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Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 5:30 pm
by [bluephoenix]
what if your a physic dose anybody know how to help with that ? also i have the strange ability that i always have a circle around me and it seems to move with me.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:43 pm
by cloud
physic i cant help u with that but the circle though might be a mental sheild that your puting up not knowing but dont take my word on it im pretty new to this my self my abilite ive had ever seens i remember and know all most nothing about them but that my guess id post a topic on it if your looking for help

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 9:24 am
by [bluephoenix]

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 9:27 am
by cloud
yep i took my own advice and made one for my abilite and got a lot of people answering questions of mine im so greatful :D


Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:02 am
by love beats all (;
Be proud of ur new abilities (= the only 1 I have is some wild affinity for cats, since I was little all cats have absolutely luffed me..even ones who aren't supposed 2 be tamed lol

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 5:19 pm
by connor)O(
Right so i wouldnt call them powers because that sounds too hollywood ( people would expect you to be able to turn them into a toud or something xD) but i did have my fair share of wierd my first one was were my brother used to punch me etc until i kinda jumped off sanitys cliff shall we say and all i could do was laugh ... so my parents were out and i was making a protection potion and i think i added just a pan full of water 3 pinches of rosemary, sage, and ooooohhh godds what was it errrmm BASIL :):) i had nicely cooking up on a white smoke then aaron << the brother .... came in and started shouting saying something like wtf is all this $h1T blah blah blah i got intensely annoyed like 6 yrs of repressed emotion he got some off my potion on his arm and i kinda glared at it and thought of it blowing up on his arm so hed leave me alone the funny thing is it didnt blow up it kinda set on fire ... so he was screaming because clearly he had an arm on fire there was nothing that could have set the potion off there was no flame in the room before and it was an electric cooker ... the other one was where about a month later i was stood infront of the sink washing the dishes and i heard a little old mans voice shout DUCK so i did and crunch he punched the cupboard where i was and had bleeding knuckles then ofc he blamed me blah blah blah oh it was fun -.- xD so has anyone had anything similiar happen or do i seem to be the only one?

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:16 pm
by SunshineChild
Eeeeeh, I'm 14 and the only special thing I've found I can do is read auras really well. Like, I can see them all the time. It gets quite annoying after a while. -.-'

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:20 pm
by Traumwandlerin
Reading auras is quite impressive :) I guess you can learn some technics so it won't get annoying ;) There is much to learn with reading auras, so good luck :)

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 7:22 am
by XxSunshinexX
I know what you mean about reading auras! I taught myself, and now kind of wish I hadn't, as seeing them everywhere does start to get on your nerves after a while :?
I find the easiest way to block them out is to concentrate on something else, such as loud music or a particular feature of somebody. I find that if i look right into someboyd's eyes, I can no longer see the aura, but don't get caught staring as it looks a little weird! :P.
I'm 15, and when I'm in crowded situations at school the auras can be quite overpowering :|

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 8:47 pm
by Aniu
My ability (if you want to call it that) is I can contact the spirit realm very very easily. For some it seems hard to talk to their spirit guide and I do that about 70% of everyday it seems. Also I can Hear spirits. A sentence will be clearly in my mind almost like I'm hearing it. Then that feeling like I'm being watched comes in. Then the ouline of the spirit.