Runes, Sorcery and life in general. That reason is perfection. Few things have happened in my life that gave me a head start and a boost in front of most of the population on this planet. I found myself excelling and mastering concepts and abilities that few have achieved here on the Living plane due to several factors that I will leave for you to guess. I had found the real meaning of power in its purest form. Where one exist with energy and rides its currents without boundaries and limitations. I was naturally learning and discovering the foundations and flow of those energies. This is important because the path being walked lets you discover infinity in its purest form where creativity is at its best. Our personality and uniqueness creates alternative realities and matrixes. But I was making too much “noise” and soon enough I had in my life spectators who knew that what I was doing was rare and unique. To cut the long story short I ended up in a world of wonder filled with perfection and details. I found myself among individuals that wanted to test their skills against me where in the process were showing me their point of view and way of doing things. Power wise I was as strong as they were maybe even more powerful so I waged a war on them. I was angry that they had interrupted my path and had robed me of the pleasure to discover things on my own. But my execution and performance in those head on duels always ended up in my defeat even if sometimes it took 2 or more to contain me. I was lacking elegance and perfection. Slowly, but surely they were incorporating in me truths, details, values, procedures and how things were done by Masters. They did that by showing me what my talent looked like without discipline and limitations. They had showed me what it takes to turn a talent into an Art that was loved and appreciated not only by other walking the same path but for everyone else that did not posses it. They also showed me what they do to individuals that fail to follow the code perfected by Masters. At first I was fighting that until I realized the beauty of having someone just like me doing the things that I thought I was the only one able to do it. It created competition and reason to Master and perfect that talent. So that I will have the chance to test the limits and boundaries of that talent and have another individual on the other side trying to counter me or vice versa. I saw the complexity and benefits that their way presented. Perfection is what matters and there are infinite of levels to achieve it when you have others walking the same path. Runes and Sorcerers Circles is one of the processes where you create an identity among the Masters that wish to expand their horizons. It is your invitation of a more complex universe where creativity is controlled and manipulated to blossom instead of left to chance. So, you see why Runes are special and essential part of the world of magic.

That said let’s examine what could be the next levels of Runes usage. First we will start with “Identity Runes”. Just like abilities, elements, concepts, webs and names we need a symbol that describes us, our path and how we look we needs a symbol that will represent us and our work. Identity Runes can be used in Sorcerers Circles and everywhere we see fit to place them as our signatures. Personally, my identity Rune in engraved in the form of tattoo on my two arms. I had some trouble for doing that but the reason I gave cleared the misunderstanding and it was approved. There is an unsaid law that travels trough mouth only that you cannot have two dragons or something that resembles dragons on your arms. I am still trying to find out where this originated and the true reason behind it. Identity runes can also be used on Summoning Circles. The position that you place that Rune depends on the purpose and intent of the Summoning. If you are doing a Summoning for someone else it should be outside the circle. If you are doing a summoning for personal uses it should be in the middle of the circle. If you create webs, seals and shields you should include your signature there for bragging rights as well as hint for who was the creator of the web/ shield/seal. Identity runes can be used in duels between two Sorcerers but the ethics and reasons behind this action I might cover in another time. Identity Runes are used by Masters and advanced users that have the ability and time to prove that they are indeed what they claim to be. In other words have the luxury to incorporate them in their work and have the background to back up the symbol that they have chosen as their identity. If you put the pentagram as our identity that talk tons about your line of work, potential and knowledge.

This post is getting to long so I will chop it in two and will continue in Part 2 about the rest of the uses of Runes. It will include a look of Necromancy/Summoning of the Dead and why spirits might be compelled to do what you demand of them( although I have not attempted that yet because I have different more advanced way of establishing a connection with the Spiritual realm). I will also give the starting stages of web, shields, and seals usage and what role Runes play in creating them. And other uses of Runes.



Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 11:01 pm
by level

After almost three years of a life that was in constant contact with the Spiritual plane with few brakes here and there, things start to get clear for me concerning what all those interactions and visions were all about. Originally I did not intend to share most of my experiences in connection with the Spiritual Realm since I was confused if I should share anything, but after a confirmation that I got few months back I decided to start putting as much as I can on paper. Of course without the parts where involvement from the spiritual plane was intended only for me at first glance, I am iffy about it still. I am willing to share everything only with a person that has at least undergone to some degree some kind of experience similar to mine.

Most of the time during those interactions I felt challenged, pushed around and restricted. That led to some friction and enormous pressure on my performance in the spiritual world and the one that I lead here on the Living plane. Here I have to say that I never pursued to establish a connection with the Spiritual plane, from early age I was thought that I am the one that creates the universe that surrounds me and if I want answers I should get them myself. My approach to the Spiritual World and what they offered (Mostly conveyed through interactions and visions of their way of life as well as pre – designed interactions created for one sole purpose, to give us a chance to be tested truly for what we really are and what our potentials and flaws are) at first was confusing and too complex for me to keep up, so I went with the flow and just tried to keep my head above the water. I had millions of questions but I never asked questions because I was not pleased that instead of speaking to me with words I had to puzzle and work myself out of their riddles, visions and challenges. I put weight on this approach of theirs because my stubbornness most of the time was the only weapon I had.

Most of the time when they spoke was just an introduction to someone or a remark or a command regarding my current situation that they had placed me in the first place. I think that I am currently on one of the brakes that they give me and I am glad about it because it gives me time to go on with my life, goals and dreams without having someone watching over me. But I have to say that the last chunk of interactions gave me allot of clarity and understanding regarding few very important topics that the Spiritual Plane chose to pursue and enlighten me on.
The first topic is how are we judged and how they do it. I found this interesting and very believable (I question and analyze everything that they show me before I place it in my bag of useful info). They gave me an analogy that I was a piece of Code and even showed me that I am one. At first I fought the concept because it was insulting and I did not see the truth of what I was being told and shown. Everything we do get’s imprinted on our soul, kind of like DNA. And they have the technology to read and add code of their own when someone is being send back down here on the living plane depending if the actions during our life here on the living plane is in friction with the standards and requirements for a further life beyond this one ( I will cover the major rules latter on). Here I have to say that I was not given any clues about my existence before I was born, meaning if this is not my first time that I re-leave a life here on the Living plane due to a previously failed life so I assume that I am a new soul leaving my first life. Regarding the code analogy I was shown a wall that holds the information about everyone and everything. At first I thought that it was bullSh*t because I was not told the rules and few other clues that I remember from previous interactions. They actually showed me how the reading is done while having the engine on me. Words cannot describe it. Now to some proofs and things I was told.
All my life I believed that if you leaved your life and the day we die a line is drawn that separates that life and after we go in the afterlife it is forgotten and forgiven. Meaning the afterlife is our second chance to prove ourselves. Earlier in my interactions with the Spiritual Plane out of the blue I was warned that if I kill someone I will get killed by Spirituality. But I did not know about the code or their ability to read it and alter it and even create it (they mentioned that they do that sometimes, once in billions of years, cool no?). I did not know about the levels and the basic rules of acceptance into spirituality. Here is the shity part for most of life down here on the Living plane. If you kill a person you automatically get a ticket back to the Living plane, we all know how much we are able to puzzle out the Code that is left from our previous life (That does not include pure and new life). They were not specific about the number of kills and if that determines how many lives you will stay down here on the Living plane, but my guess is that you lead as many as you have killed to clear the karma, this is an assumption and I’m iffy because I was also told that you have to live a life without killing in order to get passage to the afterlife. The second penalty and the one that gets you forever stuck down here on the living plane is torture. If you torture another intelligent life gets u stuck here on the living plane with no access to the Spiritual plane. I feel sorry and at the same time approve of that law. If you see someone being tortured they say you get “A brush with Death”. There is more to those two discussions but due to the traffic of individuals that visit this site aka individuals that are still young I will withhold them. Those first two definitions and laws by which they judge us is what brought me to better understand the concept of their analogy for me being a Code because I had two limits in the infinity that they drowned me in the previous interactions.

Everyone else who leads a life without killing and torturing has eternity in front of them in the Afterlife. The ultimate reward that everyone gets a chance at is to rules a universe on our own. In other words being equal to Gods. Here I also have to mention that during my interactions with spirituality I had a chance to have an audience with the ruler of our universe but we had few disagreements and I showed him the middle finger in a formal audition. The penalty for that action is that I will never get to rule a universe on my own. I will always be in someone else’s universe. Although I consider that audience to have a slippery part in it due to the fact that I was not fully there. Two realities. One in front of me and one with Spirituality. So maybe there is a chance to prove that I am worth of the ultimate price.

Note. I have not intentions of creating realities on my own so that I may confuse or mislead someone. I am just passing on a conversation with Spirituality. If you do not believe me, I truly do not care, but it is worth to stop and think about what was said above. Because it might give you why we reincarnate and why we don’t.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 8:12 pm
by Y0m
Very interesting posts Level.
I'm interested to know why you showed the middle finger to mr. big-man of our world :)