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Astral Travel....after death?

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 5:30 pm
by [ShadowPhoenix]
Is it possible?...My grandmother died this morning, the very person I've been trying to keep alive for years now. I felt her this morning...saw her as well...even the dogs noticed her presence. I felt her so strongly I could even smell her.

I was on the computer at around 5AM when I got the feeling something had happened but I've had those feelings before and nothing had I didn't pay it any heed, then about 10-15 mins later I felt that something non-physical was within my immediate vicinity, you know that prickly feeling one gets, when they know something not human or animal is around...but multiply that feeling times 100 and that's what I felt.

Next, came her smell, and at first I thought, "Well that's odd". Then the dogs whimpered and came within a couple of feet from me. I thought they just wanted out so I grabbed my glass because I wanted a refill on my way back to my chair...but the dogs wouldn't follow. All three of them were in a line whimpering every few seconds...that's when I looked up and saw her. I was so shocked, all I could do was drop my glass and raise my hand to my mouth with a loud gasp. She smiled at me, after that the shock wore off, and I told her, "You shouldn't be here, return to your body immediately." She smiled once more and gave a nod, then disappeared, I felt extremely weakened afterward.

Several minutes later, my mother called and said she just wanted to let me know that my grandmother had given everyone a scare, said that the Dr's called her at about 5AM to let her know that she had passed away, however, by the time she got to the hospital...she had returned to life

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:40 am
by Release.the.bats
Typically you have a limited amount of time in between worlds, on the astral plane.
It is very common for someone to be seen astrally almost like a ghost, after death.
I encounter it all the time, but I also encounter the dead a lot.
My grandfather visited me after his death this last summer, he began as an orb and floated around me while I was in the bathroom, then went into my room and I smelled him.
It's possible she wanted to tell you something and that's why she came to you after she technically died.
Do you know what that might have been/be?

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 1:12 am
by [ShadowPhoenix]
I'm not sure what she would have wanted to tell me...I'll ask my mother tomorrow to see if there is anything she wants to tell me, provided she is still alive tomorrow. My only gues would be she wanted to tell me she loved me and that I could let her go...however she is not least not consciously aware that I have connected myself to her, so that it's easier for me to transfer energy to her...I've seen people who've died before not often but it's one thing to see a ghost/spirit..but it's another matter entirely when you see someone you love. But, the reason I felt so weakened afterward, why? you think...could I have kept her from death? I mean, doctors can't even explain how she is still alive, as the entire back wall of her heart is dead and her lungs are below 20% operational, she has been this way for a couple of years now...

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 2:31 am
by [ShadowPhoenix]
I take the silence as no one has an opinion or thoughts on this matter, then? I just want a logical explanation as to what may have happened...

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:30 pm
by Release.the.bats
Oh, sorry!
I haven't been on much lately, i've had so much stuff to do.

I do think it is possible that your keeping her alive, maybe your lending her enough energy to keep her stable now? But eventually she will need more energy than you can offer.
As for what she might have been telling you, chances are she dosen't remember visiting you. Most people who are inexperienced with astral travel don't remember much if any of their travels.
So it must have been something her soul was trying to tell you, maybe she was letting you know she knows your helping her? Unconsciously.

I'm mulling around ideas. I'll tell you if I have anymore.

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 1:20 am
by [ShadowPhoenix]
Well, keeping her alive is what my intent was several years ago when she first fell ill, as stated in my very first couple of posts on the forum...It eases my mind to hear explanations from others that I may deem as logical. As for her not remembering, I figured as much...she is unexperienced AS FAR AS I KNOW...granted I did find, in her mother's chest a very very old looking book of shadows. But, that was kinda like a ressurection now all I have to do is walk on water, and turn water to wine then the tabloids will say,"Jesus walks on earth again!!" haha :lol: just KIDDING. Thank you, bats :)