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Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 6:27 pm
by BabyBear
I am hoping to learn more about my past lifes but as of now i only know that i was a women in japan back in the early 1600s and ik the samurai Miyamoto Musashi, i even know that i know another name for his sword then the ones most know, and that i was a women of high birth... the details are fuzzy on this life because i use to meditate and dream about this one and ever time i wake up i rememberer only bits a pieces some of which i wrote down others i didnt. As a results Ive always been in love with japan and Korea, I have even learned Japanese and tend to watch more tv from them then i do American.

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 5:31 pm
by AnaisStar
Those are great stories.

If you are interested in reading more about PLs than pick up anything by Brian Weiss (Many LIves, Many Masters).

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 5:57 am
by Rhiannon
I think in one of my past lives I 'm in England. I feel so touched to it, even right now.

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 9:01 am
by BabyBear
thanks for the advice Anais i shall look him up

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 2:11 pm
by Jen
I have always felt connected to american indians. They are in my blood line. My grandpa said his grandma use to sit on the front porch and smoke her wacky tabcky. :lol: As a child I had a vision of a girl with long dark hair who in the middle of a field of flowers. She was smiling, dancing and smelling the flowers. Suddenly the sky grew dark there was a tornado. It picked her up up as it went through the field.

Just like that the field was empty like she had never even been there. When I came to so to speak. I was crying uncontrollably. My parents were trying to understand why I was so upset. My dad get annoyed with me. My mom held me til I fell asleep. Just thought I would share.

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 5:05 pm
by ness
Thanks Jen, for bumping this thread up. This is a very interesting thread.

I think in one of my past lives, I lived in Peru. I grew up in South Asia and had never heard of Macchu Piccu. About 6 years about I saw Macchu Piccu on TV for like 20 sec and it was like a light bulb switched on. I felt like I found my place. Its so weird, I feel like thats my home. I have a strong urge to go to Peru and I really hope I can, some day. I also have dreams where I am part of a tribe and vision of standing on top of a mountain.

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 8:14 pm
by Jen
Ness, very cool!

When I was 15 I went to a sleepover at my friends looked out the window. I swear I saw a tropical beach at night. As I looked down I was naked saw a pair of dark tan arms wrap around my waist. I was in a familiar place I have never seen before. I was on a balcony of a castle with my new husband and thanked him for all of that was in front of us. I do not know where I was but it was beautiful, tropic and apparently mine! I love that one. It was such a beautiful moment. :D

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:29 pm
by Seraphin
I was told in 1997 by an extraordinary Polish psychic (now dead) and in 2000 by one of my guides that I had been a Mesopotamian scribe, a keeper of esoteric wisdom 4,000 years ago. This was told to me at the time when I was still an unbeliever of reincarnation and past lives.

I just confirmed this later when I joined a pagan community that teaches "Solar Adoration." One of the practices I learned is being performed as an early morning ritual to greet the rising sun. We were instructed to sit facing the East and wait for the sun to rise over the mountains and the forest. As soon as the first rays of the sun appeared over the horizon, we would all stand up and raise our right hands in salute to the sun.

As I did the same gesture, I told the group that I had a strange but precise feeling that I had done this ritual before as a monk in ancient Mesopotamia. I was flabbergasted at the memory of it. It was as if I was transported back to the early civilization of the Fertile Cresent. I could clearly see myself doing that in my ancient caftan. When our lecturer heard that, she smiled at me and said that it's a restatement of the rituals and teachings of Mesoptamia and Egypt told in modern language. Woaahh...I didn't know that :shock: .

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 6:41 am
by dreamcatcher
A while back, I took some school sponsored classical guitar lessons. There was this one piece of music, just a warm up, really, but for some reason whenever we played it, I just felt all sorts of different wild emotions and they were sometimes accompanied by visions of me in a large old room playing the guitar with a male instructor just out of my view. I can't tell the exact time period, but I wore a gown and I knew he was dressed as a gentleman with the waist coat and everything. The scene always felt extremely sad and mournful, as if I was about to leave something behind, and sometimes there would be nothing in the room but me, not even furniture.
That was what really confirmed my belief in past lives because just a few days before this had started, I did a quest for a past life, pretty simple mediation trying to send my thoughts back, and I fell asleep in the middle of it and had a dream where I was the same girl in the visions from guitar and my hair was very dark and I wore a long blue gown. I was younger in this dream than I was in the vision by a few years and I was in a field running and laughing as I chased my little sister, who was fair and blonde, wearing a light green gown. I think she had green eyes also. And I could just tell that I loved her so much. She kept on turning her head back to check that I was still following
I also got the inkling that I had been convicted as a witch and put to death. I had a few seconds vision of me about the same age as I was in the guitar visions, perhaps sixteen or seventeen, in a coffin.

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 10:49 pm
by Moonfire
Up until tonight I wasn't really sure what my past life was. But I had given an offering to Thoth and prayed to him. I then held a bit of a conversation with him, I guess. And he suddenly revealed to me that I was once a dancer for the Pharaoh (one of thirteen I think). I asked him more about it and he told me that there was one of the Pharaoh's top scribes that was obsessed with me, which I did not welcome. But I felt that he couldn't do much because I was one of the Pharaoh's favorite dancers. In the end the Scribe stabbed me in the stomach and then dumped me in the Nile. I remembered how bright the moon was (full, just like tonight), the smell of lotus flowers floating along the shore, the cool of the desert night air and how I jingled when I walked across the fresh grass along it's banks because of the bracelets. And I remember the deep dark of the river swallowing me up and how scared I was. Then Thoth informed me that no one discovered where I went or knew about what the Scribe did or how he coveted me.

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 4:54 pm
by Nightwatcher
I'm 95% sure I was in the Roman Empire at once point. When I visited Rome, I seems to keep finding all the temples and ruins connected with Greek culture. Also, the whole place just felt... well, like home. I've traveled abroad quite a bit to many different countries (I've been blessed) but no where has made me felt so utterly at home and comfortable as Rome did. However, because I always had almost an obsession with Greek mythology, I think I may have been an acolyte or devotee to the Greek pantheon even though I was in Rome.

Edit: Actually, now that I think, I may have been a acolyte of Thanatos; I have never been afraid to die and when others become sad about death I feel... well, normal. As if I already understand it's simply a part of the life cycle and it's nothing to become utterly distraught about and fall apart for.

I may also have died in one of my lives via suicide. When my biggest trial happened 4 years ago (personal, don't ask) I contemplated suicide but then I got angry at myself for being weak - again. So I may have forgotten which life or why, but I learned my lesson; life is still precious and dying will not solve the problem. And since I became angry over that though, I'm guessing the problem that caused me to commit suicide still persisted into the next life.

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 2:43 pm
by Bychan Wulf
I tried the easiest way to remember my past lives and I'm not sure if it's only my imagination or is the true thing... hopefully the future will show me more.

What I experienced until now:
1) I was in an old village, looking at a wooden table which had a plate with polenta on it (so I suppose I was in eastern Europe or western Asia). The feeling I got was of pure anger and the need to yellow at someone; also felt like a man.
2) I was a soldier, going into a medieval bar,taking a seat and drinking alcohol (yuk!). A man with a higher rank came and talked about something. What I heard were my thoughts saying ( "we are finally going to do it") and I felt really excited.
3) It is possible to have a Slavic past life too as I love the language,music and people with no reason. I also feel a strong connection to Russia,despite the political disagreement system my county has with it.

I'll try again as all the mix of feelings and images is so much fun. :-)

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 3:24 pm
by moonraingirl
Wow Bychan Wulf, that's quite elaborate and sounds like authentic memory. Can you describe the meditation to get there?

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 3:37 pm
by Bychan Wulf
I do it before falling asleep.
1)Ground&Center then I picture myself and my spirit wolf (I tend to get physically hurd while dreaming so protection is necessary),walking across a long hallway with a door at it's end.You can picture it as you wish. Mine is Gothic and lit by torches.
2) Walk and feel each step,the sound your footsteps make,the shadow, and concentrate on thar as you come closer to the door and you feel the excitement grow.
3) Touch the knob and feel it's texture,it's cold. Then push the door slowly.
4)Enter the room and accept everything that comes to you.

Re: Who do you think you were in a past life?

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 3:45 pm
by moonraingirl
will try it today!