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Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 2:11 pm
by RuneGeek
Witchcraft is a practice; Wicca is a religion. One can be Wiccan and not practice witchcraft, just as one can practice witchcraft without being Wiccan.

You can be a Christian and a motorcycle rider; you can be a Christian and a chef; you can be a Christian and a witch. Being a witch is something that one does, not something that one is. (Although we often tend to define ourselves by what we do if we're really passionate about it.)

That said, I believe there are ways of doing things that are more correct than others. Intrinsic to most forms of witchcraft is the premise of duality, i.e. that there must be balance and harmony between energies. The idea of god as male-only is an invention of a patriarchal society and abhorrent to most of the pagans and witches that I know; we are biological beings of the natural world and the idea of a male god with no female equal/opposite just doesn't fly in that context.

I really think the most important thing that a person can do is to educate him- or herself about whatever religion(s) they feel drawn to, as well as at least gaining a cursory knowledge of the other religions of the world. Seeing the larger picture is very important for people who choose this path.

Of course these are just my opinions, and I - like everyone else - am merely a humble seeker of truth. ::coolglasses:: As they say... "your mileage may vary."

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 2:02 pm
by kitchenwitch
RuneGeek wrote:Witchcraft is a practice; Wicca is a religion. One can be Wiccan and not practice witchcraft, just as one can practice witchcraft without being Wiccan.

You can be a Christian and a motorcycle rider; you can be a Christian and a chef; you can be a Christian and a witch. Being a witch is something that one does, not something that one is. (Although we often tend to define ourselves by what we do if we're really passionate about it.)

That said, I believe there are ways of doing things that are more correct than others. Intrinsic to most forms of witchcraft is the premise of duality, i.e. that there must be balance and harmony between energies. The idea of god as male-only is an invention of a patriarchal society and abhorrent to most of the pagans and witches that I know; we are biological beings of the natural world and the idea of a male god with no female equal/opposite just doesn't fly in that context.

I really think the most important thing that a person can do is to educate him- or herself about whatever religion(s) they feel drawn to, as well as at least gaining a cursory knowledge of the other religions of the world. Seeing the larger picture is very important for people who choose this path.

Of course these are just my opinions, and I - like everyone else - am merely a humble seeker of truth. ::coolglasses:: As they say... "your mileage may vary."
Very Well put. I think that explains it pretty well.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 1:50 pm
by Starwitch
JackRabbitSlims, it's true that it would be difficult to be a Christian Witch if you were following the church's definition of what it means to be a Christian. The people who are able to do both are people who have decided that they disagree with the church's idea of what constitutes Christianity. So they basically interpret the religion as it feels best to them and suits their needs. When you do it that, there is no conflict. The only conflict is in what other people and the church may think of your beliefs.

I used to feel as you did, that the two couldn't be combined. But I realized that I was seeing things from the Church's perspective. When I started seeing things from a spiritual perspective it was easier to understand how someone can take what they want from Christianity, leave the rest behind (like almost all Christians do anyway) and then add in the pagan beliefs that they felt a connection with.

Bright Blessings,

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:02 pm
by kitchenwitch
wrote:JackRabbitSlims, it's true that it would be difficult to be a Christian Witch if you were following the church's definition of what it means to be a Christian. The people who are able to do both are people who have decided that they disagree with the church's idea of what constitutes Christianity. So they basically interpret the religion as it feels best to them and suits their needs. When you do it that, there is no conflict. The only conflict is in what other people and the church may think of your beliefs.

I used to feel as you did, that the two couldn't be combined. But I realized that I was seeing things from the Church's perspective. When I started seeing things from a spiritual perspective it was easier to understand how someone can take what they want from Christianity, leave the rest behind (like almost all Christians do anyway) and then add in the pagan beliefs that they felt a connection with.

Bright Blessings,
Thanks . That really describes it quite well.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:03 am
by Zytoon
Sorry if this has already been covered but I couldn't read the whole thread.

Though shalt not suffer a witch to live. Is old testament berfore christ. In fact it is in levitacus which is from Moses' time. The problem as with so many christians they take a part of the bible and use it out of context. The actual use of the word is denouncing the practice of sleeping with an animal. In the anceint greek. Which the LXX or sepruigan was written in the term for someone who has sex with an animal and that of a witch are the same. The greeks beleived that witches gained there power by sleeping with animals not pagan practicaners of magic. If you think I am makeing this up look it up your self.

Oh and btw though some of my post may lead you to think otherwise I am a christan convert.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:10 am
by kitchenwitch
Zytoon wrote:Sorry if this has already been covered but I couldn't read the whole thread.

Though shalt not suffer a witch to live. Is old testament berfore christ. In fact it is in levitacus which is from Moses' time. The problem as with so many christians they take a part of the bible and use it out of context. The actual use of the word is denouncing the practice of sleeping with an animal. In the anceint greek. Which the LXX or sepruigan was written in the term for someone who has sex with an animal and that of a witch are the same. The greeks beleived that witches gained there power by sleeping with animals not pagan practicaners of magic. If you think I am makeing this up look it up your self.

Oh and btw though some of my post may lead you to think otherwise I am a christan convert.
That's interesting. Where can I read more on this? It's fascinating how things were meant to mean on thing, and over the many year began meaning something else.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:32 pm
by Granamyr
The craft is simply a set of tools for moving and using energy. Christians pray...which is the act of sending up energy (your words and intent) to their deity. Now, many Christians will probably be adverse to certain practices within the craft and that's OK. Not all witches practice the same way or do the same things.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:07 pm
by Alicat

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:21 pm
by mnpred
The Bible is not entierly reliable, rember the books that where not included in the bible. including the book that describes the Holy Ghost as being the Virgin Mary. I beleve that the bible was tampered with more than we know by the popes of old.

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:03 pm
by purplesummer
mnpred wrote:The Bible is not entierly reliable, rember the books that where not included in the bible. including the book that describes the Holy Ghost as being the Virgin Mary. I beleve that the bible was tampered with more than we know by the popes of old.
The whole Bible has been tampered with. Not just the New Testament. We do not have the original scriptures from the Bible. We have ones that were close to when they would have been written but not the original text. Also 3/4 of the Bible is based off of different pagan beliefs. The Bible is the most unoriginal set of stories I have ever read.

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 6:14 pm
by [Guardian Wolf]
Voodoo is Christian witchcraft as well as Wicca. Even though Wicca is more mainstream outside of the south, don't forget Voodoo.

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 1:05 am
by Burning_Dogma
look up the works of enoch or enochain systems of magic... and john dee was a christian oh and by the way jesus was not a carpenter he was a master of the craft another thing jesus was born in january not in december so what do they celebrate on christmas? would it be the winter solstice

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 3:16 am
by theSeeker
MoonStone wrote: in fact that particular phrase I referenced came from my 11 year old daughter's best friend (who is a witch-hating Christian). I'm interested to know more about how those who do, combine the two faiths. It's interesting to see all that's molded to fit the particular agenda at the time though.
While I was raised in a Christian family and went to a God fearing church I have to say that I was never filled with the desire to HATE anyone that was different in body, age, sex, language, or religion... as a young child I was given the maturity to know that God was more than just a book or building and that ones spiritual belief would move through many paths before a person was to find their place of being... that which they came from.

And I while still hold to some of my Christian Faith - I have also allowed my self to grow spiritually and not religiously (that which is found in a book)..... as it is the SPIRIT that created the place we came from and it is the SPIRIT we will find our way home to.

One shall never dismiss that which started them on their true spiritual journey.... and that for me came from my Christian background, that which open my soul to the Spiritual World.

... blessing

i am a christian witch

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 8:37 pm
by ravenblackwolf
hi you want to know about christian witch well i am one. first off let me say that i respect everyones right to practice there faith what ever that may be. i believe that if you have to be something be the best something you can. well here goes first it is not easy to be a christian witch. both sides of all religions say it is not possable but yes it is. when god created the universe he created the universe to hold life to birth the trees and flowers to hold animals to be a mother. that would say that god is not male as some would believe but god is all things. he is the trees he is the flowers and everything this world is. he created it he is it. when jesus came to this earth he came not to love some he loves all. he never spoke a word of hate. he healed he loved he forgave sins. being a christian witch means excepting his word and his love. knowing that all gods are one god. if you stop and look you will see that we are not so different. we seperate ourselves for ignorance we are intolerant. just think of what christ repersented and what the craft really is and if you look you will see how compatable we really are. blessed be/god bless

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:45 am
by moonlit
the problem is that there are so many differant versions of the Bible that people can basically make it mean whatever they want anymore.

I was raised in a christian home. It was basically forced down my throat all of the time. I didnt mind church but I couldnt be perfect the way my parents wanted. When things started happening to me. ( getting visions, seeing things etc.) and I told my parents about it they told me I was alowing satan to decieve me, and the things I saw were demons in disgiuse.

It didnt match up so I went searching for my own answer with my cousin, who had been having things happen with her as well. If it wouldnt have been for supporting people like you and my grandmother I dont know where I would be now.