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Re: Received Hex Letter in Mail, How to Dispose of It?!

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 3:33 am
by freyja13
MsMollimizz wrote: Freyja,
I'm so sorry about not getting back to you sooner...
life gets in the way sometimes...damn it !

This is just my opinion, now...
Gather everything from this, ashes, papers, even papers you've written
about this, anything connected !
Gather a fire-proof container-NOT YOUR CAULDRON.
some sage-leaf, incense, or cooking sage for protection; some kind of mint
for your pain release-green tea can work just infuse it with your intent to release.
Gather some dry twigs from trees and bushes-Cedar works good for protection also.
Don't bother writing anything cause that leads back to problem. Just spout off a quick
diddity about what comes around goes around and stays with them.
place ashes on "tray" cover with sticks and any herbs you have-don't worry if you don't
have it all-you are the power !
Set it all on fire- watch it burn all the way down while saying your thingy and let
Mother Earth remove all the ashes. Walk away don't turn around and go inside-don't
think about it the rest of the night to let their energy dissipate. All done.
Gentle Light
Thank you so much. I'm going to add this into my book of shadows as well as the method I explained below.
As soon as I tied the mirrors together with tape and put it in a bag with salt. All the while chanting the witches rune. I tied the bag thrice and then I got this feeling cocompletely drained my stomach began to hurt and I think this was a result of my energy draining and or some sort of sign that all that negative energy left my body or that somehow I tapped into the sender because I wrote return to sender and felt his or her pain. I am an empath so that could be a result. In more of an astral traveller though which is more of a problem sometimes than a blessing as I travel too much sometimes. However I have been placing a grounding Crystal on my bed at night which has been helping.

Re: Received Hex Letter in Mail, How to Dispose of It?!

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 6:51 pm
by MsMollimizz
Might want to think about some Obsidian for protection, too !
According to Ted Andrews, stomach pains can be from not
completely "digesting" information/feelings or energy can be
stuck...might I suggest a few graham crackers to push any
remaining stuff ?
Gentle Light

Re: Received Hex Letter in Mail, How to Dispose of It?!

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 10:29 am
by Greek_Male_Witch
I have a spell I can share with you its for Hex/Negativity Removal and it always works for me...the funny thing is I bought it (but from some fellow witches that have handmade items on ebay) I will send it to you through pm...try it! it works! :)