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Re: First time openly talking about this.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 12:27 pm
by SnowCat
Shawn Blackwolf wrote:When I lived in Arizona , during the late 70's ,
we could see a giant pyramid from the road ,
on the military base by Sierra Vista...

Near Bisbee , Arizona...

One of the largest open pit copper mines in
the United States , and where they leached
uranium from the pilings...

( I googled Wallop Island...yeah...another "perfect spot" )
We spent a long period of time on Virginia's east shore in 1971. I finally researched to see what the government would have been doing, and Wallops Island launch facility came up. I know my dad was involved with weather satellites. We were at Cape Canaveral when the mice went up.

The uranium stuff is familiar too. A former patient of mine worked for Floyd Odlum back when Odlum was buying up all the uranium claims.


Re: First time openly talking about this.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 4:55 pm
by SpiritTalker
Shawn Blackwolf wrote: I know how weird it can be , Maggie...and Wolf , and

There are stories , of those who rewired our Dna...

I do not believe we were rewired...I "know" the code is the wiring
which allows us to perceive waves as particles , and "see" spacetime
as we do...yet , if one awakens to the code , or is initiated into it ,
they can begin to boot up the "neural operating system" , and "interface"
with different dimensions...

Best to all...this is a most strange world , and dimensional interface ,
we exist within...or so , at least , it "seems we do"...;)

Shawn, isn't this the very heart of the Montauk Project?

Mama, I had a friend in the FBI and, skip to the point, multiple autopsies at time of even natural-appearing death is routine in the government military industrial complex. It took six weeks to bury my friend. Every organization had to sign off satisfactorily. None of them trusted the others to the job to their protocols. I was working at the cemetery where he would be buried at the time, and so had some teeny inside hints. And knew his mom.

Re: First time openly talking about this.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 7:40 pm
by Shawn Blackwolf
Yes, Spirit Talker, it is.

Yet, there are "natural methods" to bring this about
and what we could call "forced". The same was done
with some of the people trained for "remote viewing".

I was flown to a millionaire's house in L.A., years ago,
to teach him and a group he had gathered around him
the code. Physicists, mathematicians, experts in many
fields, and "spiritual teachers" of various disciplines.

One of those people was a caretaker for the abandoned
remote viewing facility on a remote part of a Hawaiian
island. He was also one of the remote viewers.

He told me the reason why they abandoned the remote
viewing project was they were now working on something
far more advanced. Remote projection of reality states
using advanced technology and highly trained humans whose consciousness was shaped by experimental techniques.

(The real Matrix)

They "look" for those who fit what they consider the necessary
parameters for those experiments from a very young age.

And often cull those from military families, mental institutions,
homes for abandoned children, or those who excel at science in

(by the way, the day I was getting ready to leave, Drunvalo Melchizedek
showed up and I showed him where the "Flower of Life" came from in the
code and how the Mason who introduced him to it only showed him the
very minute tip of the iceberg of the information hidden in the code.)

One of the people I taught the code to who was already "tapped in "
was Patrick Flanagan. ... ions23.htm

Who was grabbed by the military after he invented his
atomic bomb sensor for a high school science project.

Removed from his parents.

He is good friends with Nick Begich Jr.: ... ch_Program

Of course, once those who are in charge of projects
obtain their desired information and results, they
shut down facilities and in the meantime issue denials.

Yet, if one looks into the patents filed, regarding Haarp,
one would find interesting things.

Enough of this for now. I want to address Wolf and Magpie,
and bring this back to how all this ties in.;)

Re: First time openly talking about this.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 9:43 pm
by Shekinah
If it be any consolation we have never encountered a malignant alien intelligence in our Star Gate experiences. Seems the bad dudes self destruct prior to achieving deep space trekking capability. Consider: If they be bad we would have been gone long ago. We have no defense against beings billions of years our senior.

Re: First time openly talking about this.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 9:52 pm
by SpiritTalker
I'm all for teaching and acquiring natural methods. I've heard of the training methods, and kids. Still dunno what it has to do with alien abductions. Seems like the government has it's own freaking program and the aliens have another. :shock:

Sheikinah, that makes me feel better. :)

Re: First time openly talking about this.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 10:00 pm
by Shawn Blackwolf
You mean this ?

And you must be referring to Dames' comments ,
as he is the renegade , appearing on Coast to Coast...;)

( and no , I don't listen to it...friends tell me I should go on )

Re: First time openly talking about this.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 10:25 pm
by Wolf
They may not be evil...but thats even worse. Evil you can grasp. Evil you can work with. But what is worse? Cold, unfeeling, uncaring...That is not a force that will implode on itself. Good and Evil...Benign and Malign....very human concepts, but much much too black and white. No, these forces, these beings, I always have seen as beyond such things.

Re: First time openly talking about this.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 11:01 pm
by Shawn Blackwolf
Yeah, Spirit Talker,

But what is underneath the government projects is
the knowledge of the code, which is what has been
called by many names throughout the aeons in
many different cultures and traditions around the world.

Including the term "alien technology".

The governments who are researching this under certain
programs are seeking to "catch up" and apply the knowledge
to their purposes, including dimensional exploration and world defense.

Think of a code so vast, it not only accesses any and all information
you seek, if you know the right "search program", not just now, but
in any "time frame", as in that Brian Greene video I posted in another thread.

More than that, we are wired with the code. It is our human bio computer
operating program and, as it is the program the universe is running as well,
it either runs without our knowledge, underlying our daily existence, or some
who have innate abilities, even evident in childhood, can access the code and
write and rewrite the program. This is why certain individuals are sought out.

It is a "chess game" on a multidimensional cartesian map with wormholes into
hyperspace included in the code:

Earth = 255

School = 255

This is an interdimensional way station for education in
the information needed to play the game. The problem for
most beings is they are the pawns on the board to be
sacrificed by those who have been initiated or who have
woken up.

However, there are also those playing the game in a different way.

Those who Robert Anton Wilson called "Intelligence Agents".

Those who throw monkey wrenches into the program and work to
initiate and awaken the worlds into the larger picture by organizations,
media, spiritual and magical technique. Look around as Wolf says. He
sees the runes everywhere. I understand very well, yet that is only one
language of the code's program, which allows us to perceive the waves
as particles around us.

As we awaken to the program, even if many do not even realize that is
what they are doing, we have access to multidimensional reality and
information data banks, yet some are tapped in naturally and at a young age.

Some come into life as we call it, not having forgotten their interface with
the code and consciousness before birth. These are the most sought after.

I would ask everyone to wrap their mind around this and as I just read Wolf's post,
before I post this answer, I shall add something, hopefully to assist.

If you knew a code of 44 to the 77th power bits of information, at it's base level,
would there be any right or wrong, which could be considered absolute?

From that code, could all thought be thought?

All life begun, all forms manifested, all events occurred?

All myths, stories written?

All cultures, civilizations created?

All stars and universes born, existing, and passing, written from that code?

All gods, goddesses, spirits, and all beings emanated from and returning to the
background when their part of the program ran it's course?

If you were one with this knowledge, "normal" ideas of perception could not would
not (and do not) apply.;)

The code is the vast Web of Weyyrd. The interconnections of the hyperspace coordinate
system of a organic intelligence, continually evolving and by doing that, making no
judgement, on what manifests from itself, just doing what it wrote itself to do.

Experience and evolve in it's program.;)

And *that* is just the basics, as I know them.;)

What I call the Faery Tradition is knowledge of the code, how to access the information,
and the techniques some could term magical to effect "reality".

I do not just live in the program now. I am, more and more, learning how to write it.

And this is what those we call aliens, the governments, and those called intelligence agents,
are concerned with. Some want you to know, some don't, some will put you to sleep, or
keep you there, some will gently nudge you awake, some will force you to get up against
your will, some just hide because they know, and it is too much, some even go on the web ,
in cyberspace. Another vast program in a program, used by programs, to communicate with
other programs. Just to see if they could even possibly help others grasp the immensity of it all.;)

And for now...That's all, folks!... smiley_dance :surprisedwitch: :lol: ::coolglasses::

Re: First time openly talking about this.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 11:06 pm
by SnowCat
Spirit, for years after my dad died, I had dreams that he came back and told us that the government had faked his death. Those dreams were unsettling.


Re: First time openly talking about this.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 11:21 pm
by Shawn Blackwolf
SnowCat wrote:Spirit, for years after my dad died, I had dreams that he came back and told us that the government had faked his death. Those dreams were unsettling.

Ever hear of this "Brother of the Craft" , and scientist , SnowCat ? ... _engineer)

Now *this* is weird...I just went to Wiki , copied the link , posted it
clicked it here , and it came up "does not exist"...

I have linked this *many* times...;)

I am going to try again... ... _engineer)

Re: First time openly talking about this.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 11:31 pm
by Shawn Blackwolf
Okay...sue me for plagiarism...
[EDIT... We'd rather not :) ]

But this is too weird...

Here is the article it says does not exist...

But I just saw it ,
[EDIT, it's out there this first it may help. Topic Jack Parsons] ... ml#p263969

Re: First time openly talking about this.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 9:18 am
by SpiritTalker
SnowCat wrote:Spirit, for years after my dad died, I had dreams that he came back and told us that the government had faked his death. Those dreams were unsettling.


Snow, I can only imagine how such a dream would leave you shaking with a swarm of mixed emotions. (long distance hug)

Re: First time openly talking about this.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 10:02 am
by SpiritTalker
Wolf wrote:They may not be evil...but thats even worse. Evil you can grasp. Evil you can work with. But what is worse? Cold, unfeeling, uncaring...That is not a force that will implode on itself. Good and Evil...Benign and Malign....very human concepts, but much much too black and white. No, these forces, these beings, I always have seen as beyond such things.

Wolf, I know it's nigh impossible to conceive, but occasionally ive experienced that they have a sense of humor and do show compassion. It's the kidnapping, and "procedures" I object to. Reasonably so. I wish we & the grays could just meet for coffee...okay, that probably won't happen.

The coldness of the researcher toward the lab rats...or, are the "worker bees" who carry out the routine procedures cloned and replicated or partial machines themselves? what is their society like? Are some grays actually robots made to resemble a species they work for, to carry out the undesirable tasks of working with smelly humans who punch, kick & bite?

Shawn, I've run into the references and material on Parsons that you've presented. He pops in and out like a ghost across the trail of assorted personal research I've done over the years.

I'd done an 18 month twice weekly channeling of a technique in which the basic idea was that materialization by visualization is producing an image in time by bisection of a reflection. The accompanying diagrams were X/Y axis sin curves. Nothing I can reproduce here...and just another piece of the pie...or phi.

Re: First time openly talking about this.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 10:44 am
by SnowCat
Jack Parsons is not familiar, but Google Marshall Coon of Boulder, CO


Re: First time openly talking about this.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 10:41 pm
by Wolf

As far as the code goes, it has been ringing around in my head for days now and I finally remembered why, then I spent the last couple hours trying to find the exact quote. Its from the Master Therion himself, Crowley.

"Every nursery rime contains profound magical secrets which are open to every one who has made a study of the correspondences of the Holy Qabalah. To puzzle out an imaginary meaning for this ‘nonsense’ sets one thinking of the Mysteries; one enters into deep contemplation of holy things and God Himself leads the soul to a real illumination."

This seems to be about the same "universal code". However the more I read of your posts, the more it seems that your code is simply the lifeblood of magic itself. Throw in a dash of "we are all one, beings of energy, everything is energy" and a pinch of more typical crowley-esque "every act of your will is an act of magick"...and we have a simplified version of the form of the code.

But like all great mysteries, in the old truest sense of the word, the one viewing it in either its simplest or most complex form can not comprehend or utilize the code unless they comprehend and utilize it. You can't know it until you can. You will never understand it until you understand it. This code, no matter what translator you use, be it runes, qabalah, or the secret decoder ring from a crackerjack box, is the same code viewed through different lenses. Though what you are after is the root of the code, breaking it down into the binary of the universe...

I'm not really coming to a point with this. Moreso just asking if I am on the right track.

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