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Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 12:04 pm
by Maximus
Where may I find Purple Lilacs??

snowbunny_babie wrote:you cant use a love spell to attract a specific person because it thier own free will, but mabey you can attract love.

non manipulative love spell

You will need:

A red candle

A pink candle

Red or pink flower petals

Some purple lilacs

A red pen

White paper

An envelope

Some perfume

A symbol of permanence/stability of your choice

With the paper and pen, write ten things you would like in a lover. Set the paper down on a flat surface and say:

Aphrodite and Venus, bring me a lover.
Let he/she be faithful and true
Let he/she love me for who I am
And let me love him/her for who he/she is.

Light the pink candle, and say

Let the first feelings of love strike me and this unknown person Let our love be one of friendship and romance

Light the red candle, and say:

Our relationship will be strong, and we will have the courage to trust each other and to be ourselves, and to help each other overcome whatever crises may befall us.

Spray the paper with perfume. Put it and the flower petals and the symbol of permanence in an envelope and seal it, imagining being happy and safe in the lover’s arms or something like that. Say:

Let this love be sweet and flourishing like these flower petals, but let it be far more enduring, like (permanence symbol).

Then finish the spell by keeping the envelope with you, or burying on your property, or keeping it by your bed at night.

by: micaela

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 7:58 am
by unclrico_138
hypothetically, if someone had one cast by a professional, what would u have to do to mess it up?

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 11:08 pm
by Starwitch
The only thing you have to do to mess it up is to give them your money and wait while nothing happens. They're scam artists.

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 11:28 pm
by [ShadowPhoenix]
Well said, ...that's actually a really good indication that they are usually fake is by them wanting money for their 'services'. Now, granted, not ALL of the ones who actually make a living off of it are fake, but the majority of them ARE.

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:41 am
by tamo
i dont have purple lilacs, any alternative for this ?
snowbunny_babie wrote:you cant use a love spell to attract a specific person because it thier own free will, but mabey you can attract love.

non manipulative love spell

You will need:

A red candle

A pink candle

Red or pink flower petals

Some purple lilacs

A red pen

White paper

An envelope

Some perfume

A symbol of permanence/stability of your choice

With the paper and pen, write ten things you would like in a lover. Set the paper down on a flat surface and say:

Aphrodite and Venus, bring me a lover.
Let he/she be faithful and true
Let he/she love me for who I am
And let me love him/her for who he/she is.

Light the pink candle, and say

Let the first feelings of love strike me and this unknown person Let our love be one of friendship and romance

Light the red candle, and say:

Our relationship will be strong, and we will have the courage to trust each other and to be ourselves, and to help each other overcome whatever crises may befall us.

Spray the paper with perfume. Put it and the flower petals and the symbol of permanence in an envelope and seal it, imagining being happy and safe in the lover’s arms or something like that. Say:

Let this love be sweet and flourishing like these flower petals, but let it be far more enduring, like (permanence symbol).

Then finish the spell by keeping the envelope with you, or burying on your property, or keeping it by your bed at night.

by: micaela

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:41 pm
by Starwitch
You can substitute any flower that you feel represents love to you.

Bright Blessings,

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 9:14 am
by lonely_heart
but how do you make your perfectmate? some people were talking about talking to Her. But how canyou do that? How do you call her and make your mate? Do you just name each quality you`d like to see in him? please explain :(

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:56 pm
by boobear

Yard of red ribbon

2 photos (yours and your beloved's)

A needle or sharp object to poke holes into the photos

Poke holes in the pictures then sew them together chanting your desire. (Warning! Remember as with all binding spells, you are also binding yourself to the other person - think before you do it! Binding spells have a tendency to becoming real complicated! You might be binding yourself to a cheat, lazy bum, or serial killer - it could happen!)
Is it okay if I tie the ribbon with the two punctured pictures? I don't know how to sow.

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:21 am
by boobear
boobear wrote:

Yard of red ribbon

2 photos (yours and your beloved's)

A needle or sharp object to poke holes into the photos

Poke holes in the pictures then sew them together chanting your desire. (Warning! Remember as with all binding spells, you are also binding yourself to the other person - think before you do it! Binding spells have a tendency to becoming real complicated! You might be binding yourself to a cheat, lazy bum, or serial killer - it could happen!)
Is it okay if I tie the ribbon with the two punctured pictures? I don't know how to sow.
Nevermind, may I just STAPLE the two punctured pictures??

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:55 pm
by Starshine
I have a girlfriend, but her parents ripped her away, and banned ALL contact between us. Is there a spell which could show if we are meant to be? Is there a spell which will show to me how she feels and what she thinks about me? And, is there a spell which will remove ALL barriers between us, and bring us back together? Also, what would I do to perform/cast these spells?

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 7:44 am
by Red Rover
I like 2 guys, both of them have the qualities in a guy that I'm looking for, but they're straight; which is one thing I'm not. The one has a girlfriend so I'd rather not ruin that for myself, but the other's single. He doesn't know me at all but knows that another guy likes him. He called it creepy, so I doubt we'd be friends if I just walked up to him and started talking. But if I were to do a love spell imagining what my perfect guy would be like, it'd just be me thinking back to him. And I'm the type of person to just push the facts aside and keep hoping that we'd be together some how. And I also have a tendency to be very, very picky when it comes to people that I'll date. Probably why I haven't dated in years. But love's not come now, and I want to be held in this guy's arms and be loved by him.

So, if I do a manipulative love spell on him, would it work? Would I be punished later on for doing such?


Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:33 pm
by lucky13

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 10:23 pm
by adriana94
Instead of making a new post I decided I'd write my question on here. Does a love spell have more chance of working when you do it with someone else? Not with the person you're putting the spell on of course but with a friend or anyone else in general

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 2:41 am
by Jas
spell have more chance of working when you cast it to yourself and not to your lover-to-be, There are no worries about influencing any free will or touching on anything manipulative. Unless you consider it manipulative to be extremely attractive to the one you desire. Once the attraction spell is complete and performed effectively, the magnetic force will bounce off of you like you never imagined. You will be more attractive, more self-assured, more compelling and more focused on getting the love you desire. So I don't really see a manipulation intent on attraction spells. Always remember this a spell that is cast on you not to the one you desire have no chance to get any negative karma. However once this person is attracted to you be very careful that you use your magnetic attraction wisely!

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 2:45 am
by Jas
Oh and by the way in this case if you decide to cast a spell to yourself - attraction spell is the best I think... The concept of an attraction/repulsion spell is the same no matter how you look at it. The biggest rule to follow is the golden rule of "An it harm none, do what you will." So with that concept in mind that leaves you with quite a lot of restrictions; yet the construct is still rather simple. If it's for Attraction, you simply have to evoke a certain amount of magnetism - I guess here is a good spot to say that either of these spells should be done by the caster for the caster as it takes a much grater level of understanding of independent sentient energies to do such a thing as an outside party. As for Repulsion spells it's more or less the same only you try to encourage the target to be attracted to something far away from the caster or the person who wishes the target to be gone. This way all parties end the situation happy. I find Repulsion spells far more affective that the more direct attraction spell.