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I dont trust my own readings?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 8:40 pm
by ashedion
Is there a problem because sometimes my readings come out half accurate or completely flawed. Its really discouraging. I have the Golden Tarot deck, and I know most of the meanings to where I dont have to consult the book, but Im discouraged. Is there a wrong way to read the cards? Do I have to like meditate to access my subconscious?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:39 pm
by Imalorki
Do you do the readings on yourself? or is this general?

I've noticed that too much bias clouds up the readings and makes them altered to what they should be.

Searching within yourself is always should do it at least once a week which is ideal. Its healthy to know what goes on on the inside ya know?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:10 am
by Crowfeather
I've found as you become skilled with a paticular divination system, your personal feelings and emotions come to influence the cards. Expecially when you read for a personal matter where the outcome is great upon you.

At this time, I suggest learning a new divination system (runes, etc.) or asking other unbiased people to do readings for you.

Most members who are willing to do readings advertise their services in the "member readings" section.

But going into a reading pessimistic is often sabatage. It's like trying to read a map (the tarot) with your eyes closed (no belief).

Lastly, I find doing many readings in a row tires my psychic-ness, and the readings start making no sense...

When this happens, I just take a break and do something else for a while. After rest, the readings usually fall right into place.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 11:04 am
by Imalorki
Yeah...What Mister Crow said. At least he doesn't have to do that one reading I needed anymore ^-^ because I already know *huggles Crow* but he helped me out with first reading. He knows what he's talking about and can explain better than me. So listen and learn ^-^