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Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 7:48 pm
by SpiritTalker
Here's my cockeyed theory:

The Reptilians invented the Cabal/NWO/global elitists as a way of getting humanity to obligingly destroy itself, so the Reptilians could re-assert their claim to the planet. Ages ago, they had experimental lifeforms (dinosaurs)& terraforming projects, but they got wiped out by a comet strike and ice age years ago, so the Reptilans left.

Annunaki claim jumpers then began mining the earth thereafter and messed with the DNA of one or more of the surviving humanoid species to make us to do the labor. Annunaki's also eventually left, but kept an oar in the water to hold their claim. But the Reptilians oppose them.

And for some odd reason we human sapien sapiens think Earth is ours.

Galactic law won't allow Reptilians or Annunaki to claim Earth, recognizing present global species rights, so unless another global catastrophe naturally occurs or humanity disposes of itself, the Reptilians don't have a claim.

And this is what's behind the Secret Space Program, and both world wars. I think humanity gets credit for the rest of the mess like the Military Industrial Pharmaceutical complex, due to greed & trying to beat the Reptilians at their own game.


Just to let you know how truly flakey I can be, I dreamt I was OOB last night and sat in the Tesla Roadster alongside Starman to chat/think this over. He's a good listener. There was quite a crowd, as a lot of people had the same idea.

Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 4:13 am
by planewalker
Might I suggest that the Reptilians are actually one of earths first sapient races that left the earth because they knew the asteroid was in bound. By leaving they gave up the rights they had to earth as they were now a space fairing people. As such they were obliged to go along with the rules that govern space fairing races.

Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 10:19 am
by SpiritTalker
Hmm. Excellent point. You snooze, you lose.

Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 9:25 pm
by SnowCat
The reptilian I encountered were not of terran origin. The were trying to claim the planet, despite the life that was developing.

Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 10:37 pm
by Shekinah
I guess when all is said and done we should ask ourselves do we really need an exponentially multiplying population of 7.5 billion humans? On the horizon lurks AI that will replace the human work force thousands of times more efficiently. It will learn and watch and soon discover radical riotous humans may be a problem AI might best dispose of if AI hopes to survive.
Already some of our autonomous weapon systems have the freedom to select targets of opportunity and our next generation of fighter aircraft will be unmanned and will fly and kill in coordinated swarms. If we are not very careful and deeply thoughtful our species will be rendered obsolete and simply become a problem to be eliminated so that a far more intelligent civilization of self evolving and self replicating AI entities will be free to roam the galaxy. Don't believe it just listen to Stephen Hawking's warning. In the not so distant future we will have to demonstrate to AI that we can behave.

Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 11:23 pm
by Firebird
(Thanks dad, I know you really didn't mean it and was concerned for the cat out of the bag,... oh the woes of Pandora)

Ummmm unfortunately more than likely any cataclysm will not be at our hands but at the hands of the Goddess herself, she's pi**ed, and quite done with our bs. She will use her planet.

Bb, heatseekerbird

Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 2:15 am
by planewalker
We definitely stand at the cross roads of history. Will our space navy do a false flag in which we just barely beat back an invasion from space. The world then will be happy about the weapons platforms we have in space. They can't question the "invaders" because their not of this world. Right. Sure. We than have the Pax Americana on a radically different world.

Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 2:47 am
by SpiritTalker
We have to wake up and control ourselves or population control will be forced to be regulated. China has recognized it & been able to more or less enforce what is an extremely difficult issue. There is no easy answer. Crises usually enforces itself.

Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:48 pm
by ThunderFog
Interesting post, so is all this talk about alien races and portals and limited viewing of a person's future an actual thing or some kind of fiction I feel like I missed a news article or something somewhere after reading through all this

Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 7:13 pm
by SpiritTalker
I have no personal connection but IMO Project Looking glass and Stargate are genuine studies. I would guess they’re still in use with new names. Shekinah could tell us more.

Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 7:47 pm
by ThunderFog
What's IMO?

Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 7:52 pm
by Firebird
ThunderFog wrote:Interesting post, so is all this talk about alien races and portals and limited viewing of a person's future an actual thing or some kind of fiction I feel like I missed a news article or something somewhere after reading through all this
I have feeling some of this thread was diverted because folks were getting crazy.
IMO= In My Opinion

Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 8:12 pm
by ThunderFog
It's all interesting, crazy or not I'd still like to hear about it

Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 8:42 pm
by SpiritTalker
You could check out the Project Camelot website YouTube’s. They do interviews. Look on their list for Dr Dan Burisch. He worked at S4, Area 51. There’s a four part series of interviews with him on Looking Glass. Maybe Shekinah can suggest Stargate info videos. I’ve read Lyn Buchanan & Joe McMonegal’s older books, and I have 2 of Ingo Swann’s in my to-be-read tower.

Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 8:44 pm
by Firebird
I meant crazy in the sense that folk weren't respecting each other. I really don't remember. sometimes chunks of threads get removed if someone gets banned and they were using abusive language.